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A/N ik yall cant see it but people in book one are commenting the entire play and its awesome I cant wait till they get to this part and see this, all of yall are awesome

The first thing I felt was pain. Sour, sharp pain.

The next, a soft bed under me. A real bed, not a bunk in the barracks.

With a gasp, I sat up in an eerily familiar hospital room, the windows dark with the night sky.

"Y/N!" I blinked, groaning as I turned to the sitting chair beside my bed.

"Laurens?" I rasped, blinking against the lamp beside my head. The blond smile worriedly, setting his book down as he stood closer to me. "How are you feeling?"

I absent mindedly reached for my shoulder, immediately regretting it when more pain hit. I cursed through gritted teeth as I sat back a little. "Been better," I grumbled, earning a light laugh.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around the room. Everything was screaming familiarity at me and I didn't know why.

When Laurens didn't respond, I faced him again. His blue eyes were cast down, avoiding my own. I faced him more, my body tensing with worry as I dreaded the answer. "Where are we, John?"

He cursed and shook his head and I knew.

"No, no we are not! There are dozens of ports between where we were and where we are! Dozens!"

He brushed his hair back as I shook my head. "Loyalist ports, Y/N. And you're description is everywhere, ours too! This is the only place that would treat you properly!"

I felt tears of fear slide down my cheeks as I whispered, "I would rather take my chances then be damned by my own family here."

His eyes finally met mine and I knew there was more to the story. "Who knows I'm here?" I asked carefully, preparing for the worst.

I watched as a tear of his own slid down his face as he murmured, "Elizabeth came home."

Elizabeth came home.

I felt a sob shudder through me as two realities hit.

The family probably knew everything now, and Elizabeth knows I'm here.

"Elizabeth is home?" Her name sounded so foreign on my tongue it hurt.

He nodded once and I swallowed thickly. "How did she find me?"

"Y/N-" I shook my head, saying, "Just tell me. Please." He sighed, giving in.

"You were on the boat for two days before we docked here. You were paler than a pearl and sweaty, always tossing and turning. We all begged the general to turn into port as soon as we could, and he says we were already on course for here."

"Harry and I talked to him about your situation, but he told us something we couldn't argue. It was Albany or your life. When we docked, we tried to get you to a hospital. She was there, working surprisingly."

I blinked in surprise at the news. "She got a job? A real, paying job?" He nodded and I laughed weakly, the pain in my shoulder second to my pride for my sister.

"How...How did she react?"

His smile stunned me as he said, "She cried, thanking God that you were still alive, even if just barely. She wanted me to get her when you woke up, actually."

He moved to head for the door when I grabbed his wrist. He paused, staring at his wrist, then at me. "It's okay, she wants to see you, Y/N."

I nodded, letting him go slowly. When did I start shaking so bad? I tucked my hand under me as he walked away.

My sister was safe, she was alive. Better yet, she was home. And I ruined it again! My face fell into my hands and I shook my head, tears slipping through my fingers.

The door clicked and I stiffened, immediately wiping my cheeks before letting myself look at Elizabeth for the first time in almost months.

Her hair was longer, the top half braided down her back. She was a little taller, more muscle on her arms as well. She was in her usual blue, a simple dress that barely grazed the floor. She had a white square of fabric to hold back her hair, her blue eyes lined with tears.

"Elizabeth," I breathed, the only word I could get out. She smiled gently and I felt like my heart was about to seize. "Y/N."

Every sense of control I had mastered over the many, many months that have passed broke in that moment.

I shook my head as sobs shuddered through me. "Oh Y/N!" Elizabeth ran over to me, her arms thrown over me.

"I'm so sorry, Eliza," I sobbed out, repeating it over and over again. She just shushed me soothingly, running a hand over my nappy h/c hair. "Thank God in Heaven you're alive," she murmured.

She stepped back and I wiped my eyes again, taking a deep breath. "John and Harry told me everything, about why you're here and he's not."

I nodded, sighing. "Does the family know either of us are here?"

She nodded, explaining, "They know I'm here. I showed up about a week after I left because I needed time and I knew I wouldn't get any in Albany. But no, they don't know you're here."

I nodded, mumbling, "Good, thank you."

Things used to be so easy between us, and now I could barely get a word out of me.

"There's something you should know, about Angelica and C/N." I looked up at her, idea after idea coming to my mind. Could this day get any more messed up?

"Angelica is married and C/N is a free man."

I forced down a curse, remembering my manners. "M-Married? Is she happy?" I'll get to processing C/N later.

Elizabeth shrugged, explaining, "As she can be. I think she's too feisty and smart for him. She's moving to London in a week."

"London?!" She nodded and I put my hand to my mouth, muttering a curse under my breath.

"He treats her well, thank our God. But he's too...small? To be able to grasp her big personality." I managed out a choked laugh, nodding. She was always the most outspoken of us children.

"Hows everyone else?" She smiled brightly and I couldn't hold my own back as she said, "I'll start with Catharine!"

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