18| The message

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A light flickered in from the window and danced over the girl's face. She flashed the rays of the sun away and slowly rose from the hard object she had been lying on. She looked around and found herself sitting at her desk, with an opened, off computer standing in front of her. She felt like a stiff board and could barely move her neck. Why did I fall asleep here?!

She raised one hand and it was right there it dawned on her that something was lying on her lap. She looked down and to her great astonishment found the boy, who was lying asleep sweetly. Without thinking about it, she ran a hand through his red-golden locks. The boy began to smile and reached for her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Good morning," he said to the blushing girl.

Her heart raced around in her chest, "G-good morning".

He opened his eyes and looked up at her with a smile. His eyes had almost disappeared in his smile and formed two crescents. Iris could hardly take it. It was so sweet.

But his smile quickly disappeared and was yielded with a serious look, "Did you really sleep here? You could have just moved me!" he exclaimed in a scolding but also caring tone.

"I-I fell asleep here too, it was not your fault," the girl replied quietly with a small smile.

"But it's not healthy for you!" he complained again and got up from the girl's lap.

She started laughing at his stubbornness, "It's totally okay."

He crossed his arms and pouted, "But it is my fault .."

"Aww, it's not your fault," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

His eyes lit up as if he had just gotten an idea. He threw himself into her arms and wrapped his arms around her, hiding his head close into her. She held her breath for so long and could feel how fast her heart was pounding against the ribs in her chest. Her whole body burned up as if she had been set on fire. He did all that to her?

"Iris, you know I really care about you," the boy breathed into his grip on her.

"Bu-but you don't even know me?" she replied as the first.

"It doesn't matter, I still love you!" he said, clinging further to her.

She swore that her heart would stop abruptly when the words hit her. There was a whole new feeling blossoming deep inside her. No one had ever told her that so directly. That they loved her. Not even her parents had said those words to her even though she had told them so many times. And it was not just something she made insignificant. For she loved her parents even though they were rarely home. But this was something completely different. He told her that he liked her.

A faint red glow danced over her cheeks and she did not know what to say. Quickly as a distraction, she looked down at her wristwatch. Oh no!

"I'm late for school!" she exclaimed, jumping up from the boy's grip.

But he held on.

"Ey Iris, can't you just skip it today?" asked the boy, who still had a firm grip on her.

"I have to, what would my parents say about that?!"

He looked up at her with pleading eyes, "Come on, for my sake? Besides, your parents are not home either ..."

She looked thoughtfully at his praying face. He's so cute..

"Arh ... Okay ... But only today," she finally replied.

His whole face beamed with a big smile and he jumped up from the grip on her, "Yes yes! You are the best!"

Iris could not help but smile while she felt how it warmed her heart. He ran towards her again and grabbed her head and kissed her forehead quickly with a laugh and then sprinted out of her room.

She was in shock. What just happened? She confusedly put a hand on the spot he had just kissed her and started smiling without really knowing why.

"Iris, are you coming ?!", he shouted at her.

She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and daffed after the stranger boy.


Yeonjun slowly opened his eyes from his deep sleep. He had slept incredibly well another night, and he was slightly confused by what had done it. It's not ... the wolf, is it? He shook off the early morning thoughts and stretched his still sleeping muscles in all directions. Accidentally, one of his hands bumped into a soft and warm lump of fur, and he immediately turned around. The big, black, furry wolf, who sweetly lay curled up on one side of the boy and slept. Yeonjun began to smile and held out his hand towards it and began to run his hand in a gentle motion over its soft fur. At that moment, he had completely forgotten how it could kill him in a matter of seconds.

He turned again towards his bedside table, where his mobile lay and had just said 'ding!'. Who writes to me so early in the morning? He fished it up and a message from Jung Hoseok himself popped up.

"SHIT!" he cursed loudly and immediately slapped a hand over his mouth when it dawned on him that he had said it out loud.

He looked over at the wolf who had slowly begun to wake up and quickly pressed the message.

He skimmed through the text, noticing how the blood slowly left his face. Fuck, was the only thing he could say. They were really bad. Jung Hoseok had sent a warning to him, saying they had a week to clear the To moon pack.

The wolf pushed to him and looked up at the boy with questioning glances. Yeonjun sank. I can not tell the wolf that. That would be too risky. He was still not sure who the wolf really was, but one thing was for sure, and that was that he had no intention of killing the To Moon herd. He had to find a solution.

With an unexpected movement, the wolf shoved him and the boy dropped the mobile phone into the bed. The wolf quickly skimmed through the message and froze in his movements as it realized what was going on.

Yeonjun stared with wide eyes at the black wolf, who was frozen with his eyes fixed on the glowing screen. The wolf slowly raised his gaze to the boy and looked at him with horror into his deep chocolate-colored eyes. Yeonjun gulped. Within seconds, the wolf jumped up and farther toward the patio door. The boy ran after him.

"Wait!" Yeonjun shouted after it.

He jumped over the rug, which had fallen to the floor, and grabbed the half-open door.

"I don't want to do that," he whispered as he looked with desperate eyes at the wolf, who disappeared into the woods too quickly.

Sighing, Yeonjun face-palmed, disappointed with himself. A heavy tear pressed on at the same time, and anger gathered under his skin. He turned angrily around and reached for his phone, which was still on the message. His grip slowly tightened more and more around it as he glared angrily down at it. And it was there that he could not hold it back any longer. Yeonjun threw his phone through the room with all the strength he could muster. The phone hit the end wall with a 'slam' and shattered to all sides. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he finally let go of the sobs.

Yeonjun grabbed his hair and fell to the floor, crying. He wished none of this had happened. That he had never made the deal. That he had never met the wolf. Even that he had never become a hunter. Because a werewolf and a hunter would never be able to work it out together.

The door slammed open to the room with the crying boy.

"Hyung!" exclaimed Beomgyu, who rushed towards his big brother.

The younger boy embraced him meanwhile, his boyfriend quietly closed the door behind them. His little brother's voice only brought out more tears, and he leaned tremblingly into his arms.

"Aw Yeonjun-ah," Beomgyu said, holding his head protectively into his chest.

"I-I," Yeonjun stammered.

"Shh, you don't have to say anything. We know it already"


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