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Every day was the same after my family finally knew I was here.

They'd visit for roughly an hour or two, catch me up on everything I missed—which is a lot—and mother would usher them out. I would occasionally get a visit from one of my elder sisters or John, but that was the routine.

As the end of the week rolled around, I was trying to convince Elizabeth that I was okay to be discharged.

"My stitches are healed, Elizabeth! I can move my arm!" I lifted my arm subtly off my lap, clenching my jaw to keep down the profanities that came to mind. "S-See? I'm fine!"

She frowned at me, crossing her arms angrily. "Y/N, you are the opposite of fine, you hear me?" I glowered, holding her stare.

After a few tense moments, she sighed, shrugging. "If I don't now, I know John will sneak you out with Captain Laurens." I beamed at her, nodding. "So is that a yes?"

She reluctantly nodded and I cheered, wincing at the sharp pain I felt. "Careful! I'm putting you in a cloth sling so you don't put any weight on your shoulder, alright?" I quickly nodded and sat up, practically shaking with excitement.

"I already had Alana send for new dresses for you. Isabella's been around the shop less and less but still hand stitches her name in the dresses." I smiled slightly at the sounds of familiar names when something suddenly clicked.

"Oh my goodness, Isabella has to be at least five months along! Is she showing yet?" Elizabeth nodded, gently getting everything ready for my discharge.

"She got married a little after you last saw her while you were away. Eloped, actually. He knows about the baby but thinks it was conceived post-marriage!" I gasped in disbelief and she nodded. "My thoughts exactly! But he is such a kind man and is really good to her. He's actually trying to learn to sew whenever he's here so he can help out when Izzy gets too pregnant!"

I pressed my healthy hand above my heart, smiling. "That's so sweet of him!" She nodded, smiling.

Someone knocked and Elizabeth shouted, "Come in!"

As the door creaked open, Alana's familiar face peeked in, eyes darting around the room. "Delivery for one Y/F/N Schuyler?"

"Alana!" I cheered as she stepped inside. "Goodness, it's so good to see you! How have you been?" I asked as she set a gown at the foot of my bed, coming to my beside to assist me.

"I've been wonderful besides being worried sick for you! Don't run away like that again, okay?" I laughed at her warm scoldings, nodding. "I sure don't plan on it." She laughed and gave me a cheeky grin.

"Now, how do I help her?" She asked my sister, pulling the sheets to I could sit on the edge of the bed. Every movement involving my arm was painful, but I knew if I let it show, then I'd never leave bed.

Elizabeth quickly rushed to Alana's side and held my good shoulder, explaining how to help me stand to the impact doesn't hurt as much.

"One, two, three!" I slid off the bed and my feet touched the floor, a slightly jolt going through me. I hissed, hunching slightly. "Thats less pain?!" I asked, Elizabeth wincing. "Sorry!"

Together, me and the ladies meticulously put my dress on over my under skirts, Alana making sure to do the second secret knot for me. It took ten minutes, which was eight minutes too long.

After they brushed and braided my hair down my back, Elizabeth had taken a square of cloth, tying the corners behind my neck before gently sliding my arm inside like a cradle.

"Up and ready to hit the town!" Elizabeth cheered. "Thank you so much!" I said to both of them, Alana opening the door for me. "I'll catch up to you later, I have some things to finish up." I nodded and followed Alana out.

"I have to go back to the house, but walk around! Visit Isabella or Levi!"

I swallowed, nodding. Simple enough, walk around my old home in a cloth sling.

As Alana and I exited the building, she gave me a loving kiss on the forehead before heading back in the direction of the house.

Instantly, I felt eyes on me as I started heading towards Isabella's shop.

After I visited Isabella, I'd write to Alexander and then find Levi, if he wasn't with his father out at sea.

"Excuse me, miss?" I turned around, finding a confused looking man standing behind me, a letter in his hand. Hand delivered letters?

"Yes?" I asked as politely as I could muster. He extended the letter to me, which I carefully took. "A summons? How does anyone know I'm home..." I drifted off, opening the letter.

Y/F/N Schuyler,
You're presence is expected at the Schuyler Manor at sundown tonight. Bring your nearest and dearest.

I gave a simple nod to the man, who turned on his heel and left. A summons to my own home? The young children must be planning something.

I smiled to myself and continued on my walk, embracing every step through my dearly missed Albany.

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