Chapter 8: Frye Twins

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"You're looking perky," Evie commented as Jacob arrived back onto the train. From her desk, Evie looked up at Jacob upon his arrival and saw the gleam in his eyes. She had never seen her brother look so bright before, as though something good had happened. And so curiosity kicked in.

"Do I?" Jacob murmured as he put his top hat on the side and crashed down upon the chaise lounge. A small smile spread across his face. Spending the day with you without having a door slammed in his face was a blessing, and seeing your smile brightened Jacob's day immensely. He hoped to make a good friend out of you.

"Jacob?" Evie's voice came about, lifting his thoughts from you which he found had him in a daydream, and his head lifted to his sister who had a knowing smirk etched on her face.

"What?" He asked in a breathy laugh, his arms raised in a slight shrug. Evie's smirk grew wider and wider, and her head tilted slightly.

"Well? Who is she?" She asked.

"Who's who?"

Evie rolled her eyes with a sigh. Her brother always did this, acting as though he didn't know what she was on about, and he wasn't exactly subtle in hiding the fact that he was keeping it a secret. With utter frustration, her voice sounded even more eager.

"This girl thats making you practically glow,"

"I'm not glowing... And it's Miss [y/l/n]," Jacob answered, and when Evie opened her mouth to tease her brother, Jacob was quick to intercept, "I only took her for a walk to see how she was! She's had a tough time lately,"

"Jacob Frye, checking up on damsels in distress, thats not like you sweet brother," Evie mused, and Jacob gave out a sigh as he kicked his feet up onto the lounge.

"In fact, i'd say you've grown quite fond of her since you've began working for her," Evie's voice grew slow and careful, but a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes.

"No... No I haven't. Remember what father said?" He said with a raise of his brows as he looked over towards her.

"Don't allow personal feelings to compromise the mission. Wow Jacob, you actually listened to father?"

"You seem surprised?"

"I am! Seeming as you never listened to anything else he told us, like the fact that finding the shroud could save more lives than just targeting templars," Evie said, her tone turning slightly sour.

"Father never said that," Jacob growled slightly, rising to his feet, then smirked as he looked down at her, "But then I didn't really listen to father did I?"

Jacob chuckled, giving Evie a slight slap upon her shoulder before turning on his heels, "I'm going for a kip, don't stay up too late oh sister of mine,"

Evie scowled as she watched Jacob descend down to the other car of the train, before sighing and turning her attention back to her paperwork.

The bed creaked under his weight as Jacob collapsed backwards onto the bed after ridding himself of his attire, leaving him in just his trousers. His mind instantly went into a daydream of you again. Why couldn't he stop thinking about you?

With a groan, he covered his eyes with his arm and gave out an elongated sigh, "Bloody Evie,"


So this was more of a filler chapter as i'm trying to decide what to write next, but I promise I won't leave it so long to post my next chapter.

Thanks :3

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