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I waited at the room for Alexander to get home. Had he really been talking to Mr.Reynolds? After I said I didn't trust them?

The door creaked open at just around sun set. I could tell he was being sneaky, quiet.

"Alexander Hamilton, I have words for you." I snapped, getting up from the bed. The door shut normally and Alexander appeared, a wince on his face. "Yes, my dearest?"

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Why were you talking with the Reynolds? You better not lie to me."

He stiffened and took off his coat, laughing nervously. "I erm, wanted to talk business." I glared at him and asked, "Without me? And after we decided not to?"

"You decided not to, Y/N, not me." I gasped sharply and argued, "We agreed! They are suspicious, Alexander! How did they find us?! What if my family finds us?!" He groaned in annoyance and snapped back, "Then oh well! We can't stop it!"

"I don't want to go back without Elizabeth!" I admitted. "Elizabeth is gone, Y/N! She left, just like we did!"

"Wow, really?! I had NO IDEA!!" I snapped right back. "She wouldn't have left if you hadn't gotten drunk and blabbed!" I stepped back at the low blow, tears prickling my vision.

Alexander looked at me closely, unsure what to say next. So I spoke.

"You are the worst partner, husband, anything a girl could have! You cheat on your wife with my sister, then I fall into you devious clutches! If you had kept your grimy hands to yourself, none of this would've happened."

He stood, stunned. "We're stuck here, Alexander! I can't go home or I'll be punished, and you can't because my family will end you."

I grabbed my coat and slung it over my shoulders. "I'm going out, don't follow me."

He reached for me but I pulled away. "Y/N, wait!"

I stormed out of the room.

I had no idea where to go, but if I stayed next to him for one more second, I'd burst.

I rushed down the steps to the inn and headed into the busy street below. Soldiers marched through town, so I kept my head down.

I needed to distract myself. I couldn't go to Laurens' house, he'd find me too soon. A bar is too risky. I needed somewhere quiet, almost empty.

An idea sparked alive in my mind and I went into the busier, domestic part of town. I headed around a few corners, dodging anyone trying to get my attention.

I found the place I was looking for and walked right in.

"Hi! Welc- oh, welcome back Y/N!" Josiah said cheerfully, walking over to me. His happy expression fell when he saw the tears in my eyes. "Jem! Its an emergency!" He shouted, rushing to my side.

I wiped my eyes as his sister appeared, pinning her black hair back so she could see. "Oh babe, what happened?"

I couldn't tell then, it was too dangerous, too risky. So instead I said,

"M-My friend and I got into a fight," We ditched the fake names and roles long ago, so I decided to play it safe.

"Oh dear, Josiah, go get us some tea," Jem whispered before grabbing my hand.

"Do you know what always helps me and my feelings, Y/N?" She asked, leading us to the other side of the shop.

I shrugged and she had me sit at the writing table. "I write. Stories, poems, thoughts, anything! Heres a pencil," She handed me my writing tool and stepped back, having a silent conversation with her brother.

I focused on my breathing and wiped my eyes again, tapping the pen on the paper anxiously.

An idea came into my mind, and I began to write.

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now