Chapter 22: Benjamin Francis Thompson

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One thing you absolutely missed during your time in London was visiting Riverside park. You missed the sound of children's laughter and the trickling sound of a gentle water flow. The fresh air was a stark contrast to the city air back in London which was thick and heavy on your lungs. It was refreshing, and steadily you walked with a parasol in your grasp. It felt nice to be alone without a worry, to feel freedom once again. But was the heartbreak worth the trade?

"Miss [Last name]!" A familiar voice called from behind, and as you turned, the rather handsome Mr. Thompson came jogging over to you.

"Ah, M-Mr Thompson," You stuttered with slight awkwardness as you recalled the last time you were in his presence. You had clearly rejected him and felt awfully sorry for him.

"Are you well?" He asked once he reached and stopped before you, a small smile creeping onto his soft face.

"I am, thank you, and yourself?"

"Quite well, can I accompany you?"

Hesitantly, you nodded and together you walked through the greenery of the park. 

"Sir, I must-"

"Please, call be Benjamin," He cut in.

"Benjamin, I must apologise for last night. I must have been such an embarrassment and a fool for you all," You said, your head hanging slightly in shame. You always were one for speaking your mind, but never one for creating a spectacle in front of everyone, nor one to embarrass your mother in public.

"Not at all, if anything, I can sympathise. You see, I am not one for marrying someone who does not have the same heart for marriage. I cannot force a woman such as yourself into something that you do not want to do," He began, and his words visibly relaxed you, "I can tell you love another, and for me to force you to marry me is cruel,"

"You're correct, I do love another. But we are not meant to be. Our lives lead to different paths. It is something I must accept," You explained, your eyes filling with sorrow in which he could see and he stopped you in your tracks.

"Then allow me to at least make you happy, even as just friends," He suggested, and you couldn't help but smile at his kind gesture, "In fact, we have common ground! I hear you owned an apothecary back in London,"

"I did indeed,"

"I am studying at university to become a physician, you see,"

Your eyes lit up, and as you continued your walk talking about your common interest, your heart began to warm to the young man and maybe began to open up to him. Maybe, just maybe you could grow to love someone like Benjamin Thompson.


2 months later

Your head was in a whirl as you stood hand in hand with Benjamin, him kitted out in a fine suit, and you in the most elegant white dress you had ever worn, a veil that flowed further than the train of your dress, decorating the church's stone floor. You could barely see his face as your eyes blurred, your heart racing, and your ears ringing that you almost failed to hear the words the vicar spoke.

"Will you, Benjamin Francis Thompson, take the, [Name] to be your lawfully wedded wife. Do you promise to be true to her, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health? Will you love her and honour her all the days of your life?"

"I do," Benjamin replied, looking down into your eyes and smiling with his crooked teeth.

"And will you, [Name], take the Benjamin Francis Thompson, to be your lawfully wedded husband. Do you promise to be true to him, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health? Will you love him and honour him all the days of your life?"

Love. That one word stopped your heart. Could you love him? Could you love him knowing that your true love was living and fighting in a different city? He sent you away to protect you, to keep you safe. You knew it was for the best. But your heart was fighting against your head. And your heart won.

"I...I...don't," You finally stuttered out, but as soon as you did, it was like a huge weight had lifted from your shoulders that was weighing you down for the past couple of months leading up to this very moment. A gasp and mutter erupted through the echoing church, and Benjamin's face fell, "I'm sorry Benjamin, but I cannot do this,"

"But why?" He said as he dropped your hands from his grasp.

"My heart is someplace else, and I see it unfair on both you and me to go ahead with this," You sighed apologetically, your eyes searching his for forgiveness, "I am so so sorry Benjamin,"

You gave his cheek a gentle peck, "I hope you find someone who you love deeply enough that you can marry and live with forever, it's the least you deserve,"

With that, you turned and ran back down the aisle and headed home.

As you were packing your suitcase, your mother stormed into your room, the door slamming against the dark wooden paneled wall, "What the bloody hell do you think you're playing at, hm? Embarrassing yourself like that! Embarrassing me!"

"Oh it's always about you isn't it Mother?"

"Don't you dare, not with this little stunt you have just pulled!"

"I couldn't do it, I couldn't marry just to satisfy you. I will not do it," You shook your head and walked around your room, gathering your belongings.

"So you're going to run off to that Frye boy? Live the life of a commoner?" She spat bitterly.

"Yes! I'd rather the life of a commoner and in love than the life of wealth and unhappiness, because that's the life I would be leading. That isn't the life I would choose for myself," You closed your case and turned for the door.

"Don't you dare leave this house," Mother pointed, "If you do, you shall never step foot in this house ever again, do you hear?"

It was a painful blow, one that stabbed your heart deeply, but there was no stopping now. Without another word, you left.

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