The beginning

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Andy's POV

We had just gotten done with a photo shoot in LA. It was scorching outside, and we were all sweating like pigs. We slowly trudged onto the bus, and all collapsed as soon as we entered. Jinxx and Jake fell on the couch, CC, being CC, fell onto the table hitting his head in the process, Ashley laid himself gently down on the floor next to the fan, and I went over and sat in the chair closest to him.

"It... Is... Too... Hot.." CC whined, throwing his hands up in the air for dramatic effect. We all just nodded in response, to tired to speak.

"How about... we turn on the... ... the... TV?" Jake offered, weakly motioning to the remote. Once again we all nodded, and I reached over and grabbed the controller.

The first channel to come one was the news, and I was about to skip it when I felt Ashley tightly grab my arm.

"The zombie apocalypse?" he read, his eyes studying the large warning blinking on the screen. "What is that all about?"

"It isn't real Ash." I reassured, listening to the news lady ramble on and on for a minute, before changing the channel to Cartoon Network. Everyone groaned in protest, but I felt like watching it so that was what we were watching!

About ten minutes into an episode of Scooby Doo we heard a knock on the bus door.

"ONETWOTHREENOTIT!" CC screamed, followed by a fast chorus of Not it's. Lucky me, being the last one to respond to his childish tactics, pulled myself out of the chair and towards the door. I was just about there, when something outside of the window caught my eye. It was a person, slowly moving closer and closer to our bus. I didn't recognize them, so I decided just to label them as a crazy fan. I continued my journey to the door, but when I opened it, I froze in place, and the blood drained from my face. Standing there was my precious Juliet. Her eyes looked as though she hadn't slept in months, and her skin was a sickly green color. Her shirt was stained with crimson blood, and more of the vile liquid was pouring from her mouth.

"A-Andy" She gurgled, falling to her knees by my feet. I backed up slightly, before realizing that my Dragonfly was hurt. I quickly ripped off my shirt and wrapped it around her bleeding middle. Jinxx and Jake came over to help me, and after nearly fainting, managed to help her onto the couch. I took a seat next to her and held her hand.

"What happened!?" I screamed, my eyes searching her body for any more wounds.

She took a deep breath before beginning to speak. "You... you need to get out of here." She gasped for air, "More are coming... the... there... " and with that she fainted.

I was in despair and couldn't seem to think straight. Who had done this to my precious baby?! All was silent as I lamented in my thoughts, but they were interrupted by a low growling noise.

"What was that?" Ashley asked, finally standing from his spot on the floor.

"It sounded like it was coming from Juliet..." Jinxx added, taking a step back from me, and my girlfriend.

Out of no where the growl became louder and Juliet began to shake uncontrollably. I leaned over her in an attempt to wrap her in my arms, but the next thing I knew, she was tackling me attempting to bite my flesh. I was thrashing underneath her, trying to push her from on top of me, but my efforts were to no avail. I heard shuffling and panicked screams coming from the guys, before I felt a tough push down on me, and Juliet fell lifeless on top of me.

I pushed the corpse off me and looked up to see Ashley holding a bloody knife, a look of satisfaction and fear in his face.

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