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I looked at Laurens and Korsman, eyes wide. "Hat, now!" I harshly whispered, Korsman instantly handing me his cap. I quickly tucked away my hair.

"Do not make me repeat myself, pricks!" The sailor yelped as the pistol dug into his temple. I glanced over at Washington, who was a pace and a half away from the invader. He shifted in his seat, about to stand. The crew needed him to find a way to fix this.

I shot to my feet, both men beside me whispering my name in warning. "Let him go," I warned, deepening my voice. Washington's eyes went wide as he slowly sat down. He knew he couldn't intervene now.

"Walk over to me, Captain," he sneered. I huffed and walked slowly forward, the entire crew's eyes on me.

Once I reached him, he cast the other soldier aside before pulling my back against him, gun to my own head. "State your name, scum," he demanded. I swallowed thickly.

"Henry. Henry Newman."

Recognition lit in Korsman's eyes, but he said nothing.

"Well, Newman, I want your ship, weapons, and route." I slowly nodded and let him drag me outside in the soaking rain.

"How did you get here?" I asked carefully as he shoved me towards Washington's quarters. "You need to train your sailors to watch who goes below deck in a battle," he mocked.

I scowled, opening Washington's quarters when we reached it.

"Hurry," he snapped, shoving me forward. I glared but started shifting blindly around Washington's drawers. Why was he so unorganized?! I found files in every single drawer, all of them meaning different things! Where was his map?!

"Does a captain not know his own desk?" He asked suspiciously from the door.

"I'm forgetful," I hissed back, grabbing a random stack of papers. "Here's our route. We don't use maps, but written directions." He walked over, snatching them from me. "This just looks like a checklist of inventory!"

I shifted on my feet, begging for a quick excuse. "Code! It is code! We never translate it onto paper."

He frowned and tossed them aside, making a mess. Rude. "Where is the largest fleet headed?" I swallowed nervously, running a list of ports in my head. Boston was always on edge!

"Boston! Half the navy will be there to discuss routes."

He nodded and gestured to the barrel of swords and muskets in the corner. "Dump them outside in the rain."

I sighed and heaved the bucket to the door, discreetly grabbing a small dagger before rolling the barrel out the door. I quickly slipped the blade up my sleeve before facing him, head slightly dipped downwards. "Any other demands?"

"Your head on the floor!" I yelped and ducked as a shot fired, right where I was standing. He cursed and I rolled, drawing out my blade. "Five shots left," I mused, standing and running behind the desk. Two more shots sounded, the lead shooting straight through the desk right beside my head and hip.

"Fight me like a man!" I scoffed at the misogyny but didn't say anything.

I crawled around the desk, finding him face to face with me. I scrambled for my blade, swinging it blindly in panic. I felt it break skin and he gasped, reeling backwards.

I shot to my feet and got a proper stance, panting. He clutched his jaw line, a small drip of blood rolling down his neck.

His face went red with rage as he shot twice more, marching for me. "You cut me you Whig!" I glared, throwing my dagger. It stuck itself in his shoulder and he hissed, lurching for me.

I yelled and ran to the other side of the room. This man is insane!

He pulled my dagger out, panting as he cast it aside. "Die!" He shot his final bullet and I yelped, ducking. It splintered the wood above me, some shards digging into my back. I couldn't stop my curses as I reached to feel my back.

"Hey, leave him alone!" A voice shouted from the doorway, gaining both of our attention.

Washington, Laurens, Korsman, and the rest of the crew stood there, muskets aimed. "I will shoot him!" The man threatened, but I knew he was bluffing. "He shot his last bullet!" I shouted over the pouring rain, but the man just smirked.

"Forget I could reload?" My eyes blew wide as terror ripped through me, just as the shot rang throughout the room.

I gasped, calling out Alexander's name as I fell to the ground. The warmth of my own blood smothered my chest, leading from my right shoulder.

"Y/N!" Someone screamed, shots sounding. It was all distant as my breathing became uneven.

A blond head popped into my view and I blinked away the watery blur. Laurens, Laurens was holding me.

"You'll be okay, Y/N! Just stay awake!" I clawed at his tunic, rasping prayers to God. "I don't want to die," I whimpered, both of our tears mixing with the scent of my blood. "You won't! You'll see Alex again, I promise!"

The coppery tang of my blood filled my mouth as I coughed it out, more whimpers leaving me.

The last thing I heard was Lauren's praying as my eyes fluttered close.

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now