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Gathered once more, now just inside the living room where there was more space, Yeonjun had thought. However, he quickly found out that the reality was a little different than his thoughts. Of course, they could not all sit inside their living room, so therefore the silver-haired hunter had walked around the whole house to find some extra pillows; it turned out that werewolves were not so picky about where they sat. They quickly spread out over the rather primitive seating, while the host, if you could call him that, picked up some snacks for their meeting.

When he reached the kitchen, he found his cousin sitting at the dining table with his dinner. Soobin did not even look at him when he found what he wanted to pick up, and it made Yeonjun roll his eyes at him. They had not shared a single word since the discussion, in which the black-haired hunter broke his nose, which Yeonjun could not even understand why was healed. Soobin stared monotonously down at his cell phone screen while running the chopsticks repeatedly up to his mouth, with a new mouthful. The silver-haired Hunter began to wonder if they would ever talk to each other again.


Jungkook sat at one end of the couches and just watched everyone else. He did not feel comfortable in this particular company. It was as if part of him still hadn't fully accepted that he was now working with what he had previously seen as enemies. But there was also another thing that bothered him. Jungkook couldn't help but keep an eye on Soobin. Up to several times, had he caught the elder sneaking out of the house, and he sensed there was something threatening about it. Maybe he was just completely crazy about it, and in reality, there was nothing special about Soobin sneaking out, but his instincts just could not help but make him aware of the possibility. And then there was the day when he had found Iris awake, and with Soobin fighting against her grip. It was by chance after their previous meeting that Jungkook had bumped into them and, fortunately for Soobin's sake, had separated them again. It would have ended wrong otherwise. Jungkook remembered how Iris' golden eyes had almost penetrated him like an arrow, and her full moon had gotten him frozen to the spot. The older hunter had immediately fled from them, leaving Jungkook alone to control the vengeful wolf.

He knew he couldn't hurt her, it would be the last chance he had at all, not to mention it was far from being a possibility. Jimin would kill him if he so much as just made a scratch on her. And that was just something Jungkook knew from his quiet observations. So, the boy let the newly turned werewolf step closer without moving. She growled at him, and Jungkook felt his knees slowly give under beneath him. There was such a strong force lying in the wolf with the full moon that Jungkook doubted he would be able to remain standing on his feet. And quite rightly so, he fell. His knee hit the floor hard it tore all the way up through his spine. And he could do nothing about it, for he was not allowed to defend himself. Iris approached step by step, reaching out for him. But then the boy felt the grip around his arms, and he was almost thrown back to see another creature come storming towards them, grabbing Iris by the arms. It all went so fast and in no time, they were gone. But Jungkook knew that it had been Jimin who had been taking a hold of her, and there were two reasons for that. 1. His wolf was as strong as Iris' and therefore would have a chance against her in battle. 2. Jungkook had not seen Jimin since the little pileup happened. Actually, there was also a third reason, but he was not so sure yet. The dark-haired hunter didn't know how many people there knew anything about what had happened. So he didn't mention it to anyone.

Ever since Jimin had come back to the Choi hunters for help, Jungkook had strongly considered starting to clear things up right up between them. Before had it never been difficult for them to talk to each other, even though they had not talked to each other for a long time, but now the youngest just couldn't bring himself to do it. Maybe, it was because they had now grown to become two opposites, and therefore found it less comfortable to be able to talk to each other. It could be that, but it could also be that Jimin was so busy with something else ..The thought of Alicia hit him like a heavy brick, and Jungkook had to bite himself in the cheek to hold on to the emotions. It hurt so much, deep inside, and a sense of guilt had drilled into his stomach. It was all his fault. He could have prevented it from happening if only he hadn't told Hoseok about her secret, and instead helped her. Then Alicia had never been dead.

He couldn't stand it any longer, and got up at once from the coach. A voice called for him, "Jungkook? Jungkook?" but he ignored it. He just needed to be alone, he claimed himself. Keep his feelings to himself.

Then he took the first steps up the stairs, and tears began to trickle down like raindrops over a windowpane. He could not keep the emotions closed inside, so he just let them out. When he felt a vibration from his phone, he sat down on his borrowed bed and pulled it out. He had received a message.

With quick movements, he wiped his blurred eyes from water and pressed into on the message. It seemed as if the room fell even heavier. Quiet even. Jungkook sensed the trembling sound and fell into spells at the last sentence.

The highest-ranking hunters had declared war with the underworlders and all those who remained as allies. They had declared war on him. Jungkook was going to war. Jungkook was in the middle of a war. Yeonjun had received the same message


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