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As the tiny bell rang signaling I had opened the door, I head a familiar voice from the back of the dress shop shout, "We're closed!"

"Not even for an emergency?" I mused. I heard a cry of excitement followed by steady footsteps, Isabella appearing around the corner seconds later.

"Y/N!" She screamed, running for me. I wrapped my arms around her, hissing as she squeezed my shoulder. I felt her round, healthy belly press against me and I gasped, stepping back.

"God bless, you're beautiful, Izzy!" I praised, holding her hands in mine. "Thank you! I'm due in about a week! If it's a boy, his name is Thomas. A girl, and she's Vivianne!"

I smiled and kissed both of her hands before she guided me to a seat. "How have you been? Are those bandages? I heard you joined the war again! Is Elizabeth's husband alright?"

"Izzy, breathe," I cooed, taking a deep breath with her. She slowly nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry, I know you just got back and must be exhausted!" I waved in dismissal, briefly explaining how I got injured and have been back for a week in the hospital.

"Shot! Goodness, you're so brave, Y/N!"

"Foolish, but thank you," I joked, both of us laughing. "It's been ages since we've seen each other, my goodness! I feel like I have everything to tell you but nothing comes to mind!"

I had a few things in mind to say, but I'll have that for later. "I know the feeling."

"So how long are you staying?" She asked, heading for the back room. "Tea?"

"I'll get it! You sit down, you're the pregnant one!" She waved me off before disappearing. I chuckled before explaining, "I'm here until I heal and then who knows."

She quickly reappeared, two tea cups and a teapot in hand. "Well, that means you'll be here for the baby's christening and you can formally be the godmother!"

I smiled, nodding as she sat beside me, pouring us some tea.

"So, while you've been over seas and helping the Patriot cause, have you met a special man?" My lips hesitated just above my tea, my eyes darting to her. "Um, no, no I haven't," I lied.

She waved a hand, saying, "I know C/N hasn't moved on. Every day he tries to talk to your family and every day they ignore him. He's tried me once and my husband yelled the living Lord outta him."

I chuckled, sipping my tea. "We haven't spoken since before I left. I still don't trust him. How can I after he over saw...everything." I fought the urge to wrap my suddenly stinging arms around myself.

She nodded solemnly, saying, "I wouldn't trust him either. Changed man or not, he was about ready to kill you for information."

I felt a chill go down my spine as I stayed quiet. "Nevermind any of that. Tell me about your adventures over sea!"

These pasts weeks flashed before my mind as I picked which ones to weave.

"Well, I picked up writing. Nothing too showy, just little bits here and there." She beamed, eagerly waiting for more information.

"For the first time, everyone on the ship knew I was a woman from the get-go. It was...weird, not having to be untruthful. But good."

"The sailors are plenty nice, and they mean well, but they tend to forget that I've sailed and fought before. They get used to it slowly. They better get used to it by now since I took a bullet for General Washington."

She gasped, saying, "Tell me about how that happened!" I smiled and began the tale.

Hey Author here lovelies,

I am so sorry for the short chap, my wifi is very finicking atm and I've only been able to write a paragraph or two a day because it cuts out. I wanted this out ASAP for you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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