random scenarios | lia

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watched puss in boots the other day and i must let the world know that I love cats so here we are

"Y/n, promise not to freak out" Isabel said to you, peeking her wet head of hair around the corner. 

"O...kay."  You approached her. She held a box draped in a towel. You eyed her suspiciously, as you approached her. She held a awkward smiled as you slowly peeled the towel back to reveal...



"The answer is no!"

"But they're so cute! And they were in the box and its raining outside and-" You eyeballed her, crossing your arms as she pouted. She was holding a box with 3-4 tiny stray kitten inside. While they were cute, you didn't want her to adopt a habit of bringing animals into your shared space with you.

"Izzy, you volunteer at a shelter, just take them there!"

"Normally , I would, buuuuuuut there's no more space for any more animals at the moment. Could we just watch them for a while? At least until we find someone to take care of them?" She would always get like this when it came to animals, especially cats. 

And it was kind of hard to say no to her when she was giving you those baby doll eyes-and the cats were pretty cute with their meowing and peeking their little heads over the ox to get a look at you.

"Ugh, fine, but if they poop everywhere-you're the one cleaning it up."


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