Chapter 15: Once a Girl, Now a Woman

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You rose early that morning, the sun not yet reached above the cities horizon. With a flutter of your eyes, you looked around at the familiar surroundings of Jacob's car. The sound of the train steaming across the tracks became distinct and the warmth of an arm draped across your waist roused your sleepy mind.

As you turned your head over your shoulder, you froze to see Jacob sleeping soundly behind you, in nothing but the bed sheet that draped over his torso. As for yourself, you looked down to find you were just as naked as Jacob. Your heart skipped a beat.

Oh shit, you thought, realising now that you had committed a mortal sin. Slowly you sat up in the bed, but as you looked down at Jacob, you couldn't help but want more, and you couldn't help the smile that crept up on your face. You knew sex before marriage was immorally wrong, as you gave way to the desires only a husband and a wife should share, but god forbid... you felt giddy.

As carefully as you could without waking Jacob, you pushed yourself out of bed and padded silently over to your clothes that now splayed upon the floor. You had only just managed to slip your petticoat on when you heard Jacob's croaked morning voice.

"[Y/N] what are you doing?"

Cheeks flushing, you looked over to Jacob now raised upon his elbows, looking at you as you dress, "I-I'm just-"

"Come back to bed, love," He held out his hand towards you, inviting you in to his warmth once more, and how could you refuse? All sense and sensibility went out the window and into the distance as the train sped along the track, and you stepped over to the bed, once more under the covers with Jacob.

"How are you feeling hm?" He asked gently, his finger pushing back an unruly strand of hair that fell in front of your face, tucking it behind your ear and watching his finger as he did so.

"A little sore," You admitted, and Jacob's lips thinned slightly. He pulled you against his chest and kissed your head softly.

"I'm sorry if I made you do something you regret last night," He whispered against your hair as he held you close, but you looked up at him, you mouth opening hesitantly.

"I... I don't regret it," You couldn't believe you admitted to it, but you were glad it was him, mortal sin or not, you were glad it was Jacob that took away your purity.

"I took away something so precious to a girl-"

"I'm not a girl anymore Jacob, i'm a woman, and you did that, you made me a woman," You whispered gently, reassuring him that what he did was fine by you. His lips tugged gently into a small smile, and with a cupping of your cheek, he gently touched his lips against yours in a lingering and tender kiss. With a mew, you allowed your lips to part, and your tongue drew across Jacob's lower lip testingly.

A slight tug of Jacob's lips was felt upon yours before he finally parted his lips and met your tongue with his. A soft moan escaped both of your throats, and Jacob moved so he was towering above your clothed form. Clothed, but not for long as Jacob's hands reached down and began to tug at your petticoat. You shifted your body to help Jacob rid yourself of the item of clothing, exposing your flesh to the cold chill of the car. No soon as you were stripped down to nothing but your own bare skin, Jacob's kisses began to slowly lead down your body. He kissed your jaw, your neck, your chest, your stomach and he hesitated slightly as he reached your abdomen, looking up to see your body writhe slightly at the sensual touches.

Strong hands grasped at your thighs and parted them teasingly slowly, and it seemed like forever before Jacob's tongue reached your most intimate place. His touch was feverish, inducing you to nothing but moans and your head deep into the swirling path that you felt yourself tumble through, no turning back. Your body writhed, toes clenching, claws grasping at the thick black head of hair that lay deep ravine between your thighs. He left you speechless, the sheer pleasure that coursed through your veins set your body on fire, craving more. Like a fire no longer prodded, Jacob's head lifted from between your thighs and his eyes gazed into yours almost animalistic, like he shared the same cravings that had your heart racing with want of more.

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