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Elizabeth and I talked and caught up for almost an hour. We talked about everything from her travels to the family to the war.

"So...C/N is a free man," I half asked, half grumbled. She took a deep breath and nodded. "He tried to visit about a week or so ago, but John and Jeremiah shoved him out of the door with threats. John looked like he was really about to fight."

I chuckled lightly, nodding. "He's made to fight, made to win."

"Ren's birthday is in four days," she suddenly blurted. I choked and looked at her, eyes wide. "So soon?!" She frowned slightly, saying, "It's the middle of January, Y/N. Father's already passed!"

Oh my goodness, how did so much time fly by? Rensselaer would be eight now! "He's halfway to military age," I murmured to myself. My little brother in the army...I shook away the gruesome thought.

"How's John and his Elizabeth?" I asked, changing the subject. She grinned and I knew this was finally some good news.

"They're unannounced beaus! It's so sweet seeing them together! She's so polite Y/N! We're all decently close to her, Catharine loves her with her entire soul, Heaven help her!" I laughed and nodded.

"Goodness, I missed so much! Everything just went downhill so fast in the past five months!" I shook my head, sighing.

A single question burned my mind, but I was scared to ask. Elizabeth was here, thats what mattered.

"Go ahead, ask whatever is on your mind," Elizabeth urged and I looked at her, surprised. "How did you-"

"You always fidget when you think endlessly," she explained with a sincere smile. I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck with my non-injured shoulder. "And you do that when you're nervous!" I instantly dropped the arm.

"Does the family know what happened?" I saw in her blue eyes that I didn't need to elaborate.

"Some do. Margarita, mother, and Angelica. But the others just think you ran away to help with the war, Alexander going with you." I heard the sadness in her voice, the crack when she said his name.

I felt my chest tighten at her words. "C/N knows too."

I cursed loudly and quickly clasped a hand over my mouth. Elizabeth's eyes went wide as she stared at me, mouth agape. "Y/F/N Schuyler!" I stood, frozen and disappointed that I let myself curse in front of my sister.

"Sorry," I quickly blurted. She suddenly burst out laughing and I jumped slightly, hissing as I clasped my hurt shoulder.

I stared as she howled with laughter, grinning. "I married a military man with military friends, Y/N. I've heard worse." I chuckled nervously as she collected herself.

"How does he know?" I asked, the mood turning solemn again. She shrugged, explaining, "He just approached me after I came back and said he knew everything and was sorry he couldn't help with finding you."

Someone told him. Angelica or Margarita probably went to Tamara and asked him about our plans for after our wedding.

"Wait, did you say mother?"

She nodded and I held my head in hands. "Why did they tell mother?" She shrugged again and I sighed. "I have to heal quickly and get back to sea. The sooner I leave, the better. Margarita is probably mad at me."

"She was. She was very mad. But now she cries with worry and longing for you to be home. I walked in on her once crying in her room and we talked about you."

I shook my head in disbelief. Margarita never cries. Ever.

"Have you seen father recently?" She nodded, explaining that he was due to dock very soon. "Of course he is. This just keeps getting better and better," I grumbled, running a hand down my face. She gave a tired laugh, nodding.

After a few moments of silence, she said, "I think you should see John." I was about to protest when she quickly explained, "He's taken you being gone for so long the hardest, Y/N. You two were so close and he misses you so so much. C/N tries to talk to him every day and you remember how much John doted on him!"

I swallowed thickly, shuddering as goosebumps littered my skin. "I can't do that to him. Show up, tell him he can't tell anyone he saw me, and then leave for good. I can't do that to him, Elizabeth."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she snapped, "You can! He needs his elder sister, Y/N! Just don't leave this time! None of us that know will say a word, C/N hasn't yet!"

"You're his elder sister too, Elizabeth!"

"I am not you. He needs you, Y/F/N Y/M/N Schuyler! You are always there for him! You taught him to cook, you held his hand when he played too roughly with his friends and got hurt! You told him he was the man he was meant to be!"

I shook my head, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I am not you three. I don't have Angelica's notorious outspokenness, your gentle heart, Margarita's playful attitude! I am just one of the Schuyler children. John needs you three to help him because if I do now after everything, I will just hurt him."

I felt a sharp sting and I gasped, head turned to the side from the force of her slap.

"Do not ever discredit yourself in such ways,
Y/N. You made mistakes like the rest of us. And God bless me I love you still, okay? Please, John isn't the only one that needs you."

I stared at her, all sense of speaking leaving me in that moment.

The door clicked and we both turned to see Laurens peaking his head inside. "Elizabeth, your little brother John and eldest sister are here."

John and, now.

I watched as Elizabeth turned to me, waiting for my choice. "Angelica already knows, Y/N. You could stay, Alexander could come back."

I stared at Laurens, his blue eyes studying us. She had already spoken to him on this, then. Everyone, probably. But she was waiting for me.

"Wait for John. I want to see Angelica."

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now