14| Suspicious

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The trip over to Choi was very silent. No words were exchanged between them. Alicia walked some distance ahead, while the younger one walked with her head hanging behind. He was sad that she would not talk to him and kept ignoring his being. Did I do something wrong? He could not help but think about what may be the matter, and couldn't think of anything but the one episode that happened a few days ago. He had felt a strangely warm feeling by her touches, which he could not put into words. And he could still feel the kiss.

His cheeks flared at the thought of it, and he hurried to throw the thought away again. He could not blush now, it was a bad time.

The girl turned down a driveway and the boy ran the last stretch up to her. She knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. Her wolf-sense could feel that someone at least was home. Alicia impatiently tapped her foot against the step. Finally, the door opened, and on the other side stood a nervous boy. He smiled faintly when he caught sight of the impatient girl.

"Hi Alicia, Jungkook, please come in," said the elder, stepping aside so that the guests could enter.

Alicia smiled back with a forced smile, she was definitely not in a good mood. She never was when she was either stressed or nervous and right now, she was both.

They both entered the large bright house. It was completely different from what they lived in. Choi clearly had a lot more money than them.

"Hyung who is it?" a voice asked further inside the room.

The elder led them both further into the large house, asking them to sit down."Yeonjun hyung who- Oh, hi," said the newcomer.

A boy who smiled all over his face had entered the room, with a weak grip on another boy's hand, which quietly followed. The boy standing behind the smiling boy quietly sniffed the air, and his eyes immediately became as large as teacups.The smiling boy held out his free hand,

"Choi Beomgyu, Yeonjun's little brother," he said kindly as he shook hands with the guests.

The girl nodded briefly, "Alicia."

"Jeon Jungkook," said the boy, also accepting Beomgyu's handshake.

Beomgyu turned around towards his beloved, "And this is Kang Taehyun, my one and only," he said, causing the younger one to blush all over his face.

"Beom ..." Taehyun whispered as he tried to hide behind the elder.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes at them, the way they had behaved the whole time he had allowed him to keep the vampire.

Alicia looked up at the youngest and immediately noticed that he was not a hunter, "Vampire," she said with a contemptuous look.

Beomgyu turned his head towards her with a killer look, "You dare touch him!" he said harshly.

She started smiling with a clear smirk, "We'll see."

Yeonjun was definitely not comfortable with the situation and cleared his throat, "What do you want to talk about? That's probably why you came?" he asked the two hunters who were sitting in front of him.

"Well, of course, we just wanted to hear about how it's going with the hunt for the To Moon herd," Alicia said meanwhile, absently looking down at her fingers and afterward up at the elder.

Yeonjun nervously gulped. What was he supposed to say? That they had not tried to kill them at all?! But of course, he could not tell the truth to them, it would arouse too much suspicion.

"It's moving forward," he finally replied.

Jungkook looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean by 'it's moving forward'? You've had several days now, and it's not going to take that long to knock a herd down either."

"Yes, it should not be too difficult a task to get rid of them. Unless we overestimate you," Alicia added with an attentive look at the elder.

The vampire leaned in towards Beomgyu and whispered in his ear, "There is something strange about her."

Beomgyu turned with a raised eyebrow and looked at him questioningly. Taehyun made a small throw with his head against the door and afterward pulled the older one with him.

"We'll be back in a bit," Beomgyu breathed a sigh of relief, hurrying after the impatient vampire.

When they reached the room, Taehyun hurried to open the door and led the elder into his own room, closing the door.

"Taehyun what is it?" the elder finally said.

The younger one turned around as he was sure no one could hear them, "Okay listen here, this may sound strange, but I'm pretty sure that hunter is a werewolf."

"Taehyunie what do you mean?"

The vampire stared with extremely wide eyes, and the older one knew it was not just for fun, "Alicia stinks far away of wolf, like really. And it's not just a faint odor, it's strong as if she were in contact with her other half, that is, her "mate" or life companion that werewolves have."

Beomgyu swallowed the new information, "But how can that be at all? Isn't she a hunter?"

"I don't know, but one thing I'm pretty sure of; she holds it hidden from others," Taehyun replied.

Beomgyu nodded, "Yes you are probably right, the other two hate underworlders so much that she probably won't take the chance and trust them."

Taehyun sighed, "I feel sorry for her."

"Why? She's also helping killing underworlders."

"Yes, but she probably has no other choice now. If she had not been with the other two Hunters, there might have been a chance for her to finally accept the other species," said the younger, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Beomgyu followed his movements and sat down next to him, "We could talk to her, right?"

The younger one looked at the older one and found his hazel eyes, "It's incredibly sweet of you, but I do not think she will listen," he said with a small sad smile.

"But we can try .." Beomgyu continued.

"Mhmm yes, we could."

"But what shall we tell her then, you would be the expert Taehyunie."


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