Prologue I

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It was dark and Jungkook was on his way home. He pulled his jacket further up around him. It was freezing cold for a November day to be, but no snow lay yet. It was around midnight and no cars were driving on the roads. The street was completely deserted, and only a few lamps were lit. A couple of them stood and flickered to signal that the bulb had gone out. The sky was clear and all the stars peeked out from the deep infinite darkness. But something was missing. The moon was gone. It was a new moon and equal to his monthly meeting with Jimin. His very good friend throughout his whole life. Jungkook didn't remember when he met Jimin for the first time, but his mother, a sweet and kind woman, used to tell him that Jungkook as a child stayed away from her one day and came back with this boy. Jimin.

It was a playful composition, a wild confident boy and a calm shy cautious boy. But they must have been a good combination anyway because Jungkook couldn't remember a single day without Jimin and would not be able to imagine it at all.

It was actually strange how quiet it was this night, but a tale also said that one should not stay under the new moon or full moon. Even his mother had said so. But Jungkook did not understand why, nothing had happened to him all the other times. That was perhaps too early to say. But what you don't know about, you don't worry about.

The wind suddenly stopped blowing and it turned even more silent. A little too quiet. Those before only single pair of footsteps could now be heard double. Jungkook looked around confused but could not see anyone else. He gathered himself and quickened up. The extra pair of footsteps could still be heard, and Jungkook glanced over his shoulder again but still saw no one. The adrenaline slowly began to pump around in his body and he started to panic. Someone was chasing him. He set the pace even more up and was on the verge of fleeing into a run. He had to do something.

He looked to the sides for an escape route, but no side streets were there. There was only one option Run! He looked back one last time and set off running. It all went a little too fast and his legs could not keep up. Suddenly, his legs were torn away under him and he rushed down the asphalt. Jungkook waved his arms desperately in front of him in an attempt to protect his head from hitting first, but a blow from the side made him slam the back of his head into the ground. Blood flowed out of the new wound on the air-lost boy. He curled up in pain with his eyes closed and small whimpering sounds.

"Tsk, what a weakling I'm dealing with," said a foreign voice.

Jungkook opened his eyes immediately and hurried to get up on his legs again. A young noble man, probably 4-5 years older than him, stood in front of him, looking absently down at his nails, which he stood picking at. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of black jeans, and his hair was set with a parting. Does he not freeze at all!?

"Who-who are you ?!", Jungkook stuttered.

The stranger looked over at Jungkook with a superior look.

"Well, so you can actually talk," said the stranger, who just suddenly disappeared.

Jungkook stood in awe on shaky legs glued to the spot. A hot breath hit him in the neck.

"Seokjin," the voice whispered into Jungkook's ear.

A finger ran up along the back of his head and stopped in his bloody wounds. The touch burned, and Jungkook had to submit to the pain.

"Do you know that you smell really good?", Seokjin said, moving his finger away from the wound again.

Jungkook stood with wide eyes when Seokjin suddenly was in front of him. He stared with hungry red eyes at the blood dripping from his finger and a small smile appeared on his lips, revealing two razor-sharp fangs. Jungkook closed his eyes even more than they were before and swallowed troubled.

"And I think you will taste even better," Seokjin said with a laugh, looking Jungkook straight in the eyes.

Seokjin bit himself in his one hand and let the blood mix with Jungkook's, which was still dripping from his finger. He raised his finger with the mixed blood up to Jungkook's forehead and started writing his initials. Jungkook stood in horror frozen to the spot with a held breath.

Seokjin had reached the last letter when someone shouted something.

"Hey, stay away from him, your beast!"

Jungkook almost jumped up in fright and gazed for the voice. Seokjin lazily turned his head around but before reaching all the way around, he was pushed to the side. Seokjin growled in frustration at the stranger. A bow and arrow were raised towards Seokjin. At the end of the arrow, a clear liquid dripped. Jungkook fumbled backward away from the stranger with the weapon.

"Seokjin," muttered the stranger.

"Well then we meet again, dear Hoseok," Seokjin replied with a crooked smile.

Hoseok rolled his eyes at him with a firm grip on the arch, "Get lost," he said harshly.

"Hoseok dear friend, can you not see that he belongs to me now?", Seokjin asked, pulling his lower lip at him and looking over at Jungkook.

Hoseok turned his eyes at Jungkook with a judgmental look and then back at Seokjin, "Not one hundred percent. You have one last chance to run away before I shoot this arrow at you."

Seokjin glanced at the tip of the arrow and then at Hoseok with a faint nervous look. Hoseok pulled the bow's string even further back.

"Okay I think we'll take this talk another time," and then Seokjin disappeared.

Jungkook was still standing on shaky legs and was about to faint.

Hoseok sighed, "Humans are just so weak," he mumbled.

He put the arrow and bow back in their holsters and turned toward Jungkook.

"Y-you don't w-want to hurt me, r-right?" Jungkook stammered in horror.

Hoseok seemed slightly annoyed by the terrified boy.

"What do you think? Otherwise, I would not have chased him away. Where do you live?"

Jungkook stood and incorporated the new words, but no answer he could come up with.

"I-I," he replied slightly confused that he had forgotten the information.

Hoseok looked at him with a wondering look, "You must have really hit your head"

He looked at the smaller boy, "Do you remember what your name is?"

Without thinking about the question more than twice, he replied, "Jungkook."

"How lucky can you just be... What are you even doing out here so late?" Hoseok asked.

Jungkook let his gaze down, not knowing what to say as everything he had been thinking of before were simply just vanished into thin air. He awaited the scolding from the stranger to come.

But it never came. Instead, Hoseok started laughing at the boy and ruffled a hand through his hair. Jungkook glanced up slowly, but as his gaze reached Hoseok's, it blackened for him, and he fainted. Hoseok was quick and managed to catch him before he reached the ground.

"I guess you're hanging on me from now on ..."


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