42| An extra sense as help

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Jimin had fooled himself thoroughly this time. Giving up, he hit his head back so that it hit the wall behind him. Annoyed, his hand found its way up into his golden-red locks of hair and he sighed loudly, closing his eyes. He looked like someone who was completely lost. Why the hell did he have to fuck it all up so much? Why could he not just have remembered the damn stupid date, instead of it going so wrong? Then at least he had not hurt her .. the boy twisted his face at the thought. He had injured Iris, and not only mentally but also physically.

"Fucking hell."

He had totally ruined their thriving relationship, or whatever they had. But Jimin just knew there was something between them. She was certainly special to him, and it was not only Jimin himself who thought so, his wolf did too. But he just couldn't control it, and it was just so frustrating. He slipped the grip around his head and let his arms fall to the floor. Empty in his eyes, he looked around at the old dilapidated house he lived in. He had nowhere else to be, so now he had just gotten used to the fact that this was his new home. After all, he had the things he needed to be able to cope with, so he did not complain about it, even though there was really no one to complain to. This was nice enough. But what he had just done was certainly not fine. He then had to be able to do something .. something that would be able to correct it.

The boy got up from the floor and began to walk back and forth over the cold boards. His head was still a little heavy, probably still affected by the waning full moon. Probably something that could be compared to being hungover. Jimin shook his head in an attempt to knock the power of the moon out of his thoughts. But his wolf was still wildly chilled by it, and it became hard to think.

One rounded back and forth again, and then he fell over the solution. He had to find the hunter who had found them, there could be no better start than that. Quickly, Jimin found the last pieces of clothing that were to complete his attire. On the way to the door, he lifted his shirt over his head and threw himself against his shoes. He grabbed a jacket that hung on a hook and the next second he flew out the door. He gave himself no time at all to think about how he would find the hunter at all. Right now, the thought of finally having a solution was the thing that drove him to hasty actions. It was only when he put his foot on the grass at the end of the stairwell of the dilapidated house that it dawned on him that he did not know where to look. Slightly annoyed, he closed his eyes and sighed. Goddamn. The boy did everything to think back to the moment the hunter had arrived at the alley. First, he tried to focus on his appearance; black hair, black clothes, and all the weapons. The expression on his face was harsh, stiff, and with a hint of hatred. This hunter obviously hated underworlders. Jimin inhaled another breath into his lungs, still with his eyes closed and his extra sense deeply concentrated on the task. His hand moved slowly down to his stomach, where the knife had gone through his t-shirt and ripped his soft, well-trained stomach to pieces. The pain that had pierced him followed by the numbing feeling washed over the boy. It buttered a well-satisfied smile that had drawn in the corner of the hunter's lips. Iris' faint squeal. The blood dripping. 'My name is Soobin'.

Jimin opened his eyes slightly startled as the sentence suddenly crept into his sight. The hunter was named Soobin. Next problem; to find this hunter whose name was Soobin. The wolf did not know what or how to do it. There were guaranteed to be several hundred people in the area, also called Soobin. But then his wolf pushed towards him, his eyes began to glow the breathtaking purple color a sign of his wolf had taken over. He again removed his hand from his abdomen, where the wound had healed by the rays of the moon the previous night. There was not a single sign left that the wound should ever have occurred on his body.

The wolf pulled the hood over his head, his purple irises shone out and his red-golden hairs also protruded randomly. The full moon in his eyes was powerful today, putting the last print on him so he looked completely ethereal. The wolf set off running along the field road heading towards the city. It knew exactly where Choi Soobin was.


"Soobin hyung, there's someone at the door who wants to see you!" Shouted the youngest of the Choi dogs through the house, which strangely enough felt more empty than it used to.

The black-haired boy flew up from the chair he had been sitting on in the kitchen, an expectant smile playing on his lips. Had she already arrived? When Beomgyu caught sight of the smiling boy, he raised his eyebrow in deep confusion. For why the hell was his otherwise so fucking sour cousin suddenly in such a good mood? Shut up he did not get any of it. A hand slipped from behind around his waist and lay down in a firm grip on him. The blond boy turned his head and smiled at Taehyun.

"Choi Soobin."

The voice certainly did not come from the person he had expected, and the hunter lost his smile faster than what it had taken him to lift. This was not the red-haired girl, but a boy with two bright purple glowing eyes, and not to forget it, two glowing full moons. The hunter swallowed and glared almost angrily at the boy. Well enough, the black-haired hunter already hated the underworlder boy, but from his eyes, he could also read how strong this wolf was.

"What do you want?" the question was tilted by Soobin's tongue, as if it were pure poison.

Oddly enough, the wolf did not reproduce the anger that had been thrown at his head, "Talk. About Iris," the boy replied calmly, placing a hand on the door, which had not yet been fully opened for him.

Soobin sighed, "Okay, come in."

Jimin's eyes widened as he entered the house and all the smells hit him at once. This was an extremely strange composition, and it in no way made sense to him in relation to the fact that this hunter, who was standing next to him, hated underground. Jimin turned his head and his gaze immediately hit two blood-red eyes. First strange smell in this composition, a vampire. And the vampire held protectively about another boy. A hunter.

Soobin led him into the house and sat down on one of the chairs in what was probably the kitchen. The wolf followed him, and sat down on the chair opposite him.

"What do you want to talk about then? What's the matter with Iris, other than I rescued her from you?"Jimin could hear footsteps further behind him and a whisper. 'What do you dislike about him?' followed by the answer 'Beom, he's not just a normal wolf, I've never seen a stronger one!'

"What did you do to her?!"

The black-haired hunter smiled crrokedly and leaned back in his chair, laying his arms crossed.

"Uhh, can the girl now not remember the doggie anymore, huh? That was a shame," the hunter's words were mocking and condescending towards the wolf, whose temper slowly got more and more out of control.

A growling sound escaped the wolf's throat, and Soobin could feel a tremor go down his spine, just by the individual growl. So powerful was the power that came from the wolf.

"You tell me it now."

Soobin gulped, his gaze suddenly wildly restless and uncertain, "I gave her an elixir of oblivion."

That was enough information for the wolf to get up with a roar from his chair and head towards the hunter and grab him by the collar.


The wolf stopped in all its movements and looked up, his grip on the hunter's still just as tight. But then he let it go completely.



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