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Alexander healed quickly and was able to walk around again. Him and I decided to walk around the ship for the time being and actually talk about the past few days, since we haven't had a chance at all yet.

"So," he started, stuffing his hands in his pockets. The crescent moon light shone on his auburn hair and sharp features as his face scrunched a bit in thought. I decided to speak up first.

"They're not gonna stop until they find Elizabeth, then until they find me. You do know that right?"

It was true. Margarita especially. I can't imagine what they are going through right now, not knowing where I am, if I'm okay.

Alexander's face lit up with understanding before falling to worry. "What?" I asked, slowing but not stopping my steps. He glanced at me before looking away. "Would they...would they ask C/N or Isabella about where to look? Have you and C/N made plans about your futures before he..." Before he backstabbed me.

I shook my head. "We did make plans, but not for Charleston. Why'd you choose there anyways?"

A guilty looked crossed his face as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "I have a friend there. He won't sell us out, I swear!" I felt my jaw slacken as I processed what he just said.

"We're going to Charleston so you can be with your friend, but I have to abandon mine and my family?!" He winced at my tone as I crossed my arms. "That doesn't sound fair at all!"

He huffed and argued, "The friend is Laurens, Y/N!" I angled my head on confusion. Alexander sighed.

"Laurens secretly married this woman, Martha. They moved to Charleston for his military position."

That tone, I knew it like my own hand. Thats the tone of a heartbroken person.

Alexander didn't want Laurens to be married, and it was worse that it was secret! I knew there was something between them, but this is serious! If anything, I felt more pain for Alexander than jealous of his feelings.

"Alexander, I'm sorry!" I immediately brought him into a hug. He stiffened and said, "I'm fine Y/N. Laurens is a grown man and can make his own decisions."

I merely hugged him tighter and he crumbled. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me as he rested his head in the crook of my neck.

Having lived with three brothers, I learned how to deal with a heartbroken man. You just have to be there for them and wait for them to open up to you, if they ever do.

"Its alright Alexander. And I'm not upset about the fact that he's why you chose Charleston. If I was in your position, I would too."

He merely huffed and I sighed. Tonight was gonna be a long night.

* *

"Get up Schuyler!"

I yelped and sat up. Well, tried. I was stopped because someone's arm was laying atop me. I looked over and saw Alexander laying on his belly facing me, eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Erm, one second!" I shouted back to whomever woke me. I heard the door close and I slid Alexander's arm off me. I really had to adjust to waking up earlier.

When I threw the covers off me, I found myself in my nightgown. I gasped and bunched the covers over myself and shook Alexander awake.

He grumbled and sat up. He was only shirtless. "Good morning." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Good morning Alexander. Now can you go so I can get dressed." His eyes widened as he looked me over. "Alexander!"

He flinched before running out of the barracks, barely grabbing a shirt on the way out. I huffed and tossed the covers aside, standing.

I looked between my clothes and Alexanders clothes. I missed the feeling of moving freely in the sea breeze, so I grabbed his bag.

I dressed in my usual sailing attire and tied my hair up before rushing onto the deck. I walked right up to Kingsley and asked, "Where do you want me?"

He looked me over and raised an eye brow. "No dress? I thought girls wore dresses." He teased. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Yeah, so why aren't you in one?"

He laughed and nodded. "Touché. All I need is someone watching the masts. Turn them, roll them, all that."

I nodded and went to the middle of the deck. I checked wind direction and felt it going south, but the sails were facing east. I grabbed the ropes and unfurled them, grabbing them with both hands.

Slowly, I started walking. It was much easier without rushing, so I took my time. I knew it angered Kingsley, which made it all the better.

Once I faced it the right way, I quickly wrapped the rope around and tied it. I looked at the sail and found it crooked. "Good enough."

"We don't do good enoughs on my ship, Schuyler! Again and do it right!" Kingsley shouted. Ugh. "Yes Captain!" I shouted with pure sarcasm. I grabbed the ropes and tried again.

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now