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"I'm so sorry Mrs.Laurens-" She held up her hand. "Please, Martha."

I cleared my throat. "Martha, may I speak to your husband in private? It's military confidentiality." I explained. She nodded and quietly left the room. I looked to Alexander.

"What?! Me too?" He exclaimed, betrayed. "Please Alexander," I pleaded softly. He sighed and went outside, almost slamming the door.

I looked to Laurens, who was confused.

"Are....Are you gonna yell at me again?" He asked cautiously. I shook my head. "Sit by me,"

Slowly, he walked over and took Alexander's former seat. I rolled up the sleeves on my dress and winced slightly as I exposed tiny, faint red scars that were almost healed. He inhaled sharply.

I pointed to the three big ones, which had faint purple ring around it. "They're still a bit of a pain, but they're healing. Thanks to your stubborn mother-henning." I mumbled with a laugh.

He tenderly examined my scars, then my other arm. "They're erm, they're healing well." He choked out. I nodded, "I'm working on not overdoing it and opening them up again."

He swallowed and nodded. "Good, good."

I rolled my sleeves down and stood. "I'll get Alexander and say our goodbyes," I walked to the door. "Goodbyes?" Laurens asked.

I opened it and nodded. "Alexander, come in." I said softly. He walked right passed me, obviously upset. Drama queen. "Alexander, we're saying goodbyes," I explained as I shut the door.

I turned and Martha was walking into the room, her husband behind her. "Goodbye already?" She asked politely.

I nodded. "I'm sorry, truly. We have a meeting to attend." I lied. The men knew I was lying, but didn't dare say it aloud.

I walked to Martha and she brought me into a surprise hug. "Oh!" I laughed and hugged back. "We'll be back for dinner, I promise." I said with a smile as we let go. "Good good!"

I turned to Laurens and extended a hand, which he shook. "Pleasure seeing you outside of battle, Lieutenant Colonel." I said as professionally as possible. He nodded once, "You as well, Miss Eldara."

Miss. The title deeming be as an acquaintance and nothing more. I never realized how much of a distaste I had for it until now. First time in a while I wasn't formally addressed as Captain.

I let go of his hand and stepped back. "Ready, Captain Hamilton?" I asked. He grunted a yes and we left without another word.

Alexander and I walked silently for a few minutes before he spoke.

"What did John and you talk about?"

I shrugged. "Nothing important," I bluntly stated. "So you won't mind saying then." He challenged. Prick. "I would and I do," I fired back, picking up my pace.

Alexander scoffed and matched my pace. "Well tell me anyways. I won't ask again." He snapped.

"Good, I'm getting bored of saying no."

He grabbed my arm and I slapped him, everyone staring.

"Do not touch me." I ordered before I continued walking. He caught up and stayed silent until we reached the inn.

"I'm sorry," He said as I put my stuff on the single double bed. This place only had one bed per room and we paid extra for a bigger single bed.

"For what? Prying or grabbing me?" I responded, grabbing out a simpler, less poofy dress.

"Both," was his only answer. I nodded. "We talked about my scars."

I heard him inhale and shuffle in his spot. I gave a breathy laugh. "Laurens was the first to realize something was wrong with me and was the first to help."

I shrugged. "I wanted to thank him and show him the healing progress that he started."

He cleared his throat awkwardly and I said, "I'm gonna bathe and dressed for dinner. You should too, your panic is showing,"

I walked into the bathroom and just stood there.

I looked into the dirty mirror and cringed. I was a mess. The time at sea really showed.

My hair was greasy and slightly matted underneath, I had small bags under my eyes. My E/C eyes had even dulled. Why didn't Alexander tell me??

I hung up my dress and felt the pre-poured water. Ice cold.

I quickly stripped and hopped in, gasping from the cold. I needed to be quick.

I soaked my hair and grabbed the pitiful soap, scrubbing my scalp and hair until it was smooth. I dunked and gasped for air before getting out. I dried off quickly and dressed, putting my hair in a neat plait.

I opened the door and found Alexander in his nicest, formal uniform. He looked strikingly handsome in it with his red, shaggy hair combed properly and his jacket neat.

I cleared my throat, knocking myself out of my daze.

"You look good. Well, more than good. Handsome. I like this look. It suits you. You should do it more often. If you like it of course. I feel like I'm rambling, am I rambling?"

He chuckled lightly and I felt butterflies. Its been a while since I've felt this comfortable with him.

He walked towards me and held his hands out. A silent request to hold my own. I smiled softly and joined our hands. "Its cute, when you get a loss for words. Y/F/N Schuyler at a loss for words. I am surprised."

I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled him closer, laying my arms around his neck. "You're the only one that makes me speechless, Alexander." I said with a smirk.

His cheeks reddened and I winked.

"Just kiss me already." He said under his breath. I laughed and brought our lips together.

It felt like home again.

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now