Chapter 17: Sixth Sense

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A loud thud roused your attention as you stood over Jacob at the desk, his eyes ripping away from the many ledgers that scattered the oak wooden surface. Evie, eyes wide with excitement like that of a child who received a new toy for Christmas, came rushing over.

"Jacob, [Name], we've found his house, or mansion shall I say!"

"Who's mansion?" Jacob sighed as he turned in his seat.

"Kenway's! Edward Kenway's mansion!" She exclaimed in wonder, a smile beaming across her face.

"Oooh the pirate? Cool fellow. Quite the rebel," Jacob said almost too disinterested, eyes rolling and falling back to the ledgers.

"Don't you understand? This is huge! We found his discoveries all hidden in a secret room. His legacy"

"He was just another assassin who did assassin's work in another time-"

"Kenway you say?" You piped up, your brows furrowing at the name.

"Yes, Edward James Kenway. Born in Swansea before joining the British Navy traveling to the West Indies! Turned a pirate and then eventually joined the assassins. He came to London after he was pardoned and carried on with his work here," Evie explained, "Quite fascinating isn't it?"

"Kenway is my mother's maiden name..." You said hesitantly, "Edward Kenway is my great grandfather,"

The room fell silent, Evie's eyes widening and Jacob's head slowly lifted to meet your confused gaze. Eventually, Evie broke the silence with a deep breath out that she didn't realise she was holding in.

"Jesus," Was all she could manage, having to lean against the desk to steady herself.

"How did you not tell us?" Jacob's brows creased slightly.

"I didn't know my great grandfather was of some importance... I knew he was a pirate but-"

"No one told you of his true purpose? Of his legacy?" Evie asked almost in disbelief.

"No one really spoke about him. My mother was very dismissive when I asked about him. Just called him a savage pirate who won a pardon and made a name for his family on his riches, but nothing more than that..." you wondered off realising now that he was much more than that, that your mother was hiding something huge about hers- no, your lineage. Your breath became shaky, your mind trying to comprehend everything that you knew was a lie.

"Then that could mean... [Name], do you see and feel things? Like, feel things happening around you that make you hyper-aware of people auras?" Evie said as she rushed over to your side, taking your hand into her own.

"I-i don't know," you shook your head, but then something flashed before your eyes, a memory, "Once. I was around 7, maybe 8. I was playing in the park with my cousin, mother was speaking to my auntie and uncle. This man came up to me, and I was so scared,

Your eyes wandered off, envisioning your memories, "My eyes started to... to ache. Then when I looked around, everyone had this sort of... light. Almost a white light. But him, the man, his was like fire, glowing red like embers to a flame. It gave me such a chill that I ran back to my mother, crying so hard that the man ran away. I realised later that he had bad intentions,"

Your eyes lifted to Evie's, hers softened with empathy, "That is your eagle vision, your sixth sense almost. It's a gift that is bestowed to those with great purpose, and yours derived from Edward Kenway himself. Why don't you try it? Try and trigger it?"

"Evie, don't you think she's been through a lot already?" Jacob shook his head, seeing how shocked you were through this whole ordeal.

"No no, it's OK Jacob. Ho-how do I do it?" You said with uncertainty.

"All you need to do is focus. Close your eyes and focus on what you want to see, nothing else,"

You did just that. With a deep breath, your eyes slid shut, plunging you into the inky blackness of your eyelids. You cleared your mind, focusing on nothing, nothing but the lights you remembered. Eventually, you opened your eyes and the world suddenly lit up. A gasp escaped your soft lips in fright. No longer were Evie and Jacob recognisable, just mere white glowing figures. It was like a whole other world, an alien world and you felt your heart race.

"Hey hey!" Jacob jumped up from his seat and took hold of you, pulling you into his embrace, "it's okay. Just take deep breaths,"

Your eyes widened as you took it all in. Everything was white. However, a red formation stood in the distance of the train, but before you could take it all in, you quickly shut your eyes again. All the while, Jacob whispered in your ear gently, soothing your heart and bringing you back down to earth.


"So why are you leaving me here again?"

"I have business to attend to with the Jeffersons, some Blighters are causing trouble at their shop," Jacob explained as he filled his pockets with ammunition, "I was thinking, when I get back, we could go for a drink at the pub?"

"How romantic," you rolled your eyes sarcastically, a smile creeping on your face.

With a chuckle, Jacob reached over and pressed his lips delicately on yours, lingering before pulling away slightly, "I shouldn't be long,"

"Better not," you grinned.

"Otherwise what eh?"

"You'll just have to wait and find out," one last peck to his lips and you playfully pushed him away. Before he left through the door, he turned his head to peer over your watchful figure.

"I love you,"

With a giggle, you gestured him to go away, "Hurry, your men are waiting for you,"

With that, the door closed behind him.

A sigh fell from your lips, who knew how long he would be. With a look around your surroundings, you wondered the room.

A few minutes had passed and a gentle knock sounded against the door. A head peeked around the door, and Lottie gave out a wide grin, "'Ello stranger!"

Your smile widened from ear to ear, "Lottie! So nice to see you again," You walked over and wrapped your arms around her more muscular bodice.

"Aye, we were wondering when you'd make another appearance," Lottie let out a booming chuckle, "Come on, the others are outside!"

Peter, Anne, Joyce, and Gertrude were all gathered outside the distillery, pint of ale in their hands and laughter echoing through the courtyard. As they saw you approach, they all cheered.

"Look who we have here, Joyce, get her a pint," Anne said, but you quickly interjected.

"I think I'll pass," you grimaced, "The last time I had your ale, I had an awful stomach for days,"

"You don't know what you're missing, Miss," Gertrude chuckled.

It was somewhat refreshing to be away from the comforts of the train, away from the talk of assassins and templars. Despite them not being the sort of company you would hold back in Cambridge, it was company all the same, and the company that made your sides hurt from laughing.

An hour had passed since Jacob had disappeared, and you sat around the fire pit, the flames keeping your slightly goose-pimpled skin warm against the chilled air. Peter was telling stories of his childhood, the mischief he used to get up to. Relaxed and in a world of your own, the sudden rush of Blighters was all but expected. And before you knew it, the world went black.

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