Thoughts are a girls best friend

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Jake's POV

Its been three days since Chris died. Everyone is taking it differently. Jinxx is making himself feel better by consoling others, Cat kept quiet until she sorted it out, Crystal.... I don't even know what she is doing, and I guess CC and him weren't close enough. I don't exactly know what is going on with Andy and Ashley though. I haven't seen or heard both of them in a while, which is surprising since they always seem to be screaming at each other.

I don't know what I am going to do. I'm not entirely sure what it was that me and Chris shared. Was it love? Friendship? I don't know...

All I know is that I have hardly been able to sleep at night, and I am constantly struggling to plaster a smile on my face. I am trying to cope, but every time I close my eyes all I can see is his smiling, carefree face. He was so young... so young and innocent, yet he was more of a man than I'll ever be.

I knew him and Crystal were close, I just didn't know they were THAT close. I mean.... I love my sister to death, but as crazy as this sounds, I'm not sure I would be so willing to die for her.

The more I thought about things like this, the more curious I got. I wanted to know what exact Hell Crystal and Chris emerged from. There were only two sources I could visit to find out what I wanted to know, and I wasn't so eager to talk to either of them.

I figured at this point in time Cat could offer me more insight than Crystal, so I got up off the couch and went in search of her.

I checked in every downstairs room with no luck, until I came to the front door. There I found Ashley sitting in the corner, his head in Cat's lap as silent tears rolled down his face.

"Oh my gosh, Ash what happened?" I asked, walking over to his side.

"Andy left," Cat answered, her emotionless eyes never leaving Ashley.

"Oh... that's awful Ash. If that son of a bitch ever comes back I swear I'll punch him. He obviously wasn't good enough for you Hun." I attempted to make Ash feel better, but I could tell it wasn't working. This obviously wasn't the best time to ask Cat questions, so I guess I had to go with plan "B".

I gulped as I stood outside the mahogany door that separated me from the wild beast. The last time I saw Crystal she had beaten Ashley up, and I was scared what she would do to me.

I knocked hesitantly on the door before pushing it open slightly.

"You can come in Jake," Crystal whispered, opening the door the rest of the way.

"Oh.. uh," I choked on my words, "Thanks."

"Chris says hi by the way," Crystal mentioned nonchalantly, sitting back down by the window sill.

I ignored her comment. "You can tell me to go away if you want me too Crystal, but um... I was kinda curious about you and Chris. Like... how are you guys so close?"

At the mention of Chris's name I saw Crystals black eyes well up with tears. Her hand began shaking, and her bottom lip quivered.

"Why don't you ask Chris when he gets back. I don't want to talk about it," she said, turning to face the window, leaving me to stare at the back of her head. The black hair dye in her hair looked faded, and I could see dirty blonde roots growing from the top.

"Crystal... you know Chris isn't coming back right?" I asked, walking back over to the door. "He's... Dead."

Crystal didn't answer me. She just sat there in silence looking out the window. I heard the familiar growling coming from outside, and I ran downstairs to alert Cat, leaving Crystal alone with her thoughts.

(AN: Sorry this chapter is short, but I felt bad for leaving you guys on such a painful cliff hanger XD. COMMENT AND VOTE PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEE!)

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