49| A miracle

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Seoho walked around by himself. He wandered around without even knowing where he was. Maybe he was still in town, or maybe he was out on the wide plains. Several days had passed since he had run away. He also did not really know exactly why he ran away, the thought of it had just hovered up past his head, and then he had just approved it and put it into action. Blood rolled down from the deep wound in his leg. The pain should have been unbearable, but the wolf did not even think about it. He did not give it even the slightest consideration.

The dizziness pulled at him and he felt how his body began to cramp. As if his whole body functioned like a heart. It contracted and let go again. Repeatedly. Over and over again. Then the pain sparked in his head and Seoho fell helplessly to the ground. He didn't manage to reach his arms out in front of himself, it was impossible, and his head slammed against the ground. His eyes lit up the second it happened and panic went through him. It resounded and his head ached now. A headache formed deep inside, and his thoughts were masted to the ground, in the same way as himself.

Deep down, he knew well what was wrong. It was his wounds in his legs. It healed much slower than what a wound would normally do in a werewolf. And the reason was simple; it was a pack leader who had bitten him. This meant that it would take longer to heal. Hours, days, months. Seoho didn't know. But he hadn't noticed it in all the time he had wandered around on his own. And surprisingly, the reaction from his overload had only come now.

Seoho felt weakened and exhausted. He could not possibly get up again. So he stayed put. The cold ground made a shudder go through him. Winter lay just around the corner, and there was the wolf; wounded, tired, freezing, and alone. His normal warm temperature also disappeared. And he could do nothing about the situation. In fact, all Seoho wished for right now was that hadn't left the castle. There, he would at least not be alone with what he was going through now. Hwanwoong would have helped him with the healing of his wounds, he would take care of him. Keonhee would keep him company. Dongju and Geonhak wouldn't he probably see at all. And Youngjo, the wounded wolf, would probably forgive him for his childish act.

It was just now that he realized his mistakes. And it was now that he could do nothing about them.


Carefully she stepped over the grass. Not tiptoeing or anything like that, but just stepping with predominant steps. She had felt the energy far away from where she was now, and slowly approached. Sowook did not feel nervous, but a tension tightened more and more in her, and she could not explain why. But she knew it had to have something to do with the energy radiating from the person she was approaching. She took a quick wandering look at her surroundings. The sun had almost disappeared on the horizon, but the sky was not cloudless. She looked down again and found herself stopped, boots slightly crunching in the dewy grass. Sowook was not shocked when she spotted the creature lying in the grass. She just blinked slightly with her eyes and grabbed herself by the wrist. Then she took the last steps towards the strange boy lying, and sat down next to him. Her eyes glistened with wonder simply by placing them on the boy. He was not quite gone, not yet. Then she gently pulled at his dark locks of hair and grabbed him by the cheek to turn his head slightly. In the movement, she also lifted it a little, and a pleasant scent was also carried along.

He was drowsy, and his eyes only just opened. With the opposite hand, she brushed some soil away from his pretty face. The light touches caused electric shocks to spin through his nervous system, and he opened his eyes wide. They landed directly into her observing eyes. They were gray-blue, and a rising moon shone in them. Sowook did not know who the orange glowing wolf was, but she was neither frightened nor scared. Just calm and awake. It was as if the reaction would only come later, and right now he could only hold on to its reason and well-controlled nature.

"Do you need help?" Sowook asked, her tone soft.

The boy swallowed, he quickly found it difficult to focus again, but her fingers, which so gently held his face, made him become present. He didn't know what to answer, but he was sure she wouldn't hurt him. And that was probably what made him lay his face praying to her. He needed help.

The girl understood him immediately, though no word came from him. Sowook pulled him up from the damp grass and up into her arms. With the help of her wolf's strong forces, it could be done. The orange glowing wolf lay limp in her arms as the girl lifted him up into the air, only his arms faintly wrapped around her neck, for support. He was drained of energy. His life lay in the hands of the stranger girl now. It must be a miracle, he thought.


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