15| Moonshine

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The two lovers quietly walked out of the room again but were unexpectedly pushed back hard. Taehyun drove forward in front of Beomgyu and glared directly at the eavesdropper. She slammed the door hard behind her and turned with a killer look at the two boys.

"You two! If you so much as just say something to the others about this, I will not hesitate to cut off the heads of you both!!" she said harshly with clenched teeth.

She took a step towards both of them threateningly with her blade pointing towards the youngest, who was standing protectively in front of Beomgyu. He even showed threatening teeth towards her, and his eyes glowed red.

"Calm down now," Beomgyu whispered into the younger boy's ear, placing a soothing hand on his hip.

It helped, and Taehyun's eyes became the normal deep and dark color again. Alicia was still standing and staring angrily at them, and Beomgyu decided to break the silence.

"Okay, we promise not to say anything to anyone."

"Werewolf," he added with a smirk.

She snapped her head after him and swung the blade towards him. Taehyun was quick and grabbed it and pulled it out of her hand with his supernatural strength.

"We only promise it if you don't do anything to us either," said the youngest, pointing the blade at herself.

She stood for a short time, contemplating it, but then nodded, "Agreement."

Taehyun threw the blade over towards the door as a signal for her to go out now. She walked over to it and picked it up, looked over her shoulder one last time, and then stepped out of the door.


Yeonjun was relieved that they had finally left again. But he still could not get their deal out of his head. He soon did not know what to do with it. It's that wolf's fault! He was confused as to why he felt the special connection with him.

He simply could not understand it.He shook his head and decided to go in and look at his sick cousin. He had to find something to distract himself with.


The girl was on her way home after a long school day. She had a new pile of homework and assignments to hand over in the coming week, and she had almost no surplus to it. Sometimes she just wished she could get a break from all that school. Something that could distract her.

She sighed meanwhile she unlocked the front door and entered her family's modern house. Her parents were not home as they were on a business trip and would only come home in a week.

She took off her shoes and jacket and immediately strolled up the stairs towards her room to do her homework and assignments. She opened her bedroom door, and the first thing she noticed was that her window stood wide open. What? I closed it?

She walked with long strides towards the window and closed it. She breathed a sigh of relief, but a voice made her freeze.

"Hey Iris."

She quickly turned around and spotted a boy, perhaps a few inches taller than herself, standing right in front of her. She stared at his surprisingly attractive appearance. His red-golden hair was set with a parting so one could see his forehead. His brown eyes shone on his clean face, but it seemed as if something was hiding behind them. His ears were pierced with several earrings, but one certainly caught her attention. A silvery full moon. She quickly looked down at his body shape, which looked supple and muscular. Her gaze immediately flew up again on him, who stood and bit into his pink, plump lips.

Iris blushed all over her face, due to his one movement.

"Are you done checking me out now?" he said with a grin.

She woke up from her stare and looked him in the eyes with a pair of cheeks, which were warming even more up.

"H-who are you?" she asked stuttering instead.

He started smiling, "Can't you remember me at all?" he worded a little suspiciously.

She squinted her eyes a little and tried to remember. But she couldn't think of anyone.

"No," she said, shaking her head quietly.

He sighed and leaned slightly forward and began to pull at something in his eyes. The movement made a memory play in Iris' brain, and before she could say anything, she looked into two large full moons. She gasped over it.

"Y-you are him!" she exclaimed.

He smiled at her and nodded. The girl was completely stunned and did not quite know what to ask first. She decided not to inquire into his peculiarity.

"Are you hungry?"

She swallowed and held her breath as he stepped one step closer to her and leaned in toward her.

"Only after you," he whispered into her ear, flexing a smirtly smile.

She closed her eyes in shock at his words. He started to burst out laughing, which was sweet music to Iris' ear and made sure she couldn't help but smile.

"I'm joking, moonlight," he said with a smile to her, running a soothing hand over her shoulder.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his nickname for her. Her skin almost started to burn the place his hand touched her.

"O-okay," she squeezed out in response.

His gaze wandered down to her bag of books and other school supplies. The boy took a step towards it and lifted the bag lightly and elegantly. The movement made her remember what she was really going to do, and she went over and lifted her books out of her bag. He raised an eyebrow wondering what the girl was doing, but it quickly dawned on him.

"Do you have homework ?" he asked, placing the bag on her desk.

"Yeah," she said, nodding briefly.

She sat down on a chair and began to find her computer. The boy immediately sat down on the chair next to hers and just looked at her face, which was wrapped in her blonde hair. Iris began to blush faintly and looked even deeper into her electronics. He could feel how a sweet warmth spread around his body just by being close to her. He loved it. His wolf loved it.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" he said unconsciously.

She turned her blue eyes towards him, "T-thank you," she stammered, looking down at her books again.

She began typing the answers for the tasks that were written inside the computer. Her fingers slid easily and quickly over the keys, and the boy just looked fascinated at her. They did not exchange words, just their existence said a lot.

The boy yawned and lay down, like a dog with its head resting on the girl's lap. A heatwave flowed through her as she came in contact with him. She looked down at his resting face and could not help but stare. What's happening to me? I don't even know him! He had closed his eyes and already seemed as if he had fallen asleep. His blonde-red hair lay faintly owl on top of his head and just screamed that she should touch it. It tingled in her fingers after touching it and finally, she grabbed out after it.

When the silky hair came in contact with her fingers, it sent even more electric waves around her body, and white dots appeared before her eyes. She slowly began to stroke it, and a smile formed on his plump lips. She could not help but smile herself. He was just so cute!

She turned her attention again to her computer screen and typed on, now only with one hand. The other she continued to stroke his hair with.

"Moonlight ... I think I love you", he mumbled which made her look surprised down at him again.



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