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Angelica's POV

I watched helplessly as my younger sister sailed away, side by side with the man that held my heart.

I should've done more. I should've done more to prevent this massacre from happening, from my sister having to go on the run while my other sister ran away.

"Angelica!" I felt my gut twist as I turned around. The rest of the Schuyler family ran up to me, John on the lead.

He rested his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, our siblings doing the same. "We searched," He paused for breath. "Every store. Nothing." I shook my head and wiped away my tears.

Slowly, Margarita stood up and looked around, Cornelia in her arms. "Where's Alexander and Y/N?" She asked quietly. I felt my heart shatter as I looked away.

"Angelica, where is our sister?" She asked worriedly yet sternly. I let out a small sob and pointed to the boat that was far into the horizon. "They had to go." I said, voice breaking.

"No! No they didn't! You're lying!" Rensselaer shouted. I buried my hands in my face as I started to cry. "How could you let them do this?!" Margarita snapped, handing Cornelia to Jeremiah before rushing to me. I extended the letter to her and looked at the ground shamefully.

I saw Margarita drop the letter, the paper slowly drifting down to the floor. Our eyes met and she shook her head. "Alexander did this." She said quietly. She then repeated it, but with a stronger and more furious tone.

She snatched up the letter and hid it from the other children. "You all go straight home. Find mother and father and go home." She ordered. She was never this forceful.

Out of either fear or respect, the children turned and left the docks without a single protest. Margarita looked to me and said, "We have to fix this. Follow me."

Before I could ask where we were going, she snatched my wrist and started dragging me along. I knew better than to protest, especially since Margarita was the only person I truly feared.

I was forced to jog to keep up with my younger sister as we wove through the crowd, the buildings getting less and less attractive looking.

Before I knew it, we were in front of Tamara's house. I stopped in my tracks, Margarita's hand slipping from my wrist. She whirled around and looked at me. "Come on Angelica! If anyone knows they would've gone, it's C/N!"

My feelings and judgment towards C/N we're nothing but rotten hate. He promised my younger sister a happy, healthy life and family, but instead have her trauma and wounds. "I-I can't."

If I went in there with only Margarita to tie me down, I just might kill him.

Margarita crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You can't? You just watched our younger sister sail away to who knows where with our other sister's husband!! You do not get a say in how we handle this situation! Now you will help me with C/N or so help me, I will tell everyone you were involved!"

I paled instantly. She wouldn't....right? I swallowed and nodded. "Good. Now come on," she said, her voice a bit softer now.

I followed her up the path and to the door. She knocked twice and someone inside rushed to the door. "Who is it?" They snapped. Definitely Tamara.

Margarita cleared her throat and said, "I believe you have my former brother-in-law-to-be." She said awkwardly. A pause.

"Who's there exactly? What's your colors?" She questioned. I gave a small and sad smile. "Erm, yellow and pink?" She said nervously. We waited a few moments before the door opened. The intimidating blonde stood in the door way. "Where's Y/N?"

Margarita glared at me briefly before saying, "That's why we're here. We need to ask C/N something. We'll fill you in,"

She let us in and C/N, still tied to the chair, choked on nothing. "Angelica, Margarita!" He said hopefully. I felt Margarita lay a hand on my shoulder as she whispered, "I'll talk with Tamara. You ask him,"

I huffed but nodded. I sat across from C/N and he blinked. "What's going on?"

I shook my head and sighed. "When you and
Y/N talked about marriage, where did you plan to go after?" I asked, my voice wobbly. His eyes widened and he looked away.

"We never really talked about it. Paris was an option. So was Mount Vernon." He paused, thinking for a moment. "Why?"

I looked away and he shifted, tugging his bonds. "Angelica, where is your sister?" He asked, his voice shaky and worried. I sighed and felt a tear fall. "She ran away, with Alexander. Elizabeth's gone too."

"What the hell did you just say?!"

I wiped away some of my tears and shook my head. "Elizabeth found out about the affair, so she ran off. Y/N did for her own safety." My tone was weak and pathetic. This was all my fault.

C/N fought against his bonds, obviously trying to reach me. "How could you! She is your sister! They both are! And you just let them run away to who the hell knows where?! How could you!" He roared his words at me, his eyes turning watery as he shouted at me. I looked away in shame.

I heard heavy footsteps as Tamara and Margarita re-entered the room. "You have got some nerve," Tamara snapped. "Tamara!" Margarita hissed. "It's not her fault!"

"It is! And now I have to fix it!" I argued. Margarita shook her head and rushed to me. "It's Alexander's fault, and now we will all help fix it, not just you." She said comfortingly. I used the back of my hand to wipe a few fallen tears.

"We can't tell anyone!" Tamara said quickly. "Why not! The more people that hep find Y/N the better!" C/N intervened. Tamara snapped her fingers at him and he glared at her. "Because if a woman has an affair, she's a dead girl walking!"

C/N paled and swallowed. I spoke up. "But the three of us can't find them on our own!"

Margarita shook her head. "We can tell mother, not father. Father is already at slight odds with Y/N. And you know how he is." I nodded and sighed.

Father is too stereotypical. A slave owner, a part of the patriarchy. If we told him, he would have Y/N's head.

"Alright. I'll start trying to find more leads while you tell mother," I offered. My sister nodded and looked to the others. "We'll tell you if we find anything."

Tamara nodded and we left without another word.

Postedddd tell me how you feel about it! It took a month to perfect, tho it's not perfect 😅

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