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The sound of a beating heart filled my ears as I woke. It was quickly followed by voices as I fully began to feel awake.

"When can I tell everyone? Sunrise was an hour ago!" Elizabeth clicked her tongue as she said, "When she wakes up, John. And before you ask, no she cannot get out of bed. Not for a week, preferably two, but I doubt she would let us keep her down."

I gave a tired chuckle as I sat up, blinking against the morning light.

"Speak of the devil," Elizabeth mused, earning a reprimanding swat from Angelica.

"Good morning to you too," I chuckled. She walked over, placing the back of her hand on my forehead. "No fever, that's good." She scanned my bandages, which were still clean. "No excess bleeding either!"

"Now can I get the family?" John whined. Angelica chuckled, ruffling his hair as she said, "I'll go with you, come on little man."

After the door shut, I turned to my sister. "What if mother is upset with me?" I worriedly asked. Elizabeth shrugged a little too casually as she replied, "She'll be happier you are home, Y/N. Or she'll live with a mistaken opinion."

I blinked at the rawness of her response. Before I could say anything, someone knocked.

"It can't be them already," I murmured as Elizabeth opened the door.

In walked Laurens, Korsman, and Washington, broad smiles on the former two's faces. "Laurens! Harry! General!" I rejoiced as they walked over.

"How are you holding up?" Laurens asked as he placed a vase of flowers on my side table. I gave him a warm smile in thanks.

"I'm still kicking if that's what you mean. John and Angelica just left to get my family."

I looked to Korsman, finding his expression tight. "What?"

Laurens rolled his eyes as he said, "He heard C/N was a free man and has been pouting all day."

I chuckled as Korsman glared at the blond for snitching. "I was her first sail to him, I saw how much she cared for him."

"Harry, if I'm not worried, you shouldn't be. I'll deal with C/N later. You can be my big and scary bodyguard if you want." He huffed but smiled. "Prick." I chuckled, giving him a vulgar gesture that my sister promptly scolded me for.

A tense silence filled the room as Washington stepped closer, everyone staring between us.

"It was stupid, faking being the captain," he grumbled nervously. I rolled my eyes, responding with a playful, "No, really?" I do not regret it though.

He huffed, a small grin visible. "What happened to him?" I found myself asking.

The three men looked at each other for a moment before Washington said, "He's being taken care of."

I frowned, asking, "So held for information?"

"We're in a war, Y/N," he quickly reprimanded. "I didn't even say anything! It was a question!" I exclaimed defensively.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he mumbled an apology.

Breaking the tension, the door swung open without warning, the room flooding with people. Not just people, my family.

As everyone filled in, the room fell dead silent. The last person in was mother, Catharine on her hip.

"Y/N/N!" Catharine babbled, Cornelia giggling from her hiding place behind Angelica's pale pink skirts.

I looked to Margarita, whose brown eyes were watered with tears. "Surprise!" I weakly cheered, the littlest siblings giggling.

I watched as Jeremiah went on the tips of his toes, whispering something into mother's ear.

She nodded, saying to the rest of the children, "You all can go hug her, just be careful."

She barely got the last words out before the younger children ran up to me, Margarita taking Catharine from mother before walking to me.

It was like a dam that mother's words broke. I was flooded with questions about my "war stories" and about Alexander.

"One at a time please," I playfully pleaded with a laugh.

"How long are you gonna be home?" Rensselaer asked eagerly. "Six to twelve weeks," I said proudly. He smiled even more, silently cheering.

I felt a tug on my blankets and I looked to my other side.

Cornelia was on the tips of her toes, reaching up for me. I nervously glanced at my wounded shoulder, which was the side she was on.

"Oh no you don't," Elizabeth scolded, picking up Cornelia and placing her in my lap. "No more busted stitches."

I gave her a grateful look before focusing on my little sister. "You're so grown 'Nelia," I murmured as she giggled, playing with her significantly longer hair. "I'm this many taller!" She held up her hands, about five centimeters of space between them.

"That much!" I gasped dramatically. She giggled, nodding.

"Y/N!" I turned to Jeremiah, who was staring at my bandages. "What's that?" John didn't tell them?

"Erm, well, it's a wound. I got a little hurt but I'm okay, don't worry."

I watched as Angelica whispered to mother what must've been an explanation for my wound because judging by her surprised face, which was followed by discreetly calling Washington over, she was mad.

"Where is Alexander?" Margarita asked quietly, only for me to here. "Right where I left him. I'm gonna write to him soon," I said under my breath. She nodded and I relaxed slightly.

"Okay children, we should let your sister rest so she can heal," Mother said tightly, shooting a daggered glare at the general.

Everyone groaned but obeyed, heading for the door. "I love you guys!" I shouted as they walked out. "Love you!" "I love you!" "Love you Y/N/N!"

Mother paused, staring at me. "I love you too, my little general."

The door clicked shut and I exhaled, unaware I was holding my breath.

"So, only a week in bed?"

Hello readies!! Since it's less than two months before Christmas, I'm gonna make a Christmas special! For the time being, send me or comment any requests for chapters! I love seeing your comments! <3

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now