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I don't know how long I was there nor did I really care. I was engrossed in my writing, my poem.

I never did write a poem before, not in seriousness. I used to only just make little humorous ones about father burning dinner. This though, this was real.

When I set down the quill, I felt like I fell 100 meters back into reality.

I looked around the shop in a semi-daze. It was starting to get dark, was I really here for hours?!

"Jem? Josiah?" I shouted into the small space. "You two here?"

Footsteps stumbled in as two siblings popped up almost out of nowhere. "You're done! Wonderful!" Jem said, rushing to my side. I gave her a small smile and stood from my chair, smoothing my skirts.

"Would you like to take your work home?" Josiah asked as Jem extended it to me. I shook my head confidently. What I wrote today, I didn't remember. Almost didn't want to. "Put it somewhere, from anonymous please."

Josiah gave me a nod and took the page from his sister, going behind his desk. I turned to Jem and found her smiling at me.

"Thank you for putting up with me, I should be getting home," I said politely, though I didn't want to face that argument with Alexander.

"You are always welcome here, Y/N," She said, hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a thanking squeeze before letting go. I walked over to Josiah and said my polite goodbyes before heading out.

I watched as the sun started to slip under the horizon and estimated I had 15 minutes before it got dark. I should make it!

I kept a fast pace as I wove through closing shops and markets, getting yelled at if I accidentally got in the way. I almost missed city life.

I made it home without any trouble. I rushed up the inn steps, hesitating once I got to my door.

Alexander would be furious, wouldn't he? I prayed a silent prayer to the saints that he wouldn't before I turned the knob.

"Alexander?" I said quietly. I heard shuffling before a disheveled Alexander peered into the room. His ginger hair was a mess and his violet eyes were red with distress.

"Y/N," He breathed. At the sound of his voice, all of the awful things I said slammed back into my memory and I stepped back.

He watched me with careful analysis and I knew what he was thinking: friend or foe?

"I'm so sorry I said all of those things," I blurted. "You aren't an awful partner or husband or whatever we are. I didn't mean any of it."

He finally stepped into my full view as his expression softened. "You're right, I shouldn't have led so many of you on and been unfaithful. I won't do that to you, Y/N. I promise."

I wiped my eyes and stepped towards him carefully. An invitation for a forgiving hug.

He immediately went to me and wrapped his strong arms around me. I melted in his embrace and felt tears fall. "I thought you left town," He mumbled into my head. I shook my head, whispering, "Never without you."

"I promise I won't hurt you Y/N. You're the one for me and I'd rather die that hurt you. I love you too much to hurt you."

I love you.

The words rang in my head like a dizzying circus of thoughts. I never thought I'd here those from him.

"I love you too, Alexander," I said into his chest. I felt him sag with relief and I angled my head to see his face. Those bright violet eyes burned into me like wildflowers. Promise laid within them.

I gently pressed a kiss onto his lips and I felt him pull me closer. I kiss him again before kissing his nose, stepping back. "I'm exhausted, are you ready for bed?" I asked quietly. He gave me a small nod and I peeled away, heading for the restroom.

I quickly got into my night gown and let my hair loose. I splashed my face with the cold water before heading back into the bedroom. I found Alexander curled in the blankets, already asleep.

I smiled slightly and stared getting the room ready for the night. I turned off the lamps and locked the doors and one window.

I looked at Alexander, calm and asleep. A single line from my poem bloomed into my memory.

Every restless night away from you,
Made the next day wash all my pain away               

I crawled into bed with him and turned my back to him. In moments, I felt Alexander's body encompass mine. Every possible nightmare I might have melted away at his touch.

Within moments, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now