34| Closure

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It clattered for every single step he took. But his hand was still fastened in a light grip on the other boy. None of them really said anything, it was not necessary at all either. The sky above them was light in color and there was no sign that it would soon rain. The air was still buzzing with life, despite the fact that autumn had soon really taken off. Both of their boots sank slightly into the soft forest floor on the path down to the small wooden house. When Yeonjun had seen the house for the first time, he had wondered why Hoseok had chosen to live there. But now it all made a little more sense to him. It was better to live more in hiding from the outside world.

Yeonjun glanced out of the corner of his eye at Geonhak. His eyes eagerly followed the slightest movements around them, and it made the hunter smile as he looked away again.

The boy stopped, "So .. I thought maybe it was best if you stayed and waited here? Hoseok is not exactly the one who is most fond of underground" he said, looking with cautious eyes up at Geonhak, who nodded.

"Well, I'll be back soon."

Deep inside, Yeonjun felt a reluctance as he pulled his hand out of the wolf's grip and left him to sit and wait. But he just couldn't risk anything.

The hunter stopped in front of the door and knocked. No one answered, nor was it exactly what he had expected. So he shrugged and grabbed the handle, but just as he was about to open it, when the door opened.

The red-haired hunter looked almost completely relieved when he spotted the younger boy. His eyes looked bloodshot and large bags hung beneath them, "Yeonjun! Come on in, you have to help me!"

The youngest hunter frowned in confusion at him and silently followed Hoseok, who almost ran from him further into the house. This did not bode well.

Yeonjun only managed to slam the door behind him before the elder had already flown up the stairs and was now waiting in front of a closed door.

"Will you not please try to talk with him. He is completely out of it, and will have nothing to do with me," Hoseok said with pleading eyes.

Oh no .. that was the only thing Yeonjun could think of when it dawned on him that the red hard was talking about Jungkook.

"Yeah I should," he squeezed out, though he'd rather be free.

Hoseok thanked him and left afterward the time they stood on. The silver-haired boy sighed deeply before grabbing the handle and opening the door. Oddly enough, it was not locked.

The room he entered was completely dark except for a candle that was burning in the window sill, which was built far down by the floor. The dark-haired boy sat in front of the burning candle, leaning forward and with his arms folded around his legs. His eyes twinkled in the dim glow.

Yeonjun closed the door behind him and sat down next to the boy. He had comforted Beomgyu many times before, and Jungkook also seemed like someone in need of support.

"Isn't the light just beautiful?" muttered the youngest, who had not moved the slightest at the new follower who had come in.

"Mhm," Yeonjun replied shortly.

"Who are you lightening for?" the question made Jungkook stiffen, and his expression filled with a vicious pain.

Then he took a shaky breath as if to approach something, "H-have you not heard of it at all? Hoseok has killed Alicia ..."

WHAT?! Yeonjun widened his eyes and turned to the tormented younger.

"Only because she was a werewolf," tears began to trickle down his cheeks now.

The pain was so deep and heartbreaking for Jungkook, and he just couldn't hold it in.

Yeonjun had far from figured out that this was exactly what had happened. He felt that he was only now facing reality. What he was actually a part of.

The silver-haired boy grabbed the crying boy, pulling him into a hug. Saltwater dripped unstoppably from his eyes, which were squeezed shut in an invisible but palpable pain. Jungkook sobbed into the elder's shirt, and Yeonjun soothingly ran a hand in a circular motion on his back. The elder's thoughts revolved around the wolf waiting for him outside. It could have been him who had been killed. It just stuck to thinking about it. Yeonjun was now determined on what he wanted. The cruel act Hoseok had performed had only confirmed him in his choice.

Yeonjun let go of the younger boy and got up.

"No hyung, don't leave me!" exclaimed Jungkook, causing the silver hair to stop.

Yeonjun turned around, squatted down in front of the younger one, and looked out the window with the curtains drawn. He swallowed.

"Okay Jungkook, if you pack your things and find the man waiting for us a short distance from the house, I'll be there shortly after. You shall not be spooked of his green eyes, alright?" the elder said.

Jungkook nodded immediately in response, wiping his wet eyes into his sleeve.

Now Yeonjun would end it all.


"I have to be honest, Hoseok. But I can not complete the mission," Yeonjun bravely kept his eyes on the red-haired hunter's face, which slowly contracted in shock.

But then the world crashed into him, "What do you mean you can't? We made an agreement, Choi Yeonjun!"

The younger hunter gulped, "It's wrong to kill them, they have done nothing."

Hoseok snapped, a fit of anger was now painted over his previously shocked facial expression, and he pushed Yeonjun and grabbed the collar of his shirt, "What do you mean they have not done anything?! These are wolves we are talking about! Monsters!! And monsters kill innocents no matter what their minds are! What makes you think they have done nothing huh?!"

"They.. they saved me," the silver-colored replied faintly as he lost his gaze from the older one.

"Tsk, Choi, you are completely insane to believe in the good in the underground"

Hoseok let go of the fist around the younger one and took a step backward. They both fell silent, and Yeonjun was sure that the knock he could hear was his heartbeat.

"Am I really that? I've heard rumors that you killed Alicia"

Hoseok froze.

"You shot her because you were told her deepest secret, which she had tried to keep hidden, because she knew you would kill her otherwise. Had she ever hurt you?"

The oldest hunter thought the words through a few times, letting them repeat inside his head and then sinking in, "No, but she has hurt others."

"Yes maybe, but how many times did it happen? She could have learned to control her wolf, and you know that too. I know you feel guilty for your actions right now."

Yeonjun's voice was harsh and confident. His words were chosen with care, and they all shot themselves into Hoseok's heart, as if it were his own arrows pointing at himself. It made something move in the older hunter. It was almost an unknown feeling. And a tear rolled down his cheek as he bit his jaws tightly together. Yet he stubbornly held fast to his position. He fought against himself, as when running a hand in the wrong direction over a fur coat.

"No. I will never regret my actions."

Yeonjun eyed the conflict-filled man in front of him. He kind of wanted to put an arm around him, and tell him that it was all going to be okay again. But then he remembered his words, and all want was perverted and destroyed. It crumbled in his mind, and he turned instead to leave the room.


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