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Everyone stared at me, their wide eyes filled with either confusion or pity as I headed straight for the barracks, Laurens running after me.

"Why did they send for you and not Alexander?" Laurens asked as he shut the door behind us.

I set my stuff down on the first set of bunks, closest to the door. I refuse to go in the back.

"I don't know, someone sold us out," I snapped as I claimed the top bunk. "Probably one of those damned Reynolds. Maria and I have yet to see eye-to-eye and her husband just seems like a snake."

Laurens blinked in surprise as he slowly claimed the bunk under me. "You think someone would sell you out? You two were happy, who would ruin that?"

I shrugged and grabbed a pair of trousers and a tunic from my bag, standing there awkwardly.

"Right, sorry. I'll let you know when we are about to leave," the blonde said as he left the barracks. I sighed and quickly changed into my tunic and trousers, pulling the white shirt's sleeves down over the thin lines on my arms.

Someone knocked and I kicked my bag under the bunk. "Come in," I said as casually as I could.

The door opened slowly and a random, new sailor poked his head in, his deep brown hair falling over his eyes. "Are you Y/F/N Schuyler?"

I nodded and picked up a flint, lighting the lantern between us. His features became increasingly visible with the flame.

He had shoulder length, deep brown hair that was curlier than a powdered wig. His bright blue eyes assessed me with a soldier's scrutiny as he completely entered the room, his height surprisingly tall. He was a whole head taller than me!

"Who are you?" I asked warily and he cleared his throat, dipping his head respectfully: for my gender or for the "fame" I had, I didn't know.

"My name is Arthur-Giuseppe Fontaine, I'm apart of the french fleet sent by the king for Lieutenant General Lafayette. I've heard so much about you from my friend. He sends his regards."

If he didn't tell me, I'd have never known he was french! He had no accent, and he looked nothing like the few frenchmen I've met!

"It's kind to meet you, Arthur. Pardon me, but you don't seem french." Plus, he referred to King Louis as the king instead of my king or his name.

He smiled awkwardly and shrugged, explaining, "I was raised in England, my mother is Italian and my father is French."

I nodded, letting him know the information clicked in my mind.

"May I ask how you ended up on this ship?" he asked sheepishly and I shrugged, frowning. "Ask General Washington." He cringed at my tone before nodding once and heading to a bunk that I assumed was his. I awkwardly left without another word.

Washington was discussing a map at the helm with some sailors, Korsman being one of them. John was tying up the sails, so I tied up my hair to help.

His blue eyes followed me anxiously as I heaved the rope down, the fibers creating future callouses.

"So everyone's gonna know I'm a girl from the get-go?" I asked as I tied my rope. John nodded and I frowned. This was going to be a very difficult trip then.

I straightened out my tunic and headed up to Washington, holding my hands behind my back. "A word, General?" I asked as professionally as possible. He immediately gave me his attention, the other men dispersing. Some gave me dirty looks, but I ignored them.

"Yes, Y/N?" Washington asked gently.

"Permission to ask requests and speak freely?" His eyes turned sad at my request, but he nodded. "Granted."

"Will everyone know I'm a girl?" He nodded and I frowned. "They already do, and I gave them strict orders." No doubt ones including not letting me work properly.

"Did a Reynolds sell me out?" He angled his head is confusion. "No, I don't know any Reynolds," he said, shaking his head.

I huffed and nodded once. Back to the drawing board on that one.

"How long do I serve? How long before I return to Alexander? Or do I have to come back in a box?"

He winced at my aggression and I quickly fixed myself, remembering my place.

"You serve three months. That's it, we plan for this war to be over by then."

I felt weak in my knees at the timeline.
"T-Three months?! One this boat?" He nodded and I cursed just quietly enough so he couldn't hear. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured and I shook my head. "I'm fine."

"You're one of the best, truly. We need Alexander later and I can't risk losing him to the battlefield."

"But you can risk losing me?" He scoffed and crossed his arms authoritatively. "I know I won't lose you. You're too stubborn for death to claim you at only twenty years old!"

I couldn't hide my ghost of a smile before nodding once. "And when do we leave the dock?" I didn't want to linger here if I couldn't stay here with Alexander and have my happy ending. Three months, Y/N. You can make it.

"Now," he said, just as the boat jerked forward. I grabbed the edge to keep from falling and he smirked. "Lose your sea legs, Schuyler?" I made a face and he chuckled.

Laugh, Y/N. Laugh with him.

I gave him a small smile, forcing a laugh. It seemed to satisfy him because he turned back to the map, clasping my shoulder in dismissal.

I turned and walked down the steps, the men staring with looks varying from lust to anger to pity.

Three months of this. Just wonderful.

Everyone loves another character to confuse us, author included </3
It may or may not be 2:30 in the morning where I'm visiting (wichita ks, usa)

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