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Minutes passed after Elizabeth left to get Angelica. I could hear bits and pieces of their conversation through the door.

"Elizabeth, it's almost the middle of the night! John is almost sleeping on his feet because he was waiting for you!" Angelica's voice rang painful alarms through me as I tried to make myself presentable.

"He's with Laurens right now, Angelica, don't worry. But please, just calm down so I can show you this."

"If this is another new set of clean bandages that you're so proud of! I love you but I have seen too many bandages!" I held back a laugh, especially at Elizabeth's playful scoff. "Just behave and don't scream!"

"Whatever you say," Angelica replied sarcastically.

I inhaled sharply, holding my breath as the door clicked open. A pink shoe edged by the door, the rest of my sister hidden. "A room? Come on Elizabeth, I know you're jesting and joking with-"

As Angelica stepped inside, her eyes snapped to me, stopping in her tracks. I tried to speak, to say anything, but nothing came out of my agape mouth.

So I watched as her brown eyes scanned me, darting from my bloody and bandaged shoulder to my face. "Y/N."

I nodded as tears fell from both of us. "Jesus's mercy, you're alive!" She ran over to me and Elizabeth shut the door tightly.

Angelica's arms enveloped me and I winced as my shoulder was squeezed. "How are you here?! Why are you here?! Where's Alexander?!" I managed out a teary laugh as I told her to slow down and breathe.

"Breathe?! My little sister is randomly home with a gunshot wound! I didn't even know if you were alive, Y/N!" I winced slightly, nodding.

"I'm okay though, Angelica. I promise. This will heal soon and I'll be back on the sea." My last words registered for both of my sisters and they exchanged looks. "You're not staying home?"

Home. It's been too long since I've found a place I could call that. Albany hasn't been my home for a while, and Charleston certainly isn't my home.

"Without Alexander? And there's so many people that know the truth, I have to go back anyways. Washington's contract with me says so." Angelica scoffed and turned away. "Then I'll rip the contract! You aren't property, Y/N! You are a human being, a free woman! Let him know that!"

I chuckled lightly, shrugging. "You try talking sense into him, I tried dozens of times. I got the authority card pulled within ten minutes of my enlistment. I doubt he'll listen to me."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes playfully at the comment about the card pulled. Angelica merely lifted her chin, nodding before turning on her heel and leaving.

"She's going to positively rip him a new one," I mused, Elizabeth playfully swatting me for drawing a laugh from her.

"Are you going to see John?" She asked. I stiffened, my mind racing between yes and no. "I see Laurens every day," I hurried to cover my not-answer with a joke. She gave me a warning look and I frowned. "I don't know."

Before she could ask something else, I redirected with, "I miss cooking with you. If I stay, maybe we can cook together again."

She smiled gently, nodding.

The door flew open and Angelica marched in, a bright smile on her face. "Guess who gets to stay in Albany until she fully heals!"

"What!" Elizabeth cheered, shooting to her feet. "How long?!" I asked, still bewildered even with my sisters cheering. "Six to 12 weeks!" My jaw dropped as they both ran to me, wrapping their arms around me. I hissed and clutched my shoulder, Elizabeth retreating slightly.

"Bring John in, please," I breathed, Elizabeth nodding before she ran out of the room, skirts in hand.

I stared at my eldest sister, who was beaming ear to ear. "How?" I asked quietly. "I read dozens of papers on laws that have changed in the war and one was 'injury discharge by emergency from battle,' so I acted on it."

I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief. "Only you, Angelica Schuyler. Well, formerly Schuyler."

Her smile faltered as she nodded. "Angelica Schuyler Church now, actually." I could hear the tone in her voice at his name. She didn't love him, but she married wisely in today's world.

"Bound for London soon. Send letters on how it is like there please, I hear it's just beautiful!"

She gave a wry laugh, nodding.

The door clicked open and I sat up straight instantly.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing dragging me here? I'm tired! Where's Angelica?" I inhaled sharply at my younger brother's voice. He was only a few paces away.

"Complaining doesn't help anyone, Johnny boy," I mused, my voice thick with tears.

John suddenly ran inside, slipping slightly as those big eyes stared at me. "Y-Y/N?!" I gave a tearful laugh, nodding. "Miss me?"

"Y/N!" He ran to me, jumping on the bed to wrap his arms around my neck. His faced buried into the crook of my neck and I held back a painful curse. I forced both arms around him, the blood leaking from my arm warming my bandages.

I felt tears drip onto my skin as I inhaled, his boyish scent replaced with an older, more honed one. "I'm home Johnny," I murmured.

He shuddered with a sob and I held him tighter, damn the pain.

We stayed for several moments before he sat back. His eyes darted to my blood stained bandages and he opened his mouth to ask, but I spoke first.

"Just a rogue mission is all. I'll be home for a few months as I heal." He cheered, hugging me again. "God has answered our prayers! Amen!" I laughed lightly, nodding as he let go. Their prayers, not mine.

"We have to tell the family!" He said, getting off the bed. Angelica gently grabbed him, smiling. "Woah there kid, in the morning, alright?" John pouted, arguing that I was worth now and not later. Aww!

"Tell you what," she said, crouching to his level. "You can stay the night here with our sister and break the news to the family. Sound good?"

John instantly nodded, cheering. I would've cheered with him had my arm not been screaming in pain and my eye lids grew heavy. Elizabeth noticed and quickly adjusted my pillows. "Let's get you asleep," she murmured. I nodded, my head falling against the pillows.

"She's barely staying awake, lets get John settled," she told our siblings. Why was I so tired all of a sudden? And sweaty and clammy?

"Um, Elizabeth? Is her bandages supposed to be that red?"

"No!" Elizabeth ran over, scolding me for overdoing it. "I need to redo your stitches now!" She reprimanded, like she would when we were children and Angelica put her in charge for a few minutes.

"Sorry," I hissed through gritted teeth. I tried to say more, but I was dipping in an out of consciousness before letting sleep take me from my shoulder pain.

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