Match Maker

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Andy's POV

That blood shit wasn't gonna work. It sounds like something straight out of a twelve year olds wannabe Satanic diary. Ashley's life was on the line and Chris was counting on that crap to save him. I was so pissed off with this bullshit that I stormed over to Chris and grabbed him by the collar.

"Listen, kid. My Ashley is dying and if whatever concoction you're trying to make up to 'fix' him doesn't work, you're dead like the rest of us." I growled quietly so no one heard me. I heard the fear in his voice as he responded.

"I-I wouldn't want to h-hurt Ashley...I w-want to help him..." he breathed nervously. I rolled my eyes and let go of his collar, then flopped down on the couch and let out a huge sigh. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't know...I guess I'm just under a lot of pressure right now, and I don't know how to handle all of this. I mean, it IS the end of the world and everything..." I trailed off. Chris nodded and sat down next to me.

"I get it. No need to be sorry." he said quickly in a monotone voice.

I turned to face him and thought about about what to say next. After a minute of silence, I asked him, "How are you so smart? Like, how are you handling all of this so calmly?" Chris laughed under his breath. "Andy, I-I'm terrified. But if I show it, Crystal will be afraid. And I can't allow her to be scared. I promised I would look after her."

I nodded slowly and thought about how I hadn't been such a good brother to Cat like Chris was to Crystal.

He continued, actually saying more than ten words to me. "...and I just really don't want anyone to get hurt because I love everyone here and you're the only people I have. That's why I want to help Ashley as much as I can. I care about him as much as the rest of you." I flinched at the sound of someone else saying that they cared about Ashley.

Chris and I talked for a few hours. He was a pretty cool kid. He loved comic books, and he was always good in writing class. He believed in magic and always had a pen and paper close by in case he needed to write something down. I felt boring talking to him.

"Um, I think we'd better go find the others, right?" Chris asked me, seeming as if he was unsure of himself.

I nodded and stood up, following Chris slowly. I looked at him and smiled, knowing that I now had a lifelong friend who I could always go to. Just then, Chris stopped in his tracks and whirled around to face me. I jumped jack a bit, since his sudden stop was so unexpected. He looked at me with sad eyes and whispered, "On second thought, can we, um, talk?"

I nodded slowly and walked back into the room we were just in. He laid down on the bed and smashed his face into a pillow, letting out a small but audible sigh.

"What's up, kid?" I said awkwardly, trying to cool. I barely knew the guy and he seemed to be ready to completely ambush me with all of his inner feelings. A part of me wished I was that good at opening up to people, but right now, I had to focus on the matter at hand.Chris looked up, his eyes puffy from quietly crying.

"I'm confused, Andy. I think I like someone who I'm not supposed to like, and I'm not 100% sure of my sexuality right now. Boys aren't supposed to like boys. That's what everyone always used to tell me. But, Andy, I'm falling for a guy."

My heart sank. He was falling for Ashley. I wanted to stand up and bash his face in right there, but I couldn't do that.

"I like...I think I love Jake."" I don't know why or how, but it's just this feeling I get whenever I'm around him, like I want to hug him or something. And I NEVER hug people." he made a joke, trying to lighten the mood, but I knew he was scared. I sat up and walked over to him.

"Dude. I'm dating a guy. I don't mind if you like Jake. Go tell him, and give him pizza. Even if he likes you back, that will solidify your relationship for good." I chuckled to myself, but Chris didn't get the joke. He just sprang up and bolted out the door, calling Jake's name.

"Well you go, Andy The Matchmaker." I said quietly, mentally high fiving myself.

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