Chapter 14: Irish Jig

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Gun fire, explosions, yelling, screaming. It made your heart race ten to the dozen as you stood in the pitch blackness of the cellar, engulfed in the hellish pit as you could not see where you were. With your back rested against the cold brick wall, you closed your eyes, trying to focus on the female Rook's breathing to calm your racing heart.

All the distant noises were almost deafening, like a freight train blasting its horns as it blares passed. The nightmare consumed you as you let out a soft whimper and felt the female Rooks hand encase your own comfortingly. But then, after a while, it all fell silent. The silence almost just as noisy as the noise itself. Who won? The Rooks or the Blighters? Who was the one to open those doors?

Your eyes shot open at the sound of your name being called out by a voice you knew all too well. It's huskiness and it's low pitched tone made your body physically relaxed. The voice got closer and closer, and eventually, the door to the cellar opened, allowing light to pour into the small room and shine down upon your frozen form. Without any further delay you pushed away from the stone cold wall and ran up the stairs.

Your arms flung around Jacob's dirtied form, pushing him back slightly at the force of your embrace, but he didn't hesitate as he wrapped his own arms protectively around your back, pulling you closer against the warmth of his body.

"They've retreated, it's safe now," Jacob whispered against your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin, and you're eyes slid shut, relieved that he was unharmed and that it was all over.

"Come on, lets get you back to the train hm?"

With a nod, Jacob took your hand into his own, the warmth bringing you some form of comfort despite your racing heart. He led you out of the house and out into the muddy courtyard where bodies scattered the floor, both Rooks and Blighters alike. Your stomach began to churn at the amount of blood that covered the cobbled ground.

A shaken sigh escaped your lips, and you averted your eyes to the exit of the burrow. Sensing your uneasiness, Jacob squeezed your hand comfortingly, his thumb drawing circles on the back of your hand.

"Mr Frye!" A Rook, who looked no more than 19 years old, came running over to the two of you, "We're all heading to the pub, think we all deserve a few after what we've been through today. You up for a round?"

Jacob looked down at you, his eyes analysing your features cautiously before he looked back over to the Rook and nodded, "Aye, i'm gagging,"

"We'll all see you there sir," The Rook cocked his bowler hat before he once more darted off to help the other Rooks clean up the dead.

"You ok?" Jacob asked softly, and your eyes lifted to his hazel gem like eyes that glistened in the evening sun. You forced out a smile to at least reassure him that you would be okay.

"Yes, i'm fine," Your voice came out as a whisper, unable to raise any higher. With that, Jacob's fingers snaked through your hair and pulled you in to a kiss. His lips melted against yours instantly and you slid your eyes shut as you savoured the intimacy you both shared.


You'd never been one to handle your drinks. 3 wines later and you were up and joining in with the Rooks in their Irish jig. Toes tapping, hands clapping and feet stomping to the fiddle's tune.

Jacob watched you from the bar, his lips pulled up into a wide smile as his keen eyes watched as you twisted and turned along with the men and women who joined in. Your dress twirled and your hair bounced effortlessly along with your dance.

Your eyes caught his, and you laughed out as you held out a hand for him to join, but he refused with a shake of his head. Not taking no for an answer, you danced your way over and grasped his large hand as you pulled him to his feet. With a sigh, he gave in and once you'd pulled him against you, he embraced your body within his hands and began to dance along to the lively music that resonated off the wooden walls of the pub.

You both spun and wove around the groups of Rooks, and you laughed out freely and happily, all the worries and horrors that occurred only a few hours ago drowned away in the alcohol that you had consumed. Finally as the music was drawing to a close, Jacob spun you and pulled you back against his body in time for the music to screech to a stop. You both panted ecstatically from the dance, and grinned to each other before Jacob's lips met with yours clumsily.

"Lets go back to the train," He suggested softly in your ear, and with a nod, the two of you said your goodbyes before disappearing from the pub.

You stumbled onto the train from the
platform, your feet unsteady as you took one step after the other. With a soft giggle, you turned around to face Jacob as he followed in from behind you.

"I had a good time tonight," You gave him a wide grin.

"So did I, love," He stepped over to you and placed his hands upon your waist, pulling you closer to him. His head bowed down as he pressed his lips gently against yours, and you immediately reciprocated. His musky scent of peppermint and his natural man sweat pulled you in closer, making your head spin, more than just the alcohol's effect.

With your arms wrapped around his neck, he lifted you from your feet so that your legs were wrapped around his waist. There, he carried you effortlessly back to his car, feathering light kisses upon your neck, leading you to lust and a sensual night.

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