Chapter 18: Crawford Starrick

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Bodies scattered across the muddied cobbles. Facedown. Lifeless. Blood smattered across the bricked walls of the buildings and black acrid smoke whisked into the cloudy sky. It was a massacre, and Jacob stood shocked, eyes skimming the bodies in horror. A hand twitched amongst the dead, and a groan was heard before a bloodied head began to lift. 


Jacob hastened his steps, reaching to the body that seemed to raise from the dead, it's hair loosened from its tie. Finally able to recognise who it was, Jacob gave out a relieved sigh as he helped her to sit up.

"Lottie, where is she?"

"They took her... knocked her out cold and took off with her," She winced as she felt the throbbing pain of the gunshot wound in her arm, "We tried to stop them, but there was too many of 'em, sir,"

"Who's 'they'?"

"The Blighters, sir,"

With a grit of his teeth, Jacob's jaw visibly clenched and without a second thought, he kicked over a nearby brazier. Coal scattered across the wet floor, sizzling out as the embers slowly died. With a sigh, his sizeable fingers pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Davy," He called another Rook over, "You and the others help the injured and attend to the dead. Let their families know so they can sort out their funerals. Pay the police to block off the area until we have this all sorted,"

"Aye sir,"


You slowly began to wake, the piercing ache in your head causing you to wince. With your eyes slowly sliding open, you look around, taking in your surroundings. The room was cold, your skin reacting instantly, forming pimples. There was a distant drip that echoed through the large room. No sunlight peered through, only the faint glow of the few lightbulbs that hung from the ceiling. There was nothing homely or warm about the place, just a few barrels and crates stacked upon one another in the corner of the room. A warehouse, you finally assessed, and you were strapped up, hands and feet bound to a chair so tight that you were beginning to lose circulation. Furthermore... wires. 

With a creak of the door, your breath hitched as a figure approached. They adorned a small top hat worn slightly slanted upon their head, and a coat with a high feather collar. Upon their approach, you could tell the person was not one to mess with. With a shrewd face, her eyes narrow and her lips thin, she looked up and down at you with a judgemental glare. 

"I will ask you some questions and you will answer them, got it?" She said plainly, but your eyes were wide and did not move, nor did your lips, "I'll take that as a yes,"

With her hands behind her back, the woman began to pace from side to side, "Your great- grandfather is Edward Kenway, is it not?"

You did not answer, but she waved her hand dismissively, "We already know the answer to that, and your silence speaks wonders. What we do want to know is, where is the shroud of Eden?"

Once again you did not answer. With a sigh, the woman began to walk towards the far left of the room. Your eyes focused on the box she began to approach, and before you could realise what it was, she pulled down the lever. An electrical current surged through your being like a crashing wave, the impact strong and devastating. Your body shook uncontrollably and your jaw clenched. Finally, it stopped and your body slumped from exhaustion.

The woman began to walk back and stood in front of you, her hands remaining behind her back, "Let us try this again, where is the shroud?"

"I don't know," You struggled, your voice shaken and weak. With a sigh, the woman began to walk back to the lever. You tried to cry out, "Please, I don't-"

Once again the electricity coursed through your body, and you let out a faint cry. As soon as the current stopped, the woman came back, "You see, I don't believe you. How can the great-granddaughter of the infamous Edward Kenway not know where he hid the most important artifacts in such an ancient fight?"

"Please, I don't know anything," You gasped, "I never knew my great-grandfather, I never met him,"

"And once again, I don't believe you," She whispered, her face moving close to yours, "And we will continue this cycle until you finally tell us where the shroud is,"

Your eyes closed tight as you tried to suppress your tears, the footsteps clearly indicated what was once more to come. With that followed the excruciating sensation that tore through your body for the third time. Your voice finally sprung free as your screams echoed and rippled through the warehouse. As the power died off, you heard the faint closing of the door through the ringing of your ears.

"Thank you, Lucy," A masculine voice spoke quietly. A screeching of a chair pierced through your being and your eyes shot open. A man you knew all too well, not so much by looks, but by reputation, sat in a chair in front of you, "Miss [last name], it is a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm sorry for it being under such circumstances,"

You once more fell silent, your eyes carefully watching Starrick as he reclined back in his chair, his legs crossed, "As you can tell, you are dearly important to our cause, and we would appreciate it if you would tell us where the shroud is,"

His eyes raked over your bodice, taking in the curvature that it formed, "We know you are working with the Frye twins, we know that you've taken over your father's apothecary, we know everything, so I suggest that you tell us where the shroud is,"

"I don't know," You began to get frustrated. Not only was your head throbbing, but your whole body too. Your nerve endings were screaming for relief as the electrical currents slowly began to simmer, "I've only just learned about the assassins and templars and that my great-grandfather was an assassin,"

"If that is true then I apologise for all of this, but quite frankly, Miss [last name], I don't believe you are telling me the truth. I believe that the Frye twins know where it is, I believe that they have told you but you are covering up for them by acting dumb. If that is the case then trust me when I say we will get the location from you one way or another. Even if it means going to Cambridge and killing your dear sweet mother," Starrick stood up and walked behind you. As he bent down, you could feel his lips graze your ear, "We wouldn't want that now, would we? I will leave you to think about it,"

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