We go together or we don't go down at all..

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Crystal's POV

Me, CC, and Chris were sitting on the couch in a comfortable silence when out of no where a sobbing Ash came running down the stairs and into the back yard. Both me and CC jumped off the couch at the same time. Ashley was followed by Cat and Andy, but CC motioned for them to stop. It always seems like a drama show when they're involved.

I walked to the back door and spotted Ash sitting on the ground. I jogged over to him and sat on his left side. CC didn't come out, so I guess he was trying to talk some sense into Cat and Andy.

"Ashley?" I questioned, scooting closer to his shivering form.

He looked up slowly and smiled in my direction. I noticed small flecks of red forming in his chocolate brown eyes, but I didn't want to say anything.

"You ok?" I asked, trying to find out what had happened.

"Crystal," he began, turning himself so he was facing me. "I'm gonna die.... a-and I told Cat that she has to kill me... b-ut I know she won't.... and...."

I knew what he was asking.... But I couldn't kill him. That was going to be our downfall. If Ashley was to turn we would all be screwed. No one would have the heart to kill him, even if he wasn't himself anymore. Day by day he becomes less him and more monster, but it seems that he is the only one ready to admit it.

"Ashley. We are going to get you help. Chris can find some sort of antidote and we will do whatever it takes to help you." Tears welled up in my eyes.... "You're not gonna die."

"And if I do..." He said, but it came out more of a question.

"If you do... than... well... we go together or we don't go down at all." I smiled and pulled him into my arms.

Just than CC walked out and sat on Ashley's other side. Ashley immediately detached himself from me and clung on to CC.

"How you doin buddy?" CC asked, returning the hug.

"I don't even know anymore..." Ashley answered, looking down at the grass. "Where are Andy and Cat?"

CC motioned to the house and Ash nodded in understanding.

"How about you get some rest Ashley, and CC and I will sit by your bed until you go to sleep?" I asked, looking into his sad eyes.

Ashley yawned, so CC took that as his cue to pick him up bridal style and navigate his way to the upstairs bedrooms. By the time we got there, Ashley was close to sleep. CC gently placed Ash on the bed and pulled me into his arms. I ground contently as CC swayed us gently.

I heard Ash mumble something in his sleep as I thought over what we had said before...

We go together or we don't go down at all...

Were all gonna die...

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