fuse x reader

630 14 1

Me: "It'Ll bE dOnE tOmoRroW!"

Also me: *posts this like a week later*

Sorry my bad. I do that sometimes💀

A lot of the time.

I need to work on that.

Anyways, I'm gonna squeeze my oc in here haha

Sweat beaded your forehead as you watched a distant squad battle it out with each other through your sniper scope. You finger hovered lightly on the trigger, considering whether or not you should make the shot. You had a pretty good angle, and at the rate this going, you'd probably be able to take out a couple of people before they turned their attention to you.

You inched your finger closer to the trigger, stilling your breath, about to squeeze it until you felt a pair of arms snake their way around your waist.

"Ah!" You squeaked, almost accidentally firing the Sentinel you held. "Geez, Walter, you almost gave me a heart attack!" You said, dramatically placing a hand over your chest. He did scare the shit out of you, though.

"Something catch your eye?" He asked, motioning his head toward your weapon.

"Just keeping my eye in this direction, can't be too careful."

"Aww, that's cute, Y/n's being all serious and scary," he teased, causing you to scoff and fold your arms.

"Well, somebody has to do it, while you two are off lolly-gagging. Where is she, anyway?" You asked.

"She's looking out for us, she'll be fine," he dismissed.

"We should all be looking out, though. We're literally still in a match, somebody could come out of the blue and take us out.

"Nobody will see us up here, though, we'll be fine. And besides, you look stunning today." Well, he wasn't wrong. Nobody had bothered you and your squad for a while, and it was still pretty early.

You thought about it for a minute, and sighed in defeat. His charm was just too much for you, and you weren't sure if it was a good or bad thing.

"Fine, but....let's not make a thing out of it, I don't want this to take too long," you said.

"Fair enough," he smiled, happy that he was able to get what he qqqq out of this little interaction.

You always loved the way he smelled when he kissed you-the aroma of nice (but cheap) cologne and cigarettes, albeit not too strong and light enough to tolerate. You loved the way the smell danced around in your nostrils. His hands traveled downwards, smoothing over your waist and finding a firm, familiar hold on your derrière. He gave it a squeeze, causing you to jump slightly from the surprise and the excitement.

He pulled away and kissed you again, peppering your neck and cheeks with affection.

"Your so cute, yknow that?" He said in between the kisses.

"Walter, I-"

"Hey!" A voice called, earning shocked headturns in the same direction at your other squad mate. "None of that! We are literally still in a match! Go get a room at the very least, geez!" And with that she disappeared around the corner just as fast as she popped up.

"Why don't we continue this little game after we win this thing, aye?" He said, flashing his eyebrows at you with that signature smirk adorned his face.

"Hell yeah, let's do it."

Season 10 is gonna be out tomorrow and I'm hon cry because I'm not gonna be able to play for a while💔

Anyways, I know it's a little short but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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