55| They cross the fire

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They were a great team and their techniques fit together perfectly. They were like two assembled puzzle pieces that had been glued together and could not be disassembled again. Back against back, they had their enemies killed, one by one, almost without any scratches. But Yeonjun knew there were more waiting somewhere out there. This was not just won like that. They were, of course, in a wildly unfair minority. He could only hope that a miracle would happen. But miracles do not happen, he had always thought.

Geonhak hit one of the invading hunters in the head with a fist, causing him to fall backward, and Yeonjun stuck out after him with his blade. As a final attempt, the hunter swung his own blade out toward the wolf, but Yeonjun kicked his hand so that it instead landed with a resounding sound on the bloody floor.

He breathed quickly while looking around at the other fighters. The blood ran down the leg of the light brown wolf with the red shining eyes. Keonhee was in his wolf form and he was wounded but fought on untouched. Several from the wolf pack were in their wolf form and seemed to hit the last hunters. Yet Yeonjun steered against them to help.

He felt someone grab his hand, "They can handle it themselves," whispered Geonhak, squeezing it.

Yeonjun nodded and instead dragged the younger wolf toward the door, which stood wide open. The hunter responded quickly and paired an opponent's blade with his own. Yeonjun had known that someone was also standing out here waiting for them to leave the house. But what he didn't count on was that there was more than one. Yeonjun put all his strength into the movement and pushed to the other black-clad hunter's weapon, then swung his blade out after him. The hunter was fast and slammed his sharp weapon into Yeonjun's, making a shrill clinking sound in the air. With his face squeezed tightly together, Yeonjun struck strikingly against the enemy and clearly took control of the fight.

But then the unexpected came, and another hunter joined the fight, so it was now two against one. The effort trickled down Yeonjun's face like pearls of sweat, and he ducked, swung out after them with his blade, and parried blow after blow. The soundings cut through the air and Geonhak had another fight going on. They were in total deprivation and needed help before they would lose their grip on it all.

Miracles never happen, he said, but when an arrow flew through the air and hit first the one he had a fight against and then the other, Yeonjun actually doubted. He heard shouts and the sound of even more blades clinking in the air. Yeonjun looked up and saw how the enemies were killed faster than before. It went way too fast, he thought. It had to be magic. Yeonjun could not think of anything else. With a gasp, he was about to drop his blade when he spotted the wolf that had fallen to its knees.

"GEONHAK LOOK BEHIND YOU!" Yeonjun shouted in reflex as he saw someone coming from behind.

No, that couldn't happen, not now. The whole world burst for Yeonjun the second the hunter stretched the bow out and was ready to release it. He ran all he could to them, but the hunter let go of the bowstring and the arrow was shot off. Yeonjun drilled the tip of his blade deep into the archer so that the blood sprayed all the way up his arm. His gaze was wild and far from common sense, if Beomgyu had seen him now, he would far from be able to see that it was his own brother.

Yeonjun breathed a sigh of relief and sharply turned his head towards the wolf. But no arrow was there to be seen in his back, and it made him look around confused. The arrow lay on the ground next to Geonhak. Then the silver-haired hunter looked up and spotted the warlock from earlier. He nodded to him, but Yeonjun did not have time at all to thank him before he had already stroked the last steps to the wolf, who was still sitting on his knees on the ground.

Yeonjun bent over him and immediately caught sight of the wound which he pressed his palms against.

"Geonhak! Hey Geonhak, let me see it," the hunter exclaimed and sat down on his knees in front of the wounded wolf.

A small nod came in response from the other, and he moved his hands from the bleeding incision that had come down along the side of him. It was deeper than Yeonjun had anticipated, and he made big eyes as he gently removed the torn fabric from the wound. One could already see how it healed, and Yeonjun looked up at the wolf with relief.

"Why is it always you who gets hurt?"Geonhak laughed quietly and followed with his bloody thumb a scratch over the cheek of the hunter in front of him. A red line appeared almost like a kind of war paint.

"Because I can handle it better. I heal faster than you," he stopped his sentence, tilting his head slightly, as Geonhak always did when he considered something. When he looked at someone.

"Luck must be with us, right?"

Yeonjun just looked back at the wolf with a stare. The black hair had grown so far over the last month that it would really seriously be able to cover for his sight if it hung over his eyes. Oh god, how hot he was right now. Yeonjun pulled air in between his teeth and completed the puzzle as he gently laid his lips against the wolf and kissed him. He pulled himself closer to Geonhak, careful not to touch his wounds, and let himself sail away completely drunk on the wolf's light, almost butterfly-like touches. They tickled.

"Yeonjun there are more out there!!"

The hunter withdrew from the wolf with a sigh. He knew it. This was far from over.

Then he got up and turned around towards the younger hunter, "Jungkook to the field. The battle must be won on the big field!"




The frozen grass creaked under their shoes, and the hazy air surrounded them like a large blanket. A cold blanket. The wind bit into their clothes the further into the field they came. Jungkook could sense the figures in the distance, they stood waiting for them. His hands were shaking and he could not really figure out if it was because of the cold wind tearing at him or if it was the nervousness that was bubbling up inside him. This could be the end of his life.

There was no one who said anything, it was as if the fog swallowed every single word that had previously been formed and now left them all in silence. A very unpleasant silence. Jungkook didn't know how many they were, it was hardly worth it to count his own group, now that he knew that those they stood up against were at least ten times more than them. Was this really what his fate looked like? The only eighteen-year-old boy had never foreseen that this was what he had spent several years on training up to.

Then they all stopped as they came to the stream that meandered through the terrain. It evoked bad memories in Jungkook, and he leaned over towards Hoseok, who with a petrified face only looked straight at the hunters, who were standing on the opposite side a little further away. The boy couldn't help but take a look around them all, the mood was all depressed.

Taehyun and Beomgyu were glued to each other, and Jungkook didn't judge them for it. No one from the pack of wolves looked like himself, steadfast on a rock-hard emotion. A wild instinct had kicked in over them, and there were no soft feelings to be gleaned from them anymore, and likewise, there was little to be found in Seoho and Sowook, who had also joined them. The three underworlders that Hoseok and Jungkook had captured stood a little behind Hoseok. Then there was Geonhak and Yeonjun. The silver-haired hunter seemed like someone who already had a fight with himself. Jungkook tried to read his expression, but it was too difficult to decipher. It all just rolled around and Geonhak seemed to be the one to keep track of it with his hand wrapped around Yeonjun's.

And then there was Alicia who stood on his one side. Her gaze was distant, far away even, but then she unexpectedly turned her head and looked back at him. And she smiled soothingly at him, just as a heat wrapped up around Jungkook, and for a brief second, he completely forgot that he was feeling cold. It was just the little thing there needed to happen before he felt his tension slowly drop again. She was okay, and then he was okay too.

Jungkook took a deep but slightly trembling breath and looked forward to the battlefield again. Several appeared behind them, who were also on their side, both underworlders but also hunters. Most underworlders.

It was now that it was going to happen. There was no way back. This was serious. Jungkook pulled his blade and swallowed the accumulating saliva.

It was now, that they were crossing the fire.


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