The Mortician's Sister!?

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Cat's POV

I was sitting on the couch, playing with my hands since I had nothing better to do. I didn't want to be dragged to this stranger's house with guys I had never met before. I watched Chris read his book like there was nothing going on around him. Crystal was raiding the fridge so I decided to get up and show myself around a little.

My feet took me wherever they wanted to go. I stared at all the pictures of the guy, I think his name was Andy, and his girlfriend who had supposedly died. I felt bad for the guy, I mean, I know I would be upset if my boyfriend got killed. But then again, I would never have a boyfriend because love is for the weak.

As I made my way deeper into the hallway, I began to see familiar photos hanging up. I had seen them before, but I couldn't remember exactly where. The photos were of a family. Hm, family. That's a word I hadn't used in ages. I stared more and more at the photo which stood out to me the most. It was of a family. A mom, a dad, a son, and a daughter. Something was freakishly familiar about all of this...

I felt two hands on my shoulder and I spun around, terrified. It was Andy, the one with the good hair and dead girlfriend.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, looking down at me, curiously.

"Looking at photos." I pointed out the one of the family. "This one looks like a picture I've seen before, but I don't know where." I said, quietly.

"Woah, you talk?" Andy joked with me.
"Yes, dumbass, I talk. Can you tell me who the family is?" I asked, annoyed with his joke.

"The family is mine. I don't know who you hang out with, but most people don't have pictures of random families lying around... I'm the boy, and the little one next to me is my sister, or, was my sister, Catherine. She disappeared when I was eight, and I haven't seen her since." A sad look wiped across his face.

"What were your parents' names?" I asked, a little freaked out because my name was Catherine, and I had been separated from my family when I was six.

"Amy and Chris Biersack...why?" He said, confusion clear in his voice.

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Those were my parents' names!
"Batman?" I muttered, looking up at Andy's face.

"Catwoman?" Andy's voice raised with happiness and childish excitement.

"YES!!!!" I screeched, (I normally don't screech.) Jumping into Andy's welcoming arms.

Andy and I hugged for what felt like forever, both of us practically in tears.

"I can't believe it's....your....YOU'RE MY SISTER!" Andy tried to get the words out of his mouth without screaming at the top of his lungs.

I was crying tears of happiness. I never cried. This was all so new to me. All I had had for the past twelve years of my life were Crystal and Chris. No family, no real love. But now I was standing in my big brother's arms, seeing him for the first time since we were kids. I was finally, genuinely, happy.

Crystals POV

I was grabbing a beer from Andy's fridge when an ear piercing scream startled me. I was alert for a moment before realizing that the scream was a good kinda scream...

"Hey, whatcha got there?" I spun around on my heels, and came face to face (or rather face to chest) with the one they call CC.

"A beverage." I replied sarcastically as I walked into the living room with him following close behind.

"Aren't you like 16?" He questioned, a small smirk forming on his lips. I simply shrugged and popped the tab off the can. Before I could even take the first sip something out the window caught my eye.

"GUYS! WE GOT TROUBLE!" I screamed. Andy and Cat ran out from some hallway, Ashley ran down the stairs followed by CC, and the others stood up and walked over. I motioned out the window to the pod of about twenty zombies ascending Andy's front steps.

We all grabbed our weapons and met back up in the living room.

"So what is our plan?" Jinxx asked, looking between me and Cat for answers.

"What's with you and your plans?" I responded, "We just wing it." With that I swung the door open, hitting a zombie in the process, and ran down the stairs.

By the time I had made it to the bottom, my EVERYTHING was covered in blood. I looked back up and saw Cat leading the way, followed closely behind by the boys. When they reached me, a new issue had occurred. The zombies were circling us, and I was tired as shit. There were about fifteen or so, and I'm almost positive Cat's gun didn't have that many bullets.

I heard Jinxx mumble something about a genius plan before he was interrupted by a shriek battle cry. I spun around just in time to see CC bash a zombies head in with the end of a metal rod. His actions seemed to get the rest of us started because before we knew it we were all back in motion.

Ashley's POV

Before our brains could even catch up with our actions, we were smashing a new zombies guts every five seconds. I was stabbing them left and right. Andy and Cat were shooting at them. Crystal was literally biting the zombies, which surprised me. CC was smashing the zombies with a metal bar, and Jake and Jinxx were hitting them with whatever they could find. We were kicking ass.

After finishing off the last few zombies, we all sighed, exhausted. Crystal collapsed on the ground as she spit out what looked like a finger and Cat started laughing at her. I looked at Andy, all sweaty and tired. He looked so damn hot, I couldn't resist him. I stared at him for a few seconds until he looked over at me, calling my name.

"Hey Ash. Get over here." He called out in a raspy and tired voice. (Which I found incredibly hot.)

I walked over to him, and as soon as I did he took my hand.

"Come on." He instructed, pulling me along behind him. I giggled (yes giggled) and followed silently.

As soon as we were back inside Andy took my other hand and pushed me up against the nearest wall. My heart jumped into my throat, and my lungs refused to work properly. He slowly lowered his crystal blue eyes closer to my own. When he was only a centimeter away he looked up.

"Do you mind?" He asked, a slight blush forming on his cheeks.

Since I still was at loss for words I simply nodded and let him connect our lips. The feeling was.... it was...

I had kissed so many girls before this, but nothing could even come close to the spark I felt with Andy. His lip ring was cold against my mouth, and we just seemed to fit perfectly together...

Andy licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, but me being me refused to open my mouth. He growled in frustration before biting me super hard. I gasped in pain and fright, and he took that opportunity to slid his tongue into my mouth. I bit down on it hard for payback, but he didn't seem to mind, actually he seemed to enjoy it...

It's amazing how during all this chaos and craziness I might have been able to find my one true love.

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