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I stayed with Martha almost an entire day. We walked around town, did some shopping, browsed some gowns and book shops. We even started looking at little items for baby Laurens. My money is on it being a little girl.

When we got back to Martha's, I stayed at the door. "I should be getting back, Captain Hamilton might be looking for me," I explained. Martha gave me a sad smile but nodded. "I have to get dinner started to John anyways. It was so fun having the day with you, Y/N! Maybe we can again soon?"

"Definitely! I had so much fun as well! Goodnight and farewell, Martha," I said, hugging her before I started the short walk home.

I saw the mail office and decided to check for any letters, though I doubt I'd find any. I just want a routine.

I walked into the small building, a little bell ringing. It was similar to the one back at home, just a little smaller and had more letters in stacks.

A little girl, no older than ten, ran to the front counter and smiled at me. "Hi! Are you sending or receiving letters?" She chimed, her voice happy and squeaky. I smiled gently as she blew a strand of her short blonde hair from her face.

"Receiving. Is there any for Hamilton, Schuyler, or Eldara?" I'd ditch my old last name eventually, I just need to tie up loose ends.

She ducked under the counter and I heard papers rustling. "Yup! One for Hamilton!" I blinked in surprise. The only people that would send a letter or knew where to send it were in Charleston...

I slowly walked forward and she stood, handing me the envelope with Alexander's name written elegantly across. "Thank you," I mumbled, heading back outside.

Someone sent a letter, someone who knew where to send it. I haven't sent any out to my family yet, maybe Alexander did.

I stared at the letter as I walked back to the inn, finding Alexander cooking on the stove. Well, burning food more than cooking.

"Y/N! You're home early!" He panicked, fanning smoke out the open window.

I gasped and turned doused the fire fueling the stove with some water we kept. "Alexander! Do you even know how to cook?" I asked with a laugh, sliding off the burnt, bubbling substance from the heat.

"Not really," He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I chuckled and walked over to him, kissing him briefly before handing him the letter. "A response to whoever you sent a letter out to," I said, waiting for an explanation.

His eyes darted between me and the letter as he said, "I haven't sent any letters."

We both looked at the mystery letter with no return address. "Someone knows," I murmured, panic rising in my chest as my heart pounded.

"Maybe they don't, maybe it's from Kingsley and he doesn't want to reveal you!" Alexander reasoned and my heart eased slightly. "Yeah, you're right. It's just Kingsley," I said more to myself than him.

Carefully, he took the letter from me and opened it, eyes scanning before his face fell, those violet eyes dimming.

"What?" I asked, going to his side.

Dear Captain Alexander Hamilton and (possibly) Miss Y/F/N Schuyler,

We know that the captain is in Charleston and we have reason to believe that Miss Schuyler is with him. We have not mentioned your location to anyone. We do not plan to bring any harm to either of the mentioned under one condition: Y/F/N comes to help the armada.

This is a call to arms for Miss Schuyler and her only. We ask she and the captain keep this secret, for women in the military is an interesting subject. We will arrive at Charleston docks without General Schuyler in three days. Be there.

General George Washington of the Patriot Army

My gut fell as I read the letter again and again. A call to arms?! And just me?!

I looked at Alexander, who looked frozen with fear. "This can't be real, right? I'm not even in the military! You are! And I'm a woman, that alone should stop them!"

He blinked once before looking at me. "Washington knows. He'll tell your family,
Y/N! You know what happens to women in affairs!"

I shook my head, water lining my vision as the ground seemed to sway. "That will happen either way! Especially if I go to war! I refuse!" I ripped the letter and felt tears run down my face.

"This can't be happening! This is our happy ending! Our story is done! Our battles are done!" I pleaded, looking at Alexander.

"I'm sorry, we can't do anything about this," He mumbled, holding his head in his hands.

I shook my head and fell to the floor, sitting against the walls as my red skirts blared like alarms.

"I'm so sorry,"

I just realized I forgot to say happy pride!! As an LGBT+ author, I want all my readers of all sexualities and gender identities to know this is a safe space for LGBT+ readers and writers alike! Closeted or out, know that people here will always accept you!
I love you my readies! <33333

The World Is Our Stage - Alexander Hamilton x reader - SEQUEL Where stories live. Discover now