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Ashley's POV

THE FUCK!! That was all I could think. She pulled away from my cheek and slowly began to rub her hand up and down my shivering arm.

"I-I think I should leave," I said as I attempted to stand up, but I was harshly pulled back down by Cat.

"Why?," she asked, as a creepy smile replaced her normally emotionless face. "Is your precious little Andy gonna get jealous?"

I growled out the mention of his name, but refused to answer otherwise.

Cat continued. "Well what if I wanted a turn? My mean, selfish, brother can't have you all for himself can he?" Her hand slowly began to slide down to my chest. I swatted her hand away before attempting to stand once more. Cat didn't like that at all, so she purred and pulled me down once more, although this time with more force.

"I know you don't want to, but you should just let it happen," she whispered as she gently attempted to push me onto my back. Since I was much stronger than her I managed to stay up for a while, but eventually my strength wore off and I was staring up at the ceiling.

"This is just what you need Ash. A nice... relaxing... shall we call it a break from being butt fucked... ???"

I jumped at her choice of words, even though I knew they weren't true.

"Look Cat, I'm not sure what has gotten into you, but," I didn't have time to finish my sentence. Cat had already crashed her lips onto mine. I attempted to push her away, but she was too heavy. I had no choice but to stay still.

I mean, I do need a break and Andy and I aren't even officially together yet so...

I knew that it was wrong, but slowly I began to kiss back. I felt Cat's lips turn upwards in a smile before as she deepened the kiss. I moaned slightly as guilt consumed me, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. Something about it was...addicting. I thought back to all those sluts I used to bring onto the bus. IF I FREAKING START DOING THAT AGAIN I SWEAR TO JESUS! With this thought in mind I tried to sit up once again, but just as before I failed and I felt Cat's hand move lower. I tried to scream, but the sound was muffled in Cat's lips. It seems submission was my only option... not that I minded that much.

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