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Chris's POV

After that... Challenging walk... We finally arrived at Kina's house. Crystal was about to run up and break down the door when I stopped her. Who knows how Kina would respond to that. We needed to remain calm and civilized.
I turned around and asked everyone else for ideas. Jinxx shrugged.
"Maybe we can climb through a window?" CC said, obviously not paying attention to our conversation.
Andy was too busy taking care of Ashley to respond. I was just about to ask Cat for an idea when something came to mind.
I swiveled around on my heels and looked back at Ashley. He had a steady stream of blood coming from his nose, and his hand was twitching uncontrollably.
I slowly walked over to where him and Andy were standing.
"I have a plan. You guys have to play along though," I warned, helping Ash up off the ground.
They both nodded and followed me up the stairs and to the door. I knocked three times and stood back and waited.
"Who is it!" A high pitched voice yelled.
"Well I'm Chris and...."
"Go away" she interrupted.
I continued anyway. "Ashley is hurt and-"
In no more than five seconds the door was swung open and we were all pulled inside the house.
Every single wall in the house was filled with pictures. Some of playboy models, others of family, but for the most part they were of Ashley.
I was too busy looking around to notice that Kina had pulled Ashley over to the couch (to Andy's disapproval) and was now tucking him in tightly with a black hello kitty blanket.
"Hey Kina" Ashley whispered, snuggling against the pillow.
"Shhh.. Don't talk," Kina responded as she pulled down her miniskirt. "I know what will make you feel better!!" And with that she ran out of the room.
I looked to my left and saw a very jealous Andy pacing back and forth. Jake walked up to me and put his arm around my waste.
"Is this all part of the plan baby?" He asked smiling down at me.
I nodded and we all waited until Kina came back. When she did she had in her hands a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey, which Ashley gladly excepted, but also a stack of papers. She sat on the edge of the couch and handed them to Ash as well.
Ashley's checks flushed a light shade of pink and he put the papers back down on the table. CC walked over to see what they were and upon seeing them grabbed one of the magazines off the table. Crystal slapped him across the head though, so he had to put it down.
"Why did you guys come here instead of staying at home?? What is wrong with Ashy???" Kina asked shifting her weight on the couch.
Andy growled lightly when she used his nickname for Ash, earning himself a laugh from Cat.
"Well... Ashley is Kina infected.." I began, but before I could say more Kina jumped up from her seat.
That is when Andy lost it. He walked over to Ashley on the couch and later down beside him. Ash, of course, moved over for his boyfriend. Kina didnt notice at first since she was too busy yelling at me, but once she did all hell broke loose.
"Andy, we all know you have had a little gay crush on my man, but right now he needs space and real love so back the fuck up fag." Kina snarled, walking closer to the couch.
Andy responded by pulling Ashley closer and kissing him passionately on the lips. When the kiss was over Ashley buried his head into Andy's side, clearly embarrassed.
Well there goes my plan....
Kina was about to say something when quiet Cat broke in.
"I hate to be blunt and all, but Barbie... Ashley and Andy are together now. Sorry. Oh and also..." She paused for dramatic effect. "We have to kill you to save Ashley."
"W-what?" Kina stuttered backing up towards the wall. I looked up and noticed the shotgun hung up.
"You heard her princess," Crystal said, obviously noticing the gun as well since she stepped in front of Cat.
"It's just more convenient for everybody if you died... We need blood of a loved one for Ash to feel better" Cat said standing her ground.
Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. Kina grabbed the gun, Cat stepped in front of Crystal, and I attempted to jump in front of her, but before I could I heard a loud ban-

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