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Quick A/N
I'm really sorry for not updating for two weeks. My sundays have been busy with my s/o and I'm gonna try to make this a great chap to make up for it

After the incident with the third mate, everyone kept a decent distance from me. I didn't mind, it left me to do my own work. As for the third mate, he left for the barracks and hasn't come back out.

I was up in the crows nest again searching for any ships, land, or rocks we needed to worry about. Kingsley managed to get us out of the rocks before but I didn't want to test his skills twice in one day.

I felt my stomach rumble a bit and I groaned. It was almost supper time and I only had breakfast today, so I'm more than hungry.

"Kingsley! Send someone else up, I'm heading down!" I shouted, climbing down the mast.

"Get back up there Y/N! I'm the captain!" Kingsley argued. I ignored him and continued climbing. When I hit the floor, I dusted off my skirts and faced him. "I haven't eaten all day, I'm cold, I've gotten into a fight, and Alexander is still in the medical wing. I'll follow your orders tomorrow."

He bustled for a few moments before nodding once. "Fine." He snapped. I huffed and stormed into the kitchens.

* *

Dinner wasn't much. Just some chicken and bread, ale for the guys though. When I asked for some, the cook said no. Rude.

I took some up to the medical wing for Alexander, so I was now waiting for him to wake up.

The one punch knocked him out cold. He woke up a few minutes ago but the doc gave him so much alcohol for the pain he was out again.

There was a knock at the door snd I looked up. "Can I come in?" It was Williams! I shifted in my seat and nodded. "Yeah, of course." I replied, folding my hands in my lap.

He walked in and shut the door, leaving it open ajar. "A nasty bruise that'll leave." He said in a slight attempt of humor. I still laughed a bit and nodded. "He'd see it as a battle scar, so it isn't too much of a bother."

Williams chuckled before sighing. "I apologize for Third Mate Brown's behavior. The only reason he's on this ship is because he's a good sailor." I waved off the apology. "It wasn't your fault. Ans besides, I'm pretty sure I put him in his place." I cracked a small smile, which he reciprocated.

Alexander started to shift and I faced him. He groaned as his eyes fluttered open. "Holy baby Jesus, what happened?" He mumbled, sitting up a bit. I shot to a stand and immediately gave him his plate.

"The guy who found me punched you while we were stuck. He knocked you cold. Don't worry, I smacked some sense into him."

I heard Williams mumble, "And punched, and kicked," and I gave a smug grin. Alexander looked at me with wide eyes and I shrugged. "He had it coming."

Alexander chuckled and took a bite of chicken. I saw him almost gag before choking it down. "It's a bit dry," He whispered to me. I laughed and nodded. "Just a bit."

Williams cleared his throat and we both looked at him. "I'm gonna go. I mean what I said, Y/N, about Brown." I nodded and he left. When I faced Alexander again, he immediately kissed me.

I hummed in surprise but kissed back quickly. "What's gotten into you?" I asked when we pulled apart. He gave me a small smile and shrugged. "Today's been a good scare, that's all."

I playfully glared at him and teased, "Don't be a scaredy cat!" He gave me a light shove and I stuck my tongue out at him. We both laughed, Alexander pressing a hand to his temple.

"Yeah, I'd expect it to hurt." I said with a wince. He waved me off and said, "It's fine, I'll get through it." I rolled my eyes at his masculinity and slowly removed his hand. There wasn't any bleeding and the small wound was healed.

Alexander pulled away and I huffed. "Just checking if it's bad." I said. He gave me a skeptical look. "Well, is it?"

I smirked and decided to mess with him. "It's red and might get an infection. Who knows." I said nonchalantly. His eyes widened and I burst out laughing. "I'm just messing with you! Relax!"

He gave me a vulgar sign and I gasped dramatically before returning it. He genuinely gasped and I scrunched my nose at him in distaste. "Don't be such a worrier!" I said playfully, giving him a light shove.

Alexander swatted my hand away before we both started laughing.

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