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Crystals POV

After I attacked Ashley I sat back down in silence. Even though he hurt my brother I knew he didn't deserve to be punished. CC had left me to go see Cat, so I started talking to Chris.

"I'm sorry Chris," I begged, throwing myself at his feet. "I should have been there. Now you're hurt and it is all my fault!" I sobbed as he gently stroked my hair.

His voice was but a whisper, but I could hear him clearly as he told me it wasn't my fault. He scooped me up in his arms and rocked me back and forth, singing to me like he did when we were little.

"Chris?" I asked, sitting up a bit in his arms, "When will you be all better? When will I get to see you again?"

Chris didn't answer. He just shushed me and kept rocking. Singing a song that brought back both good and bad memories.

*Flash back*

I heard the oh so familiar clunking of heavy boots trudging up the stairs and I swear I could smell the alcohol wafting up the hall. I quickly closed my eyes and focused on slowing my breathing in an attempt to appear to be asleep, but my dad didn't fall for it.

"Get your sorry ass out of bed!" he screamed, yanking the thin blanket off my shivering frame.

I did as he instructed, and stood in the middle of my room, dreading what would happen next.

"Crystal darling," my dad began, walking circles around me, "how are you?" he slurred, allowing his hands to trace my shoulders and back.

"o-ok?" I chocked out, flinching under his gentle touch.

"Well that is a shame," my dad cooed, a sadistic smile forming on his face. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ruin it."

And with that he slapped me hard across the face. I gripped at my cheek and backed up slightly. He than rammed his knee into my stomach, and I could feel my lunch threatening to make and appearance on the floor. He kicked me around for a minuet or two, before turning me so I looked up at the ceiling.

At this point I had learned it was no use fighting back, so I laid my head down and attempted to calm myself. Before I could get at least one deep breathe in though, my father forced his lips onto mine. I could feel his unshaven stubble rub against my chin, and the unholy taste of whiskey and root bear took over my mouth. Tears ran down my cheeks as I felt my fathers hands trace teasingly down my legs.

Suddenly though a quiet voice broke the forced silence.

"Dad let her go!" Chris yelled, as he swung open my door and ran into the room.

My dad stood from on top of me and walked over to Chris. "So you think your so tough?" he asked Chris, staring him down from across the room.

I saw Chris flinched slightly and I wished he hadn't of come in here. He doesn't deserve to be beaten up.

"Daddy!" I whined, attempting to divert his attention from Chris, but it didn't work.

My dad beat Chris for about ten minuets before trudging out of my room, slamming the door behind him.

I managed to crawl over to Chris who was propped up against the wall and lay my head in his lap.

He slowly began to stroke my hair and with all the strength he had remaining, he began to sing to me a song that my mom sang before she died.

" Nobody's gonna love you if

You can't display a way to capture this
Nobody's gonna hold your hand
And guide you through
No it's up for you to understand
Nobody's gonna feel your pain
When all is done
And it's time for you to walk away
So when you have today
You should say all that you have to say"

*End Of Flashback*

When the flashback ended Chris was gone.

I sat alone on the floor rocking myself and singing a song that once made me happy.

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