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Ok, before, Kingsley and I's bickering and fighting was all fun and games. That stopped the second he made me retie the mast FIVE TIMES. He wants a war? I'll give him one.

"I'm gonna go up to the crow's nest!" I shouted, climbing up before he could respond.

My plan was to, when I see land, wait until he can see it and he asks for confirmation. Then I'll take my sweet time and have him repeat the question until he gets fed up and climbs up here himself.

I crawled into the giant basket and looked around. Immediately, I spotted a small dark blotch on the horizon. Ships? Probably not. Land? Probably. I chuckled to myself and leaned back, relaxing.

It was almost calming, the cool ocean wind tussling my hair a bit, the dark blotch slowly getting bigger. I sighed in content and smiled to myself, knowing how pissed Kingsley would be in a few minutes.

I was about to shut my eyes for a quick nap when I heard a yell. I jolted up and looked to the deck.

It seemed like one of the chickens we dragged along got free. I burst out laughing when I realized it was Kingsley who yelled. The bird was chasing him!

"Shut it Schuyler!" He shouted, climbing on a box. I laughed harder and pointed. "You, fearsome Captain Kingsley, the ship terror, are scared of a chicken!"

He flipped me off, only making me laugh harder. Sailors started surrounding the chicken, each lunging and failing to catch it.

After laughing for a solid ten minutes at this comedy act, Alexander gave me the death glare that told me to help. I huffed and climbed down from the crow's nest.

"Move. You're doing it completely wrong."

They gave me weird looks but backed up. I noticed the bright red skin flap atop and below the head and scoffed. "This is a rooster! Its useless on this boat!"

My voice triggered the animal and it spun to me. "Dammit." I hissed under my breath.

Roosters are mean. Very mean. They are one of the most territorial farm animals on this planet, and they think everything is their territory.

The bird gave me a warning caw and I flexed my hands, getting into a wide stance. I need to he quick, spontaneous, and use my one chance.


I heard Kingsley inhale sharply and the rooster looked at him. I took the chance while it was distracted.


I lunged, swinging my arms together and my feet flinging out from under me. It all seemed in slow motion!

The bird squawked in fear and alarm as my arms pulled it to my chest. It started snapping its beak at me and clucking like a madman. I laughed and wrapped my hands over its wings, holding it out a bit.

Everyone seemed to relax and Kingsley cleared his throat, getting off the box. I snickered and shoved it towards him. "It likes you!"

He yelped and ran a few meters back. "Schuyler I swear, go put it back!"

I shrugged and pulled it closer to me. "He just wanted to stretch his legs, especially since he is useless on this ship. He doesn't lay eggs."

"He?!" I nodded my head. "A rooster, idiots. I'm naming him....Ren! For my crankiest brother!"

Alexander gave a muffled laugh and I smiled a bit.

I immediately felt the familiar feeling of homesickness creep into my gut and the smile vanished. "Imma go put him back." I said quietly. "Oh, and theres something east."

I started heading for the kitchen, my feet heavy with slight regret.

God above, how I missed my family!

Angelica's scolding, though she'd laugh and smile after.

Margarita's playful antics as she helped me cook.

John's logically thinking as he looked to me for advice.

Jeremiah's stud-like and confident jokes.

Rensselaer's games and his strong opinions.

Cornelia's little bossy manner as she slightly terrified the servants.

Catharine's weight on my hip as she'd beg me to hold her 24/7.

And Elizabeth.

I will never not feel like the worst person ever for what I've done. She never would've done that to me. She would tell me if C/N made advances on her.


I jumped, almost letting go of the rooster, which I had forgot I was holding.

Alexander stood in the doorway, his hands awkwardly at his side. I knew what was coming. The "its not your fault" speech. I shook my head and put the rooster away, locking the cage.

"Its fine Alexander. I'm fine." I dusted my hands off on my trousers and he walked up to me, holding out his hands to me. "Well maybe you are, but I could use a hug."

Damn him and his reverse phycological thingy. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my face into his shoulder. Immediately, the tears started flooding out.

He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a small squeeze. "Its ok Y/N. We'll write when we get there ok?" I merely nodded and started crying harder.

Sorry for not posting for half a million years. Family stuff.
Decided to do a dash of humor with an emotional ending. What'd you think?

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now