Chapter 20: There and Back Again

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The fiery glow of the sunrise shone through into the train as you slept peacefully in Jacob's bed, the bedsheets thrown over your body. Jacob watched you, his brain comprehending all that could have happened to you if he did not get there in time. It wasn't something he would ever truly get over if it ever did occur, how would he have been able to live with himself? With a deflated sigh, he made his way to the other car where Evie rested. Her eyes followed Jacob as he approached.

"How is she?" She asked, her voice hushed.

"She's asleep, she was absolutely exhausted," Jacob sighed and fell into the chair opposite his sister, "She can't stay here... with us,"

"What do you mean?" Evie's brows furrowed.

"Lucy and Starrick will be after her, or even if they aren't, she's still in danger if she is with us... with me," Jacob's eyes wandered into nothingness, "She'll be used as bait,"

Evie couldn't help but feel sorry for her twin brother, she had never seen such sadness in his eyes before. She knew that the way he felt for you was like no love he ever experienced before. It wasn't just a fling, it was real, it was like how she felt for Henry almost, if not stronger. With a slow nod, she spoke carefully, "This is probably the most sense and the most selfless you've ever been, Jacob. Maybe this will be for the best, for her sake,"

"I guess we better prepare her things," Jacob said distantly.


You woke the next morning with the sound of the train's horn blaring loudly upon entry to Charing Cross station. With a stretch of your aching limbs, you sat up and pulled slightly at the curtains seeing the busy station platform. A glimpse at the station's clock marked 11 o'clock. A sweet smell grabbed your attention, and opposite the bed on a side table was a tray of pastries and tea. You smiled slightly and picked up the note that was placed on the tray.

Eat up, I will be back soon,

I love you,


Smile widening, you placed the note down and began to tuck in.

An hour passed before Jacob finally came back to the train. As he walked up to you, he planted a lingering kiss on your forehead, "How are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you," You smiled up at him, but it soon faded as you saw the distant and saddened look on his face, "What is the matter?"

There was a hesitation before Jacob crouched down in front of you as you sat in the armchair, and he took your hand into his, "Please know that this isn't because I don't love you, but..."

"But what?"

"I think... well, me and Evie think it would be safer for you to return back to Cambridge, with your mother-" He began. Your eyes widened, and abruptly you tore your hand from his and rose to your aching feet, "[Name], I know this is hard, but it would be for the best,"

"You don't tell me what is for the best, Jacob," You shook your head, the thought of leaving him and London was tearing your heart apart, "I'm not leaving here,"

Jacob rose to his feet and walked over to you, once more attempting to hold your hands,  "[Name] please, what happened yesterday might not be the first time. In fact, Starrick will now use you knowing that you are our weakness. I cannot allow you to stay here if you are to get hurt because of me,"

"That isn't your choice to make!" You cried out, tears forming in your eyes in disbelief that he was even considering sending you away, "I thought you loved me!"

"I do, I love you so much that it hurts to breathe," Jacob grasped his shirt, pulling it to emphasize the pain he was going through doing this to you. As you began to sob, Jacob cupped his hands against your cheek and pressed his forehead against yours, "I love you so so much,"

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