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I didn't leave the inn for the past three days. This was the day they were to arrive, if the letter was real.

"Y/N, please. Nothing good comes of you hiding out in here!" Alexander pleaded as he stuffed my bag with my clothes, grimacing at my undergarments and delicates.

I stared out the window, the inn entrance in sight. When they arrived, I wanted to be ready.

"Nothing good comes from me leaving, either, Alexander. We aren't going to be tossed around and teased for their amusement and use. Like I said, our story is done. This isn't some sick twist. This doesn't just happen for no reason!"

He slammed my bag shut and stormed over to me. "When will you accept that you have to leave or. You. Will. Die."

I whirled to him, glaring daggers. "So you'd rather I die on the field of battle than to die for loving you?"

"You won't die, Y/N! You are Captain Y/F/N Schuyler, defeater of armies! Captain and tamer of the seas! Legend in the flesh! And as a woman, no less!"

I stomped on his foot at his last remark and he hissed, stepping back. "Answer the question, Alexander!"

"No! There is nothing to question!" He snapped back, brushing his auburn hair from his face. "Yes there is! Just answer!" I fired back, shutting the window for some privacy.


"Do it!"


"Do it!"

"Fine! Yes! God in Heaven, yes! I do not want to be your downfall, I would never forgive myself of you died because of me, Y/N! Never! Every damned day I regret letting you leave my boat when you chased down C/N! I cannot be the reason you die. Dying with honor is better than dying for me."

I slapped him and he gasped quietly, laying a hand on his cheek. I then grabbed his shirt on my fists and pulled, our lips connecting.

We held the kiss for many moments before stepping apart. He gave me a confused and expectant look.

"Dying for you is an honor, Alexander Hamilton."

His violet eyes blinked in surprise, silver lining his lids. He stepped close again for another kiss when someone pounded their fist on our door. "No," I breathed, stepping against the far wall.

The person knocked again and Alexander looked at me, whispering, "Let me handle this," before making his way to the door.

I heard him open it slightly as asked, "Who are you?" in a masked voice.

"Where is she?" I heard a familiar voice bark. I knew that voice, that man...months ago, I don't know where though.

"Where's who?" Alexander asked before the stranger pushed past and into the room, those honed, hazel eyes lighting up with recognition. "Miss me, Newman?"

"Harry Korsman," I breathed in disbelief. I haven't seen him since my first boat ever, on my way to C/N, when I fell into the ocean! The first man to discover I was a woman!

He chuckled and opened his arms, which I immediately ran into.

Those tanned and scarred arms wrapped around me as my head pressed his collarbone. "God bless me, it's good to see you alive and well again. I missed you, Schuyler," He whispered before letting go.

"Wait, last time we met, you weren't in the military," I said cautiously and he shrugged, answering, "I enlisted after you left."

I smiled and nodded before someone cleared their throat. I looked over and felt color leave my face as Washington stared at me, his face solemn. Alexander looked like he was about to explode.

"General," I said, lifting my chin. "Schuyler," he replied cooly. "She can't go! Send me, George!" Alexander pleaded, stepping between us.

The general looked away from him, saying, "You are already on thin ice, boy. Do not test me. We are taking her and you will stay here. She will be returned eventually, unharmed."

In a box, more like it.

I shoved past them all and turned Alexander to me, cupping his face. "I'll be okay, Alexander," I whispered, giving him a brief kiss.

"And if you're not?" He murmured and I shrugged. "Have a little faith, eh?" I attempted, a tear slipping down my cheek as I kissed him again.

If I stayed another second, I knew I'd never leave.

I peeled away from him and wiped my cheek before grabbing my bag and storming out of the inn, Washington and Harry following.

Laurens met me at the lobby, eyes wide. "You're the other soldier?" He whispered, shocked. "Yeah," I snapped as I stormed out of the inn. "Y/N!" Washington called after me but I kept walking. "Y/N!"

I frowned and turned, glaring up at him. "You'll learn why I did this. And I need you to start listening, even just a little more."

I huffed and snapped, "Yes, General," before heading for the docks.

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now