2| The fullmoon wolf

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Alicia tensed all over her body as the cleansing fluid hit the wound.

"Ouch-", she exclaimed.

Hoseok kept pressing in on the wound with the cloth, "Does it hurt a lot?", he asked.

She glared angrily at him, "What does it look like, you idiot!"

"Calm down, miss, I was just asking ...", he mumbled in response.

She started talking without any sound to herself. Hoseok did everything to keep his laughter inside, but it was hard.

He decided instead to ask her more, "How did you get this wound at all? It wasn't someone who bit you?"

"No?! What do you think of me? They have no chance against me!", she surely replied back.

Hoseok kept a sharp look at her but then shrugged.

"Did anyone escape?" Hoseok asked seriously, and Alicia shook her head.

They both turned around towards Jungkook, "You caught him, didn't you?", Alicia asked.

The younger remained silent.

"Right?", she said more firmly.

He now looked up with a nervous smile, "Um .. Yeah ....... not really ...", he replied.

Alicia's eyes became twice as big in a split second as they were before, "You just do NOT mean that!? YOU IDIOT!!", she shouted at him.

"Well now he's the idiot ..." Hoseok whispered to himself.

"Shut up over there!", she ushered at Hoseok.

"That means that right now there is one of them who runs around freely, and can manage to warn the rest of the packs in the city?! Damn it too...", she said and slapped a hand in the forehead on herself.

"Alicia...", Jungkook began.

"No not 'Alicia' me! Do you realize how serious this is ?!"



"ALICIA! Now just listen to what the boy has to say," Hoseok interrupted.

She silenced immediately and turned her gaze to the younger one.

"What I'm trying to say is that he's not quite like the others. His moon was full. He had a full moon! And...", Jungkook bit his lip as he considered whether to tell them who he thought it was.

"What?! So what you're telling us is that the man we are dealing with is probably the strongest werewolf we ever have met?", Alicia exclaimed completely speechless.

"I know," Jungkook replied quietly.

"You're not freaking out over this at all? We must catch and kill him immediately! He is extremely dangerous!", said Alicia and made signs to get up.

Hoseok was quick and pulled her down into the chair again, "Alicia you're hurt, you will only be able to fight when it is completely healed", he said sternly.

She rolled her eyes at him, "Yeah, right..."

"Then stop being so nosy at your elder young lady! Do you realize I'm doing this for your sake?", Hoseok continued.

"Sorry oppa~", Alicia sang, fluttering extra with her eyelashes.

Hoseok wrinkled his face over his different accusation.

"But that was what you asked for, wasn't it?" she said innocently.

"Yeah whatever," he said, waving her off.

"Then you can go home again".

Alicia looked up in shock at him as he began to push her towards the door, "But you did not even bandage my wound, did you?"

"Bye-bye," he said as the last thing before she was pushed completely out of the building and the door was closed.

Jungkook scowled at the elder."What?"

"Hyung, you're being mean..."


Jungkook woke up with a shock from his nightmare. No, it must not happen! He rose to a side and could not help but go through the terrible images that had now settled in his memory. Jimin must not die! He bit his lip as he pondered on what to do. Suddenly he got up and walked with certain steps towards Hoseok's room. It was the middle of the night and therefore he chose not to knock as he was definitely asleep. The younger one gently opened the door and looked inside. To his slightest surprise, the elder slept.

Jungkook walked quietly over to his bed dotted to his arm, "Hyung," he called.

Hoseok slapped the younger's hand away and turned around, "Jungkook what the fuck do you want in the middle of the night?", he asked annoyed.

"Hyung, I just want to tell you something...", Jungkook tried again.

Hoseok sat up immediately when he heard how worried Jungkook was.

Hoseok wearily scratched his eyes and yawned, "What do you want to tell then?"

Jungkook inhaled a deep breath, "Hyung, I think I know the fullmoon wolf..."

Hoseok stopped in all his movements and looked even more attentively at him.

"I-I think it's my good friend Jimin, Park Jimin to be more specific, that I have not talked to for years ..."

The elder frowned at the familiar name, "And how can you be so sure?"

"I could see it was his eyes, and his voice matched Jimin's, maybe just a little deeper," he replied deeply seriously.

"Has he shown any signs of a wolf before?"

Jungkook shook his head, "Never."

They both looked down at the floor buried in thoughts.

"I've just never heard of a wolf being so powerful... Weel, get some sleep, right?"

The younger one nodded and walked towards the door again. He had already decided that this time he would do anything to find Jimin, let it be over his dead body.


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