35| Just... a mere thought

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Jungkook pulled the bag strap a little further up over his shoulder before leaving the house. His brown eyes were filled with tears, but he bit his lip to keep them from overflowing. It would be okay again. He kept saying that to himself. He had Yeonjun now.

The dark-haired boy looked up in front of him, but the path looked deserted, contrary to what the silver-haired hunter had told him. Jungkook still continued down the path, eyes carefully directed in between branches and withered leaves. He slowly began to doubt the elder's words, but then a tall, black-haired figure stepped out onto the path in front of him. His clothes were dark in color and looked like some sort of uniform. And rightly so, the man's eyes were green. A shining moon filled them, and it was only a confirmation that he was a werewolf.

Jungkook nodded to him, preparing himself to have to explain to the man in front of him why he had come to him. But before he could even open his mouth, there was a slamming of a door, and Yeonjun came running towards them.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed, grabbing Geonhak's hand.

The wolf confusedly turned his eyes at the hurried hunter. Jungkook had an internal discussion with himself as to whether he was confused by Yeonjun's words or actions. It was probably both things.

"Come Jungkook!"

The youngest trudged up the side of the similar couple, who walked hand in hand. He actually felt a bit like someone who should not have been there. A third wheel ..

"So hyung, what did you tell Hoseok since we're so busy getting away?" Jungkook asked to a distraction for himself and his thoughts.

Yeonjun answered him honestly and bluntly, "I said I would not complete the mission."

"The mission of killing the To moon pack? ..-" the youngest stopped himself, frowned, and slowly looked over at the wolf.

"Oh .." he said as his gaze fell on their intertwined fingers.

Yeonjun turned his head in the direction of Jungkook, and smiled, "Yes. This is Geonhak, and he's part of the To Moon pack."

The dark-haired boy nodded slowly, looking down at the ground. It all now made a little more sense, with why the older hunter seemed so understanding in relation to the situation he was in now. Yeonjun even had connections to some werewolves. But why was he then a hunter, if he was not interested in killing the wolves? And how long had he actually known the wolves?

"I'm Jeon Jungkook," the youngest replied without looking up.

The silver-haired hunter reached out his hand and gently ruffled Jungkook's hair. The youngest did not respond to it, and it made Yeonjun's heart drop a little heavier. Jungkook was really not feeling well. Geonhak immediately felt Yeonjun's mood drop and squeezed his hand a little.


"Keonhee, have you seen Seoho?"

The red glowing looked up at his voice and shook his head.

"What about Geonhak?" Hwanwoong asked instead but got another shake of the head.

Heavily he sat down on a chair next to the taller wolf, burying his head in his hands, "Damn, if there's nothing wrong with one, then there is something with the other."

Keonhee's gaze became gentle and he put an arm around the little wolf, "It's okay Woongie, it will probably solve itself at some time."

Hwanwoong sighed and curled up in the elder's lap. Right now, he just needed some embrace from someone else. The red glowing slowly began to run a hand up and down over Hwanwoong's arms, which the boy had squeezed close to himself.

"You know..you always have the opportunity to .. find another pack..." Keonhee squeezed out with a whisper. Just the thought of it made tears sting in his eyes.

The yellow gleaming eyes widened and looked up at the taller wolf, "Keonie, how could you even think of that?! I would never leave you!"

Keonhee looked away, and it made a little thought to pull a little in Hwanwoong, "You..did never think of leaving us, did you?"

The elder still kept his gaze away and Hwanwoong sat up so he could look him directly into his eyes.

"I had ... actually," Keonhee replied with words that only came out as a whisper.

Hwanwoong could easily hear it. He felt the words uncomfortably pull at his wolf, but he kept it under control.

The yellow glowing put both his little hands around Keonhee's cheeks and turned his face, his eyes looking deep behind the red-hot color in his. One thing Hwanwoong was good at was seeing people deep in the eyes and almost getting so deep that he would be able to see the soul. Looking past the wolf and directly to the person himself. "I understand you well, nor do I think you should be forced to stay here. It's your choice."

A tear rolled down the red lightening's cheek, and Hwanwoong gently wiped it away with a finger, "Okay?" he repeated and Keonhee nodded.

The smallest of the boys embraced the taller one and laid his head on his shoulder. He could feel the tears that left wet stains on Hwanwoong's shirt. He could feel that this was just what Keonhee needed right now.

What had gone so horribly wrong since they were now in this difficult situation? Could one already feel how the war was just around the corner?


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