Chapter 12: Bestowed Silence

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The next morning, you rose from your nights sleep feeling somewhat giddy from what happened the previous night. The feeling of Jacob's lips still lingered upon your lips caused your stomach to do somersaults inside. With a ragged breath, you pushed yourself up out of bed and slipped on your dressing gown before making your way out of Jacob's bedroom.

The sound of distant talking became closer and closer, until you reached the kitchen. Jacob and Evie fell instantly silent at the sight of you, and with a comforting smile, Evie walked up to you, placing a hand upon your slight shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. With a slight nod, you gave her a small thin smile.

"Better, thank you, both of you,"

Your eyes lifted to Jacob's hazel eyes however as soon as your eyes met, his instantly fell to the floor. The mere sight of him made your heart race and a tension formed between the two of you. Evie who stepped away from you and gathered her breakfast, could sense it, and so she left the two of you alone.

Silence overcame you both, neither knowing what to say nor what to do in front of each other, but eventually Jacob took a deep breath in and lifted his gaze to yours, "Um... i'm going over to the City stronghold, would you like to join me?"

The thought of going with Jacob alone hit your chest hard, causing your hearts beat, once again, to increase to the speed of light. Silently, you gave Jacob a nod, and his gleaming smile spread across his face. You began to notice the little things about him, like the way his nose crinkled as he smiled and the way his adam's apple bobs about prominently whenever he spoke. It was somewhat captivating.

"Right well, lets leave at 10, i'm hoping to be finished there by 12," He finished before he passed you, giving you a slight awkward smile before he left the car.

Despite knowing that you were only going to the stronghold, you felt inclined to dress in one of your best dresses in hopes that you would captivate Jacob just like he does, yet he does it with little to no effort whatsoever.

Jacob rode the carriage, and you sat contently in the back, enjoying the journey's scenery as the rough slums turned to a more higher class society. You liked to look at the contrasting differences, the buildings, the people. With a sigh, your head rested against the window.

Eventually you arrived outside the stronghold, and Jacob held the carriage door open for you with his hand outstretched towards you. With a smile, you took his hand and climbed down from the carriage. Jacob hesitantly slipped his hand from yours before he led the way into the stronghold.

"G'morning Mr Frye, and it's nice to see you Miss [Y/N]," Some of the Rooks greeted you, making you feel somewhat relaxed and warmly welcomed.

"Ah is this who Harry and them lot have been looking over then Mr Frye?" One of the female Rooks said as she stepped over to you.

"Yes it is, Lottie, this is [Y/N]," Jacob introduced, and you held out your hand in which Lottie shook vigorously.

"Why don't I introduce you to the others, they'll be dying to meet you?" Lottie asked. Hesitantly you looked up at Jacob who gave you an encouraging smile.

"O-okay," You said, and so Lottie grasped your hand and pulled you over to a group of Rooks, seemingly all girls except for one who lean't against a brick wall, smoking a cigarette.

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