29| Healing powers

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It was far too quiet at the castle than it used to be. The wolf pack had in a short time been divided into smaller groups as if glass walls had been set up between them. Hwanwoong was the only 'normal' in the whole castle. Or at least he was as normal as you could be in the situation they were all in. Of course, there was the red glowing, Keonhee, but he was so confused by the situation that he was not much help.. It must have been his wolf who was confused about where their pack leader had disappeared to, and it then infected Keonhee, Hwanwoong thought. For the past 4 days, the yellow luminous had done nothing but run from one end of the castle to the other to make sure his pack members were fine. But as it looked to Hwanwoong, half of his members were sick, even though the green glowing refused to give Hwanwoong the right to call him sick. It was really difficult for the smallest wolf to have to be in several places at once, but on the other hand, they pretty much all stayed together in groups.

The yellow glowing wolf sighed softly, while he moved step by step up the stairs. He had to get them to solve the problem, this could not go on. With light steps, he walked down the hall with the rooms and knocked on the youngest's door.

"Xion, please open up," Hwanwoong said in a soft tone so as not to scare the other wolf. He knew the other wolf had heard him.

Shortly after, the door clicked and opened. Hwanwoong stepped into the dark room, his yellow eyes lit up in front of him, his moon was barely visible for the screaming yellow color. Immediately he caught sight of the youngest flock member, despite the darkness. He lay curled up in several layers of blankets and duvets, and the older one could not help but feel a little sick in his stomach because of it, even though he had nothing to do with what had happened. But Hwanwoong somehow also was responsible for the youngest, they all were that in the pack.

With short steps, he approached the crumpled wolf and sat down carefully on the edge of the bed next to it. He could hear the younger one sniffing gently. He had cried, there was no doubt about that. The yellow glowing boy gently placed a hand on top of the younger one's head, which just protruded below the many layers. He began to run his hand soothingly through the light gray soft locks of hair. The little one touch, made the younger boy move under the blankets, crawl out, and lay his arms around his hyung. It hurt Hwanwoong to see the youngest in such a state, red bloodshot eyes glowing in bright pink, and almost just as pink cheeks. He put his head all the way into the elder's chest, while his eyes began to run witch water again.

"Dongju, you can't stay like this forever .. you have to talk to him," the yellow luminous said, still with his hand running soothingly in the younger's hair.

Dongju sniffed, "I can't, hyung. He never forgives me ..."

"Of course Youngjo hyung will. Dongju, he loves you and no one can change that. Not even your rejection," Hwanwoong pushed a little to the younger ones so he could look him directly in the eyes, "The pain you are feeling right now: he feels the exact same pain ."

The eldest placed his hand over the youngest's heart and looked deeply into his watery eyes.

"Hy-hyung is that right?" Dongju's voice cracked, his eyes even more luminous.

Hwanwoong nodded slowly, "Yeah .. He's just as bad as you, and maybe even worse .."

The youngest wolf swallowed, a tear rolling from his cheek and landed silently between all the blanket layers, "What-what do you mean?"

Hwanwoong sighed softly and began to run his hand again soothingly through Dongju's hair, "When you rejected Youngjo, more specifically Ravn, an instinct started deep inside him. First it was the pain he was trying to get away from, and then. . " Hwanwoong stopped and looked down at the younger boy before continuing, "Then it was like an escape instinct had taken over him. You should have seen it, he was so terrified. I don't know why, but Seoho attacked him and bit him hard in the leg."

Hwanwoong closed his eyes and sighed again, "I think it was a battle for the leadership position .. But Seoho withdrew and Ravn kept the position .."

The yellow glowing again opened his eyes and looked at the younger one. His eyes were large and even more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"It's my fault it all .."

"Shh, don't blame yourself," the elder whispered softly, pushing Dongju up to sit, "But now I also think it's time for you to find Youngjo. At least that sounds like a good start, right?"

Dongju nodded and made a good attempt to wipe away all the spilled tears. They both got up from all the rugs, however, the pink glowing one swung a rug around himself before leaving the dark room. Hwanwoong quietly placed his hand on the shoulder of the younger one and followed him down the quiet hallway. But it was also no surprise that it was so quiet, even though Hwanwoong only knew where half of his pack members were. Keonhee was in the kitchen and was making their dinner. Seoho had no one seen since the day he had helped him clean his bleeding wounds. The green glowing he saw sometimes, but that was mostly around mealtimes, although Hwanwoong knew he also regularly checked up on Youngjo. And Youngjo was still up in the lookout tower if he had not moved until now. So they both steered up the stairs to the tower. For every step they took up the stairs, Dongju tensed up more and more. His heart pounded hard into his chest. and his nerves felt like they would be able to jump every second.

The smell of the other wolf hit their sensitive sense of smell shortly after they reached the stairs. Hwanwoong let go of the hold around Dongju, pushed him a little forward, and then pointed towards the stairs that led the last piece up the tower.

"He's up there," said the yellow glowing gently.

"Okay," muttered the youngest, and began his wander up the stairs.

Each step he took made it harder for him to breathe. It pressed around his chest and he squeezed one hand firmly around the fabric and clenched it. It hurt unbearably as if the full pain had only come now. He could feel the other wolf's severe pain now. And the feeling was like thousands of needles had pierced him at once. Dongju almost tripped when a pain wave hit him in his one leg. As he bit hard into his lower lip, he almost dragged his leg behind him up the last steps. The tears pressed down on him and his pink irises lit up brightly.

The youngest wolf's pain was so severe that patience didn't exist at all at that time. Therefore, he tore the door open and entered the semi-dark room. His tears rolled down as he caught sight of the figure in front of him. All the emotions he was holding on to, he let go. He couldn't hold anything back any longer. A sob escaped from the boy, and he rushed toward the wounded man, lying in the middle of the cool floor. A thin silk robe was the only thing that covered the figure, which could almost be described as lying in a pool of blood. His bandage was ripped up and the blood had flowed out and swept it all in. Dongju threw himself on his knees in front of the boy, who looked completely resigned, even though his facial expression was cast in pain.

The youngest swung the blanket off his shoulders and laid it around the older one before saying anything, "H-hyung?" his voice cracked.

Youngjo with difficulty turned his head and looked up at the pink glowing. Tears ran down his cheeks, and his sea-blue-colored eyes cut brightly through the room. His lips trembled, blue and frozen. Without thinking any further about it, Dongju grabbed him and pulled him up into his arms, making sure to wrap him in the blanket. The caring movement only made the dark-brown-haired cry even more, but this time the youngest laid him protectively all the way to his chest.

"Hyung, I'm so sorry .. I-I didn't mean any of what I said!" also crying, Dongju said and hugged  Youngjo tighter.

The eldest tried to answer in between the muffled sobs, but Dongju whispered to him, "I-it's okay, you don't have to say anything."

The touch made the longing sparks wave around them and slowly warmed up Youngjo's icy body again. His deep wounds did not stop bleeding, but all the excruciating pain was slowly numb by the presence of the youngest wolf. Soon it was again bearable to be there. The clear night sky shone up with innumerable small lights, and the most powerful shone in through the opening of the tower. The bright light of the moon laid gently with an outline around the two wolves. The rays had a healing effect, and they needed it.


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