Kill the Bitch

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Cat's POV

Well that was a long ass day...

After seeing Ashley half dead hanging from a rope, I couldn't really handle anything else for the rest of the night. So I went into a quiet room and I thought. I thought for a long time, which was something I didn't normally do. I thought about what Andy was going to say to me, now that he figured that I was in love with his boyfriend. I thought about who Ashley would pick- Andy or me. A part of me wanted him to choose me so we could be the cute couple that double dated with CC and Crystal. Another part of me wanted my brother to be happy. Another part of me wanted to be alone. To die.

I loved Ashley. But I loved Andy. And I didn't know whose happiness came first. Mine, or the happiness of my brother. My head was in a whirlwind of thoughts that I couldn't comprehend all at once. Of course, the only person I could ever talk to was the one and only, the bubbliest and most irritating yet lovable person I had ever met, Crystal. I stood up finally and went to find my best friend. Eventually, I found her off to the side somewhere with CC. I asked if I could borrow her for a minute. When she came out into the hallway, I stood there quietly for a second, then burst out into tears and hugged her tighter than I ever had before. She jumped back for a second, obviously shocked, but then hugged me tightly.

We talked for hours about everything that was going on lately, and how our life had literally been turned into a soap opera all because we saved this band's life one day. I told her that I was in love with Ashley. I told her that i didn't want to hurt Andy. I told her everything I was feeling. And she told me about her fears. And the whole time, her contacts were out. I had only seen her once without her contacts in, but it didn't mean as much to me as it did right then. It meant that we were finally talking to each other and seeing who we really were. I got a lot of things off my chest in those three hours of talking, and then it was time to leave the room and face the rest of the group.

When Crystal and I walked out into the living room, everyone was sitting in a circle talking about a way to fix Ashley. Jake and Chris were sitting VERY close to one another, CC was tapping the floor like drums, and Andy and Ashley were...cuddling. My heart broke a little, but I soon snapped out of it and followed Crystal to go sit near CC. I didn't make any eye contact with either Ashley or my brother, which shockingly made me more upset about the whole heartbreak thing. That was always my way of thinking. If you pretended the problem wasn't there, it couldn't affect you. It wouldn't affect you. It would ignore you like you were ignoring it. But this time, something was different. The more I looked away, the emptier I felt. Emptier than normal. I sat, completely lost in my day dream (or nightmare), when suddenly I felt a warm presence beside me. "Whatcha doin?" Ashley asked, swaying slightly and knocking into my shoulder."I wanted so badly to answer, but I just wasn't in the mood. He continued to sway, and soon I gave in. I remembered how broken he was, and how he looked laying on the floor covered in his own blood. If I couldn't be a lover, than the next best thing would have to be a best friend. "Sitting," I answered bluntly, hitting him playfully across the head. He giggled, and nodded in acknowledgment. "I FOUND IT!" Chris yelled from his spot, dropping his book onto the ground. "I found the answer... the antidote!"Andy jumped up from his seat followed closely behind by CC and crowded around a now standing Chris. "The blood of a loved one... thats what Ashley needs!" He yelled!Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Chris as if he were crazy. "I know I sound crazy," Chris continued, speaking our thoughts, "but I know this is right. I have been researching it ever since this all happened. Now all thats left is to find someone who Ashley loves and kill them..."Everyone looked at Andy and me before casually allowing their eyes to wander the room. "KINA!" Ashley shouted, jumping up from beside me. "We can slaughter her and then I'll be cured!!" Everyone laughed at his reply, and nodded in agreement. "Than it's a plan..." Andy said, standing up and joining Ashley, she only lives down the- WAIT!" "WHAT!" CC yelled, looking towards Andy for an explanation. I chuckled to myself since I had noticed why Andy paused. Chris said blood of a loved one and Ashley said Kina which means... I could tell Ash noticed it too because his face was bright red and he was biting his lip. "What?" he stopped before continuing, "She's ok.." Andy laughed and pulled Ashley into his arms. "Than its settled!" Chris said, raising his arms, "lets go kill the bitch!"

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