Lonely people do crazy things

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It was about an hour after the battle when I felt it. The feeling of loneliness. I hadn't felt that way since I had gotten with Andy, but the thoughts were beginning to come back when I noticed that he was ignoring me. He was just...secluded. I didn't know what else to do, so I went into the living room and turned on the TV. Every single channel I turned to had some sort of romance movie on. Annoyed, I shut the TV off and placed my head into the palms of my hands. I struggled to hold back tears, but eventually I caved. Why was Andy not here for me when I needed him most? I sat there, all alone, millions of thoughts fogging up my mind.
No one ever came to comfort me. I was sitting in the same position for an hour, contemplating what I should do next. I wanted to end the loneliness right then, but how would everyone react if I...killed myself? I lifted my head up and quieted down. Suicide? Had my thoughts finally won, and was I suicidal at last? Standing up, I wiped away the last of my tears and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I kneeled down onto the tile floor and hugged my knees, whispering to myself.
"This is happening."
I scoured the room for anything destructive. At last, I found a spare rope under the sink. That should do. I tied the rope to the fan on the ceiling, and stepped up onto a small stool. I carefully wrapped the end of the rope around my neck, knowing that there was no going back now. Just then, time stopped. My head was in a whirlwind of thoughts.
This is happening. Who's gonna care? Will Andy even cry? Will he move on? How about Cat, or Crystal, or the rest of the guys? What are they going to do? Will they care? Will they care? Will they care??!!
Tears flowed down my cheeks as I made my final decision. I needed to jump, and fast. Before I changed my mind.
One foot was off the stool now. I counted to three and let my other foot fall from the stool. I was dangling now, barely breathing. My vision was blurring and my ears were ringing. My head was still screaming, Will they care? Will they care? Will they care?
It could have been an hour or a minute. I had no sense of time. All I heard was the door swing open and an ear piercing scream following it. My eyes fluttered open, but I couldn't see. I was cold and lightheaded. I felt warm hands struggle to pull me down from the rope, and soon I was on the ground and in someone's arms. Gasping for air, I looked around as my vision cleared up slowly. I soon recognized the person who was holding me. Cat.
"Ashley? ASHLEY??!!" she cried, hugging me tighter than ever. I couldn't manage to get words out, but a half smile cracked on my face. She was laughing though the tears. Was she in as much pain as I was?
"What the hell? Why would you do this? You could have...died!!" She sobbed into my chest, staining my shirt with tears. I was breathing slowly now, and I could fully see Cat crying over me. I managed to sit up, tears falling from my cheeks. I pushed her purple hair behind her ear and whispered in a raspy voice.
"Hey, what's with you and saving my life?"
A small smile showed on her face, as she slowed down the crying. Just then, Andy ran up behind her and gasped.
"What happened?" He asked, terrified.
I looked up at him and sighed. "I was lonely."

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