God Bless you... Your gonna need it

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Andy's POV

I couldn't find Ash anywhere. I wasn't paying attention to where he went when he left with Cat. Maybe she was telling him about how I was her brother? Whatever. I wanted to find him.

I got up off the couch and began searching my house for the two missing friends of mine. I passed the guest bedroom, the only room that had its door shut at the moment. I placed my ear on the door, confused. To my surprise, I heard muffled moaning and kissing through the other side of the door. My mind told me it was someone else, but my gut told me otherwise. Terrified, I opened the door to find MY boyfriend making out with MY sister on MY guest bed. Tears welled up in my eyes as I turned around without a word and slammed the door behind me. I heard a soft cry come from Ashley, and soon footsteps were following me. A hand was placed on my shoulder. I whirled around and smacked the person in the face. When I looked down, I saw a tearing-up Ashley lying on the ground, wincing in pain.

"I guess I deserve that one." He said, looking down at the ground.

"What the fuck were you just doing with Cat?!" I screamed at Ashley, showing no mercy for the boy in pain. Tears flowed down my face and I heard ringing in my ears. My girlfriend was dead and the guy I'm in love with was cheating on me with my sister? Why did this always happen to me?

Ashley looked back up at me and sighed. "It's not what it looked like, I promise." He tried to remain calm, although it wasn't working. I heard faint sobs from under his breath.

"Well it looked like you were making out with my sister! I can't fucking believe this!" I yelled even louder at Ashley and punched the wall next to me. A sharp pain ran up my arm, but nothing could hurt me more than Ashley right then. "Fuck this. Fuck you." I said as clear as I could, turning around and giving Ash the finger before running out the door and into the danger-filled streets.

I heard Ash following close behind me, but I didn't want to stop. If anything that made me go faster. Eventually I reached the park at the end of my street and sat down underneath a tree.

I looked up at Ashley as he approached, and noticed that he had a bloody nose and swollen cheek.

"Andy if you would of let me fucking explain before you punched me in the face you would have known that I was not in fact cheating on you, but being forced into all of this. Thank you for saving me by the way, asshole."

I looked down, and whipped the tears forming in my eyes. "But you were kissing back!?" I said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Yupp Andy. I was kissing back, because you know, when someone is shoving there lips onto yours it is somewhat hard to keep them from moving!" He yelled, lowering himself next to me.

"It feels kinda like this," he said as he leaned in and gently connected our lips. I tasted the blood that was dripping from his face, and immediately felt guilty.

"Sorry." I said, looking away from him.

He grunted in response before standing up slowly.

I stood up as well and began following back to my house.

"Hey Andy?" he said calling over his shoulder. "That punch hurt like a bitch."

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